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Invisible Kingdom Citizenry (Spoilers)


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Does Valla have any actual citizens that aren't the phase zombies? The only sentient character we meet once we actually get the Valla is that little fart, Anthony. What's the point in Corrin being monarch at the end of Revelations, if there's no actual nation to rule over?

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It's never said. Anthony says there's nothing living in Valla, but Anthony's a lying piece of crap anyway who may have just said that to keep Corrin and co. away from any resistance groups.

Since Corrin gets crowned ruler, there have to be some Vallites left. I personally believe it's a mix of rebels who weren't able to escape, refugees who fled to Hoshido/Nohr but kept their heads low, and freed slaves who were being used by Anankos as training fodder for his undead soldiers.

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I'm not sure but I think the Invisible Kingdom is destroyed or becomes inaccessible at the end of Revelation. The Valla that Corrin rules over is essentially new, made from land given to him by Hoshido. From what I can tell, there are no original Vallite citizens alive and, if there were, they somehow managed to escape and the game never mentions them.

I think.

Someone correct me.

Edited by SaiSymbolic
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In Corrin's solo Revelation ending, it's mentioned that the original Valla, along with Anankos's corpse, gets sealed off. Corrin rules over a new Valla with land given to him by Hoshido and Nohr.

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Creating a new nation out of existing nations' land just to give Corrin a country of their own seems like a horrible idea. History alone shows that arbitrarily drawing lines on a map to make new countries seldom works out well.

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