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So, She's moving.


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Hey guys, I am a big fan of fire emblem, but for my first post, I wanted to ask you guys about something serious. There is this girl, that I have been friends with for the last two years, she's a great girl, funny, nice, and pretty, we met thanks to some mutual friends. She moved too my school, and she never liked hanging out with girls, because to her they caused too much drama. So she started hanging out with three of my good friends, and well when I was around them she was just that person that was tagging along, but the more I talked to her, and got to know her, I started to like her, a lot. Well we kept getting closer, and better friends, and then earlier this year, I think her parents split, her mom moved to a town about two hours away from here, and started looking for a job,and her dad, went back to Florida, (her parents are orignally from there, but she was born here.) She started to live with a close family friend, and so I thought it wouldn't be too bad, with her just being an hour or two away, but then, about two months ago, she came in with some big news. Her mom decided to head to Florida as well, and that she'll be going down there to live, when the semester ends., well school's out now, and the date of her leaving is June 7th. She's told me sveral times, that she didn't want to go, and that she was going to miss me, The family friend is worried about her, because she said that the school she is going to go to down there (Some private school) looks like a prison, more then (or is than? I don't know) a school. I thought about giving her a braclet, that I had bought to give to another girl, for valentines day a while back, but I was too scared to give it to her. It is a bunch of small turtles, that look like they have been carved from sweet tarts, or smarties, and they are multi-colored, and telling her that's to remind her of all her friends here. I mean I really like this girl, we like a lot of the same stuff, and I could see it going somewhere, but I think sh is clueless about how I feel. She's still got a bit of high school to finish, but I graduated this year, and I'm going to college hopefully in the fall, so I don't know if that is good, or bad, or what.

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Ask yourself "am I going to regret not doing this in five years?" If the answer is YES, go down and give her that bracelet/possibly the innards of your heart. Or at least arrange a way to stay in touch.

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I'm not quite sure if you're looking for pointers or advice in particular, but with technology nowadays, long distance friendships or relationships are easier to maintain. There's skype or similar things, or if you play any online games, you can always try that.

When I moved away from my home town, I kept in touch with lots of my friends by playing WoW with them.

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I say go for it. Give her something to remember you by. Keep in touch with each other, like through Skype or Facebook or something.

...Just maybe not tell her you bought the bracelet for another girl. She may not like that too much.

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...Just maybe not tell her you bought the bracelet for another girl. She may not like that too much.

I think that goes without saying. No one really appreciates getting someone's ex's leftover present.

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