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[FE7] Mercenaries (Preface to Hope of Another)


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Alright, so as the title says, I've decided to make a short, three chapter preface to Hope of Another. This is because as I write the story more and more, I realize that it may seem complex without an outside source. Therefore Mercenaries was brought up.

This hack is going to be short, with only Three Chapters.

So far, I have all of the mugs I am going to need, and I plan on using a default map combined with two smaller maps in this project. That said, all I need is eventing and text, which I can easily manage.

Planned release for this hack should be before July 1st.

Screenies to come

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Anything cool you plan on doing in terms of design?

Is this for FE8 or FE7?

I can't think of anything in particular, as this is only going to be the preface to another hack I am working on.

As the title says, Mercenaries is for FE7

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  • 5 weeks later...

Alright, so a lot of unplanned stuff has happened in the past month; Vacations and other things requiring me to change my focus from Mercenaries to recording whenever I have a chance.

I do want to apologize, but I will have a patch out by July 15th.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alright, so a lot of unplanned stuff has happened in the past month; Vacations and other things requiring me to change my focus from Mercenaries to recording whenever I have a chance.

I do want to apologize, but I will have a patch out by July 15th.

Is July 17th, where is patch?

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