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How do the save sistem works ?


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Hi guys , so a friend of mine brought conquest and he is playing it right now he reached chapter 12 .Then he found a Special Edition and he wants to buy it and he is afraid that he will lose his progress in game do any of you know how it works if the save file data is saved in the 3ds or if its saved in the cartridge ??
Thanks in advance

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I'm surprised there's still special editions to be bought. I missed the two day window before they were all sold out for preorder, here in Missouri.

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If you have an SD card (my 3DS came with one, as do many others), you'll get extra save slots, which I think can transfer to other carts (I'm not sure because I haven't tried it myself, but because the data is on the SD card and not the cart, I'd assume it's transferrable). The extra save slots can be accessed by going right on the save screen, and I believe the instructions manual for the 3DS tells you where the SD card should be.

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