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Just how powerful is Ryoma?


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So I beated Birthright using just Ryoma and my main unit in the end and it got me thinking, just how damn powerful is Ryoma besides the Normal Difficulty?

Once I got Ryoma, he was able to slash off everyone singlehandedly. I didn't even bother using other units besides him and my avatar once I got him.

So to those who beated Hard and Lunatic modes, is he still buffed or he's actually balanced?

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Yeah, if you're playing Birthright Normal, it's more than possible to beat the game using only two units. Especially if one of those units is Ryoma.

Even in hard and lunatic, Ryoma is ridiculously good. He's not invincible, though - just a really good unit made imbalanced by his weapon. Many people have made topics before about how broken he is and how he helped people steamroll through Birthright.

I sort of challenged myself to not use Ryoma until everyone else got to level (20)5, and it's at this point I realized he's somewhat more balanced when he's fighting someone his own size.

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BR hard is still a joke to Ryoma for the most part thanks to his personal skill, raijinto, and vantage if you actually need it. I started this game playing BR hard, and if there was a problem, I just applied more Ryoma.

Edited by maninbluejumpsuit
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Ryoma is an amazing team carrier but trying to let him do too much never ends well for me.

So I went ahead and knighted Ryoma, Silas, and Hinata as Corrin's three musketeers.

Corrin = D'Artagnan, the young, foolhardy, and brave main character.

Ryoma = Athos, who never fully recovered from the deaths of his father and late mother Mikoto. The father figure of the royal siblings.

Silas = Aramis, a handsome young man struggling between loyalty to his country, Norh, and his fondness for Corrin. (Wasn't much of a struggle, really.)

Hinata = Porthos, a fashionable man, fond of fashionable hairstyles. Not very bright but more than makes up for it in strength of body and character.

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Though, TFW when you realize that Ryouma is supposed to be a Swordmaster, in other word a Glass-cannon. :p

To be fair, Ryoma is more of a dodge tank.

And he still has somewhat low defenses, what makes him different from Hana, is that he can actually take more than two hits.

Edited by Water Mage
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What makes Ryoma so effective wrt dodgetanking is that he doesn't actually fully dodgetank. He dodgetanks at full health, someone hits him at low percentage, oh no, in which case he switches over to Vantage + 1-2 range + high damage + Astracrits and just remove enemies off the map before they can do more damage to him. Any Astra proc is also a free guard stance, which furthers his durability especially since he works in 1-2 (with proc capabilities, unlike Kodachi or Levin Sword) instead of 1 range.

But also he can just remove things really hard. I run a Dual Katana alongside Raijinto for when I finish the Berserkers and gotta get to the Generals. There's a couple of Birthright lategame chapters where I'm like, man, I kinda don't wanna deal with the volume of enemies, and then I toss Ryoma at my enemies and my life is instantly easier. This is Lunatic. On chapter 27 no rescue skip, Ryoma singlehandedly (well okay, paired up) took on the left side so I actually have enough firepower on the right side after failing a few times at having an even split. tl;dr Ryoma > the rest of my army combined

Edited by Thor Odinson
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You ever played Final Fantasy Tactics? Ryoma is basically Orlandeau

Don't remind me of Tactics...I really don't like that game.

So if Ryoma is this good, then surely IS should have known about this right?

What makes Ryoma so effe

ctive wrt dodgetanking is that he doesn't actually fully dodgetank. He dodgetanks at full health, someone hits him at low percentage, oh no, in which case he switches over to Vantage + 1-2 range + high damage + Astracrits and just remove enemies off the map before they can do more damage to him. Any Astra proc is also a free guard stance, which furthers his durability especially since he works in 1-2 (with proc capabilities, unlike Kodachi or Levin Sword) instead of 1 range.

But also he can just remove things really hard. I run a Dual Katana alongside Raijinto for when I finish the Berserkers and gotta get to the Generals. There's a couple of Birthright lategame chapters where I'm like, man, I kinda don't wanna deal with the volume of enemies, and then I toss Ryoma at my enemies and my life is instantly easier. This is Lunatic. On chapter 27 no rescue skip, Ryoma singlehandedly (well okay, paired up) took on the left side so I actually have enough firepower on the right side after failing a few times at having an even split. tl;dr Ryoma > the rest of my army combined

Yeah....In chapter 27 of Revelation, I couldn't figure a way to send all my units into battle so when I made Ryoma paired with Xander head front, he instantly killed every single unit that gave me trouble.....
Now I haven't played the GBA FE games, but I wonder if they somehow got inspired from simply watching just Lyn being good or something that cause IS to create an insane Swordmaster.
Its for this reason that I really didn't like Ryoma. His character design isn't that great, his personality isn't that interesting and he loses meaning to what Fire Emblem is about ( atleast in Fates).
Edited by Harvey
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IS has made plenty of ultra-powerful characters before (Seth, Sigurd, Robin) I don't think they care that much

Just be glad Ryoma joins in chapter 14 instead of chapter 7

You know.....if his battle animations were cool and all, I can sympathize him more. Seriously.....if its a ranged attack, he just does swats and nothing else.

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The only thing that sorta stops him is Revelation Lunatic because there are some enemies with stat bricks sufficient to maybe, possibly wear him down after enough of them suicide on him. But you're on Revelation, which means anything you're not sure about Ryoma handling you just have Ryoma and Xander handle.

I would be curious to see how well he does in Conquest, though you'd have to logbook him in. Maybe do a BR run where you don't use him, logbook him at base stats when you clear it, and buy him in Conquest Hard and see how he does. I have a feeling he'll get exploded by all the Ninjas but who can say, really.

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The only thing that sorta stops him is Revelation Lunatic because there are some enemies with stat bricks sufficient to maybe, possibly wear him down after enough of them suicide on him. But you're on Revelation, which means anything you're not sure about Ryoma handling you just have Ryoma and Xander handle.

I would be curious to see how well he does in Conquest, though you'd have to logbook him in. Maybe do a BR run where you don't use him, logbook him at base stats when you clear it, and buy him in Conquest Hard and see how he does. I have a feeling he'll get exploded by all the Ninjas but who can say, really.

he'd be without his signature weapon raijinto, though. which is one of the reasons why he's so broken.

I guess you can hack it in or something...

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It's also kinda hard to say how he'd perform in conquest in a vaccum because currently he's only conquest supports are xander and his sisters and not like a sizeable number of the cast which he has access to in BR and Rev, so if say he nabs himself a merc or adventurer support in a hypothetical conquest where he can support more of the cast he can still run shurikenbreaker or something and last time i taped SBreaker to Ryoma he broke Siegbert's paralogue.

...Which is something I should also get Xander, at some point. (time to tape to laslow?)

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