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i'm pretty sure for Nuzlockes, the "first mon per route only" rule doesn't take effect until you ACTUALLY have pokeballs/whatever to catch a mon in.

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i'm pretty sure for Nuzlockes, the "first mon per route only" rule doesn't take effect until you ACTUALLY have pokeballs/whatever to catch a mon in.

It's my first one, I'm new to this. I'm going to work on part three now. :3

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I just wanted to point out that yes, the entire soundtrack has been replaced with Touhou songs, it works really well, actually!

Also, I have a feeling that this LP is just me stringing a pile of screenshots and giving basic information on the characters that pop up...Sigh.



Greetings people of Serenes and welcome to part 3 of my first Nuzlocke and LP, what a disaster.


Our first encounter in Viridian Forest is with Parsee, a hashihime, or bridge princess, that guards the bridge between the surface world and the Underworld. She appears in Subterranean Animism, but an unlucky critical hit takes her out. Sigh.


Aww, she's so cute! That's Louise from Mystic Square, another PC-98 era game and she's a rather polite demon.


Sara, a friend of ours from the last part.



Kotohime, another PC-98 character. She's a princess with an odd personality and is one of the many playable characters in Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream.


Chen here is Ran's shikigami (something like a summoned spirit) from Perfect Cherry Blossom. Surprisingly, she's actually supposed to appear in these areas and serves as the Rattata of Touhoumon.


Whew. That Rock Bullet was a surprisingly strong attack and I didn't have a Potion.


While going back to the Center, I saw Lily White on Route 2, a fairy first appearing in Perfect Cherry Blossom.


I also nabbed myself a Pink Scarf after healing up, but seeing as how Kanto doesn't have contests, it's useless to us.


Back in Viridian, I encounter a Mystia, a night sparrow from Imperishable Night. The Pidgey of Touhoumon. First Chen and now Mystia, is this randomizer even trying?


*screaming* Aww, why couldn't I have gotten Meiling as a first encounter? Not only is she super cool, but she also comes with a move that makes perfect sense for her to use! Sigh, anyways, she's supposedly a dragon from Perfect Cherry Blossom, but ZUN has never specified what species she really is.


We also learn that Sara have a scary ability that locks us in, either they die, or we die, there is no other outcome when it comes to Dark Tag. It's like a less scarier version of The Hunger Games.


Moving on, this is the first Trainer other than Rekto we'll be fighting, so this'll be a moment to remember! And hey, the trainer battle theme really has been replaced by Love-Colored Master Spark! Judging by that, I think know who's going to win.



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the funny thing about Triple Kick is that it's actually an unused move in Touhoumon 1.8x hacks (with the exception of Aichi's hack where a tutor can teach it to every mon).

wait and that was your only mon? ouch... .n.

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No, I didn't have Balls yet so I couldn't catch her, I didn't get anything from Route 1. And nope, the typings have not been changed and thanks for the Reisen thing! Also, no idea why they're called that. And nope, save states are only used from session to session, but the third part...

Hmmm, are you sure that the change in movesets would also reflect in the puppets that the opponents use? Like, iirc Aichiya Sanae is notorious for having opposing puppets use moves that they wouldn't even be able to learn normally. If you randomize the movesets somehow, then what moves would those get replaced by...?

P.S. Huh, most people tell me that I sound like a teenage popular girl because I use "omg" and "like" a lot, I never knew I wrote in a masculine way.

Eh, I consider both of those to be gender-neutral. I use "like" a lot myself. In fact, I don't consider any kind of writing to be masculine or feminine so don't worry. My initial impression was simply based on, idk, expectations from past experiences maybe? The only other people I can think of who would use a Nitori avatar are all males

> Meiling

> Perfect Cherry Blossom


Also, whoa, why didn't you capture anything as backup...? Still, though, starter being taken down by an opponent two levels higher is pretty unfortunate. I blame the randomizer, tbh. I did warn you that it can make things unpredictably brutal...

I'd suggest removing the randomizer and playing a proper run instead now. Like, same game, no randomization. If you must insist on a randomization, well, I'd be okay with either this one or Aqua+Yui. Since 1.8 is more balanced than 1.5, randomization would be less mean for this one.

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Also, whoa, why didn't you capture anything as backup...?

She accidentally knocked out all the ones she ran up against. Either through crit or unexpected/forgotten super effectiveness.

rip first run.

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Hmmm, are you sure that the change in movesets would also reflect in the puppets that the opponents use? Like, iirc Aichiya Sanae is notorious for having opposing puppets use moves that they wouldn't even be able to learn normally. If you randomize the movesets somehow, then what moves would those get replaced by...?

Eh, I consider both of those to be gender-neutral. I use "like" a lot myself. In fact, I don't consider any kind of writing to be masculine or feminine so don't worry. My initial impression was simply based on, idk, expectations from past experiences maybe? The only other people I can think of who would use a Nitori avatar are all males

> Meiling

> Perfect Cherry Blossom


Also, whoa, why didn't you capture anything as backup...? Still, though, starter being taken down by an opponent two levels higher is pretty unfortunate. I blame the randomizer, tbh. I did warn you that it can make things unpredictably brutal...

I'd suggest removing the randomizer and playing a proper run instead now. Like, same game, no randomization. If you must insist on a randomization, well, I'd be okay with either this one or Aqua+Yui. Since 1.8 is more balanced than 1.5, randomization would be less mean for this one.

Aqua+Yui is on the poll so you vote for it and the randomizer randomizes all puppets of a species, so all Utsuho start with Needle Arm and Razor Leaf. And I like Nitori because she's cute, nerdy and I water is a cool element. I'll be changing her into something else these days. Also, if people choose Another World, I won't randomize it so I can feel all of the pain and become a true Touhoumon master.

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Aqua+Yui is on the poll so you vote for it and the randomizer randomizes all puppets of a species, so all Utsuho start with Needle Arm and Razor Leaf. And I like Nitori because she's cute, nerdy and I water is a cool element. I'll be changing her into something else these days. Also, if people choose Another World, I won't randomize it so I can feel all of the pain and become a true Touhoumon master.

Nitori is an adorable engineer~

It's been a while since the poll was up, did you decide to give up on the Nuzlocke challenge...? Anyhow, I would still recommend not using any randomizer; that should make it a lot more bearable. Note that most/all Touhoumon hacks are designed to be harder than the Pokemon games they're hacked on, so even though they're not all as ridiculous as say, Another World, they're still ramped up enough that a vanilla Nuzlocke with no randomizers should be more than challenging enough for you.

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Okay, I'm going with Aqua + Yui, non-randomized nuzlocke. Should I ask for the mods to delete/lock this thread and open a new one? Two runs is quite messy so.

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