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I'm going to download Love Live, advice please.

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Yeah, try not to buy anything- it's very expensive and you can get a lot of nice things even if you play normally! The mechanics are pretty easy to understand, you'll learn how to play in a heartbeat.

Have fun with the game!

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I'm 13 and I have a single mom, how do you expect me to buy anything.

i don't know the game but here's some advice for the anime:

Why tho.

It consumes many souls!

Other than that, this should help. Good luck!

Ooh, thanks! And yeah, I've heard it consumes your soul and life, thank god I don't have any of those.

Anyways, thanks for the tips, I'll certainly enjoy it!

Play Stepmania instead

Haha, you mean bootleg DDR?

Edited by Floral Pattern
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seconding don't buy anything

if you're able to, reroll until you get a UR or get a starter account with a UR to begin with. it'll make your life a lot easier and makes it easier to get UR friends too

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- there is a way to get at least one love gem everyday if you do the daily goals, one of these goals involve scouting 3 regular members so be sure to have enough friend points on hand (one of the dailies gives you 200 fp, and the first scout of the day is free too-- so if you do the free scout and then do a single scout twice it is the most cost-friendly) the goal chain order goes like this scout 3 members/feed one of your idols 5 other idols -> clear any song 5 times -> full combo any song once(just do whatever song is easiest to you on easy if you have trouble with this)

- if you fail a song, just quit it as there really isn't much of a point of wasting a love gem on it

- you will NOT be able to get a S score on any of the harder difficulty level songs early on until you get more srs or urs, thems the breaks

you will be able to eventually though, don't worry about it

- don't do the 50 gem honor scout from the main honor scouting box if you don't see the "10+1 sr and up" text on the banner or you could end up wasting a shitton of gems for all rares (there are also special boxes during events that only have certain types of cards like 1st/2nd/3rd years only or only girls from certain subunits so if theres somebody you want to get more than others, aim for those to increase your chances)

- on that note I don't really recommend "solo YOLOing" as people call it which is when you spend 5 love gems for one honor scout, there are some people who get ridiculously lucky and the possibly of getting a shiny new sr or ur is tempting but more often that not you're probably just gonna get a rare

- add any cards you need/haven't max leveled/haven't max bonded yet to your favorites or else you could accidentally end up selling them or feeding them to another idol on accident

- max bonding idolized cards is a good way to get a great payload of love gems, max bonding/leveling certain number thresholds of cards will also clear goals that give you more love gems and since you're new you will be getting a LOT, collecting enough idols will clear goals to unlock more inventory space too

thats all I can really think of at the top of my head, if you got any questions feel free to ask

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thats all I can really think of at the top of my head, if you got any questions feel free to ask

Bless you Leafy Vegetable Mom.

because it's bad

like I joke about anime being garbage all the time but i've actually seen some of love live and it's... not very good

Eh, I will try it out, but I'll lower my expectations.

Also, which girl should I choose as my starter?

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My Love Live is only playing in portrait mode, but it's landscape shaped and it's in a random corner of the screen and I can't see a part of it and I'm scared.

P.S. Lettuce mom appreciation topic, make it happen.

Edited by Floral Pattern
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omg Bal u bully

My Love Live is only playing in portrait mode, but it's landscape shaped and it's in a random corner of the screen and I can't see a part of it and I'm scared.

P.S. Lettuce mom appreciation topic, make it happen.

Thats odd, uhh

I don't know if it'd do much good but I know google play at least has an app that forces your device into any screen orientation you want, no idea if ios has anything similiar

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you're grounded, go to your room.

mom why

omg Bal u bully

Thats odd, uhh

I don't know if it'd do much good but I know google play at least has an app that forces your device into any screen orientation you want, no idea if ios has anything similiar

I'll try out the app, I'm really scared.


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