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Fallout NV: Possible worst ending for BoS?


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I'm doing a playthrough of Fallout: New Vegas where I try to get the worst possible ending slide for every single character/faction aside from factions like the Fiends and Powder Gangers, and i'm wondering. Spoilers below.

In the worst ending for the Brotherhood of Steel that I know of, it says that everyone who was outside the bunker when it was destroyed left to join another chapter of the BoS and I wonder if there's another ending if you kill every BoS NPC inside and outside the bunker. This seems like it would be possible, but extremely complex.

The BoS always have some paladins patrolling the map and i'm assuming there's always at least one or more patrol squad outside. I could wait for when one I see one of the patrols go inside the bunker to destroy it but as I said, i'm pretty sure they always have at least one patrol out. I could hunt down every single one of the patrols but that would be a huge pain in the ass and there's a possibility that they might just despawn once the bunker is destroyed. I'm assuming the patrols are always wandering around specific areas, but i'm not sure exactly where those areas are. I'll try following one of the patrols around and see where they go. The patrols alone make it confusing enough, but there's also the problem of Paladin Sato. The only way to get to him is if you get a good reputation with the BoS, and as far as I know the only way to get a good enough rep to them to give you the key to storage room he's in is if you complete their questline, in which they eventually decide the Brotherhood will start expanding outside the bunker, which I would assume just gives you the second worst ending if you choose to destroy them later.

The third problem is that this is so confusing that i'm not sure if Obsidian even bothered making an ending slide for if you did manage to kill every single member of the Brotherhood in the mojave. If anyone even knows if such an ending slide for them exists or not it'd be really good to know. I'm also not sure if more patrols spawn if I kill the current patrols while the bunker is still not destroyed. I'm assuming they would, but it might make things a lot more easy if they don't. Sorry for the confusing wall of text.

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There is an ending worse than destroying the bunker. You have to side with Caesar's Legion, but not destroy the Bunker when dealing with the Brotherhood.

That way...

The Brotherhood will be able to take Helios One from the NCR, but in the end, the Legion will wipe them all out.

Considering the other endings, this is the worst one the Brotherhood can have. More so if you consider that it actually starts good but then plummets to bad.

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I don't remember it saying that the Legion wipes them out in that ending. It says that they were routed, which could just mean that they had to retreat and/or surrender. Although, assuming that the ending i'm trying to get doesn't exist and the ending does actually imply that the BoS was wiped out, that is indeed the worst ending for them.

Still, i'm siding with Yes Man since the Legion wipe out some of the evil groups I want to keep alive and, imo, The Legion taking over the mojave is a better ending than the one i'm going to get, since they would at least eventually restore some kind of order to the mojave and restore towns like Primm that I massacred, while in the ending i'll get the mojave is mostly a graveyard being picked apart by prospectors and raiders. Although it might be debatable, considering California isn't affected in this ending any more than it is in a good karma Yes Man ending.

Edited by kantoorfarina
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Hm. I'm actually considering leaving the Brotherhood alive. If Hardin becomes Elder, then in their ending, it says that they took control of the major trading roads between Hidden Valley and Helios One and confiscated any technology or useful supplies from travelling merchants. I don't know about you, but to me, that sounds exactly like something common raiders would do. Although maybe nuking their bunker would be worse, considering there's children in the BoS.

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I would think that if the goal is to make the Mojave Wasteland the most anarchic place possible, then leaving the Brotherhood be wouldn't accomplish that. As they are at least organized and not quite chaotic enough. Unlike say, the Fiends.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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