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Fates Popularity Poll 2.0

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Hisame isn't so much hated as he is ignored. While it is true that he has more dislikes than likes, he has far more neutral votes than he does dislikes. In fact, most of the kids have rather high neutral votes.

Current vote count: 573

For someone who's mostly neutral, I'd use Iganitus' results (106 dislike/328 neutral/139 like). Hisame's current results are 185 dislike/306 neutral/82 like.

The good thing about the poll is that there's not too many characters that garnered more dislike than neutral (right now, it's limited to Peri/Hayato/Rhajat).

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Not to be confronting or anything but I don't know about that. Most of her supports revolve around her status as the eternal twelve year old something without really even doing some world building out of it or getting anywhere. Her support with Kaze about romance novels was nice though. I think other people could dislike her more for the fact that she just dedicates herself too much to mag and speed that by the end she feels lackluster. Could you enlighten me on some other types of supports on her side that I could get a grasp on.

Well, for starters I can say that there wasn't a Nyx support that I thought was bad. Yeah, she brings the whole "I'm an old woman in a child's body" in almost all of them, but I guess it's inevitable to ask about that when that's your trait. I think the reason most people hate her/don't use her is because she's a terrible unit in the two routes she's in, so she's either easy to ignore or easy to hate.

Back to her supports, I really liked the ones with Kaze (for the reasons you mentioned), Mozu (I like the way they end up becoming friends), Jakob, Silas (It's nice how neither Jakob nor Silas act like jerks here), Arthur (Mostly focused on Arthur's bad luck, but played nicely with Nyx's premonition skills, also the S Support is really cute) and Niles (Played for comedy, but I love how Nyx manages to make Niles shut up, quite literally). Finally there's Leo x Nyx, which is one of my favorite supports in the whole game.

And that's how I feel. Nyx's support aren't incredibly worldbuilding and they do touch on the same subject for the most part, but I think they're nice enough as their own stories.

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I don't find these polls very informative, to be honest. People can like or dislike characters for any number of reasons, including appearance, voice, personality, plot involvement or usefulness as a unit. I clicked "Like" for Velouria because of her appearance and class but she's a very gimmicky (furry pandering) character (sorry Thane). I clicked "Dislike" for Xander because of his plot involvement but he looks cool and functions well.

The results don't generally surprise me besides Soleil being popular.

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Hyato's position as the most disliked character makes me pretty sad. I can only assume that people just went "LOL it's Ricken 2.0" and then never used him, because honestly, he's a great unit if you know how to use him right (aka, swap him over to Chieftan and he's Birthright's best tank with 1-2 range), and his supports are actually pretty decent. He's way better than Ricken, that's for sure.

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Hyato's position as the most disliked character makes me pretty sad. I can only assume that people just went "LOL it's Ricken 2.0" and then never used him, because honestly, he's a great unit if you know how to use him right (aka, swap him over to Chieftan and he's Birthright's best tank with 1-2 range), and his supports are actually pretty decent. He's way better than Ricken, that's for sure.

I like both of them, so seeing so much dislike makes me sad. :(

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Also, plz hate Takumi more. This is a personal request. While he is well written-ish, he can't help but be a jerk all the time! He is a better Jakob though, I'll give him that.

Because you asked I voted for him as one of the best.

Anyway poll results don't surprise me ect ect.

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These are the characters that I disliked: Felicia, Hana, Orochi, Peri (which I slightly regret because I'm more neutral, now that I think about it), Midori and Anna.

As a person that is introverted, soft-spoken and suffers from acute social anxiety, I find the way Rinkah acts both understandable and annoying. I find it understandable because, 9.5 times out of 10 times, I like having my solitude so that I can dip off into my own fantasy world, where everything is perfect and of my own tastes. I don't necessarily agree with her directness because I don't like feeling as if I'm hurting another's feelings but I can't say that I don't have my moments; I am more prone to just walking off and ignoring people, honestly. I'm more passive-aggressive, which may or may not be worse, actually.

On the other hand, I find her annoying because of how I personally view being in an army or a company. I would find entertaining my comrades' bouts of chatter to be ideal because these are the people that will be looking after me when in a life-or-death situation. The annoyance generally passes when I get to her B or A rank in supports; she generally warms up by then.

I think her support with Silas was cute. fite me silas hatrs

Honestly, I like when people chatter to me and ask me for advice and opinions. It helps with self-esteem; it makes me feel as if I am not invisible to the world and that my feelings and opinions matter to someone.

Edited by SaiSymbolic
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meanwhile i didn't like her silas support at all

im picky

I respect that.

lol kek im lyin no i dont u wanna fistcuffs my body is ready only one opinin can rain supremsis

Edited by SaiSymbolic
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I don't find these polls very informative, to be honest. People can like or dislike characters for any number of reasons, including appearance, voice, personality, plot involvement or usefulness as a unit. I clicked "Like" for Velouria because of her appearance and class but she's a very gimmicky (furry pandering) character (sorry Thane). I clicked "Dislike" for Xander because of his plot involvement but he looks cool and functions well.

The results don't generally surprise me besides Soleil being popular.

Isn't that...why they're actually informative? They gauge popularity without any implications or conditional requirements. Someone who votes for Camilla thanks to her...assets... is entirely as valid as someone who votes on a character that is well written and fleshed out, because the poll doesn't necessitate a reason or judge the validity of the reasons that may be present. It also doesn't split hairs as to whether you like the unit based on art, VA work, or combat effectiveness. In the end, I think the broad nature of the poll is more helpful than not, because if you did try and account for that you'd have endless bickering over who qualifies.

As an aside, I'd suspect that yukimura and Fuga are ranked low due to being corrinsexuals and also showing up so late as to be almost impossible to use. I think I got both of them in like chapter 24~ in their respective playthroughs, long after my party had been solidified. This lead me to not really experience them in any capacity and as such they're mostly wasted.

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Isn't that...why they're actually informative? They gauge popularity without any implications or conditional requirements. Someone who votes for Camilla thanks to her...assets... is entirely as valid as someone who votes on a character that is well written and fleshed out, because the poll doesn't necessitate a reason or judge the validity of the reasons that may be present. It also doesn't split hairs as to whether you like the unit based on art, VA work, or combat effectiveness. In the end, I think the broad nature of the poll is more helpful than not, because if you did try and account for that you'd have endless bickering over who qualifies.

That's the opposite of a poll's intention, more often than not. It is as NekoKnight says: we can't know exactly what people were thinking when they voted and why. It's interesting, don't get me wrong, but it leaves us with more questions than answers.

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That's the opposite of a poll's intention, more often than not. It is as NekoKnight says: we can't know exactly what people were thinking when they voted and why. It's interesting, don't get me wrong, but it leaves us with more questions than answers.

I guess that's my point; what people are thinking is totally irrelevant. The why doesn't matter, in this case. It's like having a poll on if you like cake, you can't tell if someone voted no because they don't like the qualities of cake, or if they have dietary restrictions that prevent them from eating/enjoying it. All that matters is you have an accurate estimate of how much of the target population enjoys cake.

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Isn't that...why they're actually informative? They gauge popularity without any implications or conditional requirements. Someone who votes for Camilla thanks to her...assets... is entirely as valid as someone who votes on a character that is well written and fleshed out, because the poll doesn't necessitate a reason or judge the validity of the reasons that may be present. It also doesn't split hairs as to whether you like the unit based on art, VA work, or combat effectiveness. In the end, I think the broad nature of the poll is more helpful than not, because if you did try and account for that you'd have endless bickering over who qualifies.

All we know is that people like/dislike things for reasons. Some people's reasons might be nuanced and wholistic, and others may be superficial and bigoted. if you had a separate poll for each category, for example support quality, unit usefulness, appearance, we could learn how the community ranks and appreciates characters (at least better than this poll does). How can we say "We need more or less of that" if no one needs to specify why they like a character? Camilla is popular, so does that mean it would be good to have more strong wyvern riders? More incestuous yandere sisters? More T&A fanservice? What do people really want?

"I like a thing", without further explanation, is a statement of little value.

Edited by NekoKnight
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I guess that's my point; what people are thinking is totally irrelevant. The why doesn't matter, in this case. It's like having a poll on if you like cake, you can't tell if someone voted no because they don't like the qualities of cake, or if they have dietary restrictions that prevent them from eating/enjoying it. All that matters is you have an accurate estimate of how much of the target population enjoys cake.

To continue with your own allegory, you've forgotten about the various flavors of the cakes - if a company started selling strawberry-flavored cakes in an area that only liked ones with chocolate, then they wouldn't do so well. That's not even accounting for things like aesthetics.

Why do you think polls - at least ones without an agenda - always try to be as clear as they can be? To leave no room for doubt. This is an informal poll, yes, and it's interesting to see the overall results, but let's not pretend it gives us a very clear view of why people like who they like.

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All we know is that people like/dislike things for reasons. Some people's reasons might be nuanced and wholistic, and others may be superficial and bigoted. if you had a separate poll for each category, for example support quality, unit usefulness, appearance, we could learn how the community ranks and appreciates characters (at least better than this poll does). How can we say "We need more or less of that" if no one needs to specify why they like a character? Camilla is popular, so does that mean it would be good to have more strong wyvern riders? More incestuous yandere sisters? More T&A fanservice? What do people really want?

"I like a thing", without further explanation, is a statement of little value.

To continue with your own allegory, you've forgotten about the various flavors of the cakes - if a company started selling strawberry-flavored cakes in an area that only liked ones with chocolate, then they wouldn't do so well. That's not even accounting for things like aesthetics.

Why do you think polls - at least ones without an agenda - always try to be as clear as they can be? To leave no room for doubt. This is an informal poll, yes, and it's interesting to see the overall results, but let's not pretend it gives us a very clear view of why people like who they like.

My answer to you both is basically the same, and it's that when you hear hoof beats you don't assume it's a zebra. Once you know if your population likes cakes, then you can begin polling to find out what kind. If you simply ask "chocolate or vanilla", some people are going to answer for one of the categories when they'll really pick neither. Similarly, once you have a good idea of what is popular or unpopular, you can begin to dial in on what the root causes are, be they good writing or mired in less savory pursuits. The problem is when people try and poll for both these things at once, because that turns into a way for people to disqualify things they don't like based on their own criteria. If you asked who the 'best written' character is, do you mean by the quality of their speech? Their support convos? Their place in the story at large? you run into so many asterisks that it becomes a pointless exercise.

Basically, this poll is the starting point. Assuming there was no vote shenanigans going on, then we definitely have a large enough sample size to draw from, and can move on to more nuanced questions like "why did you pick your favorites the way you did" or "what do you value most in a character".

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My answer to you both is basically the same, and it's that when you hear hoof beats you don't assume it's a zebra. Once you know if your population likes cakes, then you can begin polling to find out what kind. If you simply ask "chocolate or vanilla", some people are going to answer for one of the categories when they'll really pick neither. Similarly, once you have a good idea of what is popular or unpopular, you can begin to dial in on what the root causes are, be they good writing or mired in less savory pursuits. The problem is when people try and poll for both these things at once, because that turns into a way for people to disqualify things they don't like based on their own criteria. If you asked who the 'best written' character is, do you mean by the quality of their speech? Their support convos? Their place in the story at large? you run into so many asterisks that it becomes a pointless exercise.

Basically, this poll is the starting point. Assuming there was no vote shenanigans going on, then we definitely have a large enough sample size to draw from, and can move on to more nuanced questions like "why did you pick your favorites the way you did" or "what do you value most in a character".

I have no idea what you're even arguing about anymore, and I'm not sure you do either.

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I wouldn't mind having a more in-depth character discussion. Some of the results aren't terribly surprising, but I'm going to need a little bit to chew on for shockers such as Oboro and Kaze. I like them just fine myself, but I don't know if it's for the same reasons as others.

I'm thinking a new topic discussing the results might be the way to go; if it bears any fruit, then Dualazi's approach was indeed sound.

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Thanks for making this again. I've finally made it somewhat on time this time. Do you have access to individual votes? I'd be interested in taking a harder look at the data for you and doing some analysis. There's more to this poll than you might think.

Edited by MarkI/O
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>Laslow's Higher than Odin

Fuck this gay earth >.<

Al least Beruka/Forrest are pretty high, and Camilia isn't as popular as I thought. Also, why is Leo the top? I mean, I like Leo, but I don't see the appeal. Also people need to stop comparing Hayoto to Ricken. Hayoto is way better as a character and a unit.

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I guess I can't trust polls for opinions if Rinkah got negative points (seriously, how) and FKanna got over 150 more points than MKanna.

I would answer it myself but I haven't used all characters or read every support.

I'm thinking a new topic discussing the results might be the way to go; if it bears any fruit, then Dualazi's approach was indeed sound.

That would be a good idea, I think.

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Also, why is Leo the top? I mean, I like Leo, but I don't see the appeal. Also people need to stop comparing Hayoto to Ricken. Hayoto is way better as a character and a unit.

If I had to guess, it's that there isn't anything overly offensive about his character. So even if people don't love him, they probably don't hate him.

- he has a significant part to play in both Conquest and Birthright, so he's not a character that's easily ignored

- he displays more caution (and perhaps intelligence) than a royal like Xander (who gets criticized for being so loyal to his father)

- he doubts Corrin (gaining him kudos with people who dislike the avatar) without being possessed/consumed by hatred (why people tend to dislike Takumi)

- he wields Brynhildr, which people tend to like because it isn't yet another powerful sword

- he makes some of the tougher decisions/steps in to do Corrin's dirty work (again, gaining him kudos with people who get irritated by Corrin's 'we have to save everyone!' mentality)

On the dislike side? Perhaps how pandering his character is to fans? Some weak supports? I haven't heard much of what people dislike.

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If I had to guess, it's that there isn't anything overly offensive about his character. So even if people don't love him, they probably don't hate him.

- he has a significant part to play in both Conquest and Birthright, so he's not a character that's easily ignored

- he displays more caution (and perhaps intelligence) than a royal like Xander (who gets criticized for being so loyal to his father)

- he doubts Corrin (gaining him kudos with people who dislike the avatar) without being possessed/consumed by hatred (why people tend to dislike Takumi)

- he wields Brynhildr, which people tend to like because it isn't yet another powerful sword

- he makes some of the tougher decisions/steps in to do Corrin's dirty work (again, gaining him kudos with people who get irritated by Corrin's 'we have to save everyone!' mentality)

On the dislike side? Perhaps how pandering his character is to fans? Some weak supports? I haven't heard much of what people dislike.

I just had to vote positively for him because of the reasons above. He's just a really good character. Also, Brynhildr's really freaking cool.

I wouldn't mind having a more in-depth character discussion. Some of the results aren't terribly surprising, but I'm going to need a little bit to chew on for shockers such as Oboro and Kaze. I like them just fine myself, but I don't know if it's for the same reasons as others.

I'm thinking a new topic discussing the results might be the way to go; if it bears any fruit, then Dualazi's approach was indeed sound.

I'm failing to see what's shocking. Two solid characters with good combat and nice personalities. They both have niches (Oboro being a fashionista and Kaze being oblivious to attracting women) but it is not overdone whatsoever in their supports. Now Asugi and Rhajat...I just had to vote "dislike" for them...sorry. /: And Asugi is even my MU's son...lol. It could also be because I can't help but compare him to Saizo, who is like 10x more interesting. His parent supports are really cute, though.

To be honest, I don't really like any of the Awakening rehashes, save for Laslow.

On a similar note, why is Niles so popular again? I feel like he's just a "horny bi guy" caricature and people fetishize him. Please prove me wrong, though, I really want to like him. Any standout supports I can read?

I am also pleased by Silas' votes. (((:

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On a similar note, why is Niles so popular again? I feel like he's just a "horny bi guy" caricature and people fetishize him. Please prove me wrong, though, I really want to like him. Any standout supports I can read?

Some people just appreciate his sexual humor and find him likeable for it. However i think a great deal of his fans are from how he was in the Japanese version. There are some details about him that got removed or changed in order to fit in better with the localization, removing a lot of character depth imo. For more details you can refer to this post (and the reddit one it links): http://agoddamn.tumblr.com/post/145083852665/in-the-style-of-your-elfie-vs-effie-post-what

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