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How exactly are the Hoshidan Retainers Appointed to their Lords?


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I just joined a Fates roleplay in another site, and my character is one of the eldest hoshidan sibling's retainers. I am trying to make a backstory for him, but i don't remember how exactly the canon retainers got "hired" by their lords. Does anyone else know, i would greatly appreciate some help.

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Most of them were appointed.

I believe the olny Hoshidan retainers that were personally hired by their lords are Hinoka's retainers.

In fact, Azama is the only Hoshidan retainer who isn't a part of nobility.

It seems that most Hoshidan retainers are nobles.

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I believe the royals personally chose their retainers after observing them for a period of time.

I know for certain that Hinoka chose hers, as stated above. Ryoma's retainers come from a long line of ninja that have served the Hoshidan royal family for ages; I'm assuming Ryoma either chose Saizou and Kagero in particular or they were assigned to him. Sakura chose Hana; it is discussed in their support together. From that, I'm assuming Sakura chose Tsubaki as well. Oboro is from a family of tailors; I'm not sure if it is mentioned whether or not she is noble but she has been Takumi's retainer longer than Hinata, whom we don't know the origins of.

Edited by SaiSymbolic
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Most of them were appointed.

I believe the olny Hoshidan retainers that were personally hired by their lords are Hinoka's retainers.

In fact, Azama is the only Hoshidan retainer who isn't a part of nobility.

It seems that most Hoshidan retainers are nobles.

Nah, Oboro isn't nobility either and she got hired way before Hinata ever showed up. I'd suppose she made such a great dress on a Hoshidan ceremony for him that he wanted her around. I don't know if Oboro discusses the actual recruiting of her in Takumi's support with her but her supports with Hinata do confirm he was the second retainer.

If the retainer ninja just say he's part of the Igasato ninjas that Saizo hails from, if any other type class just make a story that impressed the guy to hire them and if noble say they were family appointed. At least that's what I would do.

Edit: Dang I got ninja 'd, still my character backstory advice stands tall.

Edited by Raguna
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Ryoma's retainers come from a long line of ninja that have served the Hoshidan royal family for ages; I'm assuming Ryoma either chose Saizou and Kagero in particular or they were assigned to him. Sakura chose Hana; it is discussed in their support together. From that, I'm assuming Sakura chose Tsubaki as well. Oboro is from a family of tailors; I'm not sure if it is mentioned whether or not she is noble but she has been Takumi's retainer longer than Hinata, whom we don't know the origins of.

Kagero was once Mikoto's retainer before Mikoto reassigned her to being Ryoma's retainer. Also, it technically wasn't Kagero's duty to become a royal retainer since her older brother was supposed to be one; however, he was too sick to even be a proper ninja so Kagero took his place to ensure that her family's loyalty isn't questioned.

It's mentioned in Oboro's support with Beruka that Oboro's family is close to nobility and therefore have some political power, hence her family got targeted by bandits.

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Nah, Oboro isn't nobility either and she got hired way before Hinata ever showed up. I'd suppose she made such a great dress on a Hoshidan ceremony for him that he wanted her around. I don't know if Oboro discusses the actual recruiting of her in Takumi's support with her but her supports with Hinata do confirm he was the second retainer.

If the retainer ninja just say he's part of the Igasato ninjas that Saizo hails from, if any other type class just make a story that impressed the guy to hire them and if noble say they were family appointed. At least that's what I would do.

Edit: Dang I got ninja 'd, still my character backstory advice stands tall.

Actually, it's implied that Oboro's family was quite influential, so while they aren't nobility, they were quite important.

EDIT: Ninja'd.

Edited by Water Mage
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Kagero was once Mikoto's retainer before Mikoto reassigned her to being Ryoma's retainer. Also, it technically wasn't Kagero's duty to become a royal retainer since her older brother was supposed to be one; however, he was too sick to even be a proper ninja so Kagero took his place to ensure that her family's loyalty isn't questioned.

It's mentioned in Oboro's support with Beruka that Oboro's family is close to nobility and therefore have some political power, hence her family got targeted by bandits.

Ah. I just remembered the part about her replacing her brother.

Forgot about the Oboro x Beruka support as well. My bad.

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From Kaze and Corrin support:

Kaze: As you must have noticed, all members of Hoshido's royal family have two retainers. These retainers are chosen from the best of the castle soldiery. When the time is right, they pledge their allegiance to a single lord. For example, Orochi and Reina both served the late Queen Mikoto. Subaki and Hana serve Lady Sakura. Hinata and Oboro serve Lord Takumi. Azama and Setsuna serve Lady Hinoka. And Kagero and my twin brother, Saizo, serve Lord Ryoma.

Sounds that the retainers choose who Lord to serve, but sometimes the Lord is who choose them, since Sakura said that she asked for Hana as her retainer

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From Kaze and Corrin support:

Sounds that the retainers choose who Lord to serve, but sometimes the Lord is who choose them, since Sakura said that she asked for Hana as her retainer

Also, in Orochi x Kamui Support B, Orochi mentions that Mikoto made her her personal attendant. I guess after time passed, Orochi pledged her loyalty to Mikoto.

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Hahah my apologies Water Mage, and it also seems we're being heavily nerfed by ninjas on this subject. Still it seems like the system in place actually leaves a great amount of power on who gets accepted albeit being a noble has its advantage in Hoshido. So feel free to pick which ever is best OP.

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It's quite interesting actually.

All of the Hoshidan retainers, except for Azama, are either nobles or come from distinguished families.

On the other hand, all of the Nohrian retainers, except for Peri, are commoners of usually very low birth.

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Hahah my apologies Water Mage, and it also seems we're being heavily nerfed by ninjas on this subject. Still it seems like the system in place actually leaves a great amount of power on who gets accepted albeit being a noble has its advantage in Hoshido. So feel free to pick which ever is best OP.

Funny, my character happens to be a ninja.

Well thanks for the info everyone. I will try to keep this in mind.

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It's quite interesting actually.

All of the Hoshidan retainers, except for Azama, are either nobles or come from distinguished families.

On the other hand, all of the Nohrian retainers, except for Peri, are commoners of usually very low birth.

wouldn't exactly say odin is a commoner... though I guess I'm being pedantic as he's as good as one in the new world.

Edited by darkestdarkness
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wouldn't exactly say odin is a commoner... though I guess I'm being pedantic as he's as good as one in the new world.

There is nothing common about Odin's/Owain's brain.

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Jakob is an aristocrat, even though his parents dumped him. Flora and Felicia are the daughters to the leader of the Ice Tribe. I'd consider them all noble.

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Jakob is an aristocrat, even though his parents dumped him. Flora and Felicia are the daughters to the leader of the Ice Tribe. I'd consider them all noble.

Yeah, but Felicia and Flora are not really retainers, they are war prisioners.

And Jakob, like you said, lost everything, so he can't really be called a noble.

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Yeah, but Felicia and Flora are not really retainers, they are war prisioners.

And Jakob, like you said, lost everything, so he can't really be called a noble.

They are both war prisoners and retainers. Tap their character descriptions, it says they're the Avatar's retainers. (At least for Felicia, Jakob, and Gunter it does, can't remember Flora's.)

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They are both war prisoners and retainers. Tap their character descriptions, it says they're the Avatar's retainers. (At least for Felicia, Jakob, and Gunter it does, can't remember Flora's.)

Jakob specifically mentions that Flora is one of Corrin's retainers in Revelation.

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