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Doubts about Hard/Classic Birthright


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Having just finished my first playthrough of FE:Fates Birthright on Normal/Classic, I now want to experience the game at a harder difficulty the second time around. However, I had originally started my first playthrough on Hard/Classic and just found it way, way too challenging so even at chapter 5 Sakura, Azura and Kaze ended up dying. I'm not sure whether to play Hard/Classic yet or maybe go for Hard/Casual yet as I'm not the best strategist when playing this game, and wondered if you guys had any advice on this.

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A lot of people have trouble with Chapter 5. It gets easier later on. Look up a guide or a youtube video. My suggestions are:

-Pairup Rinkah with Kaze. Kaze gets a huge Str and Def boost.

-Don't use Azura to attack. Dance Corrin or Kaze instead. Maybe Sakura if she is safe.

-Use Sakura's Personal Skill. It's super useful.

Keep trying. You will get it eventually.

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Having just finished my first playthrough of FE:Fates Birthright on Normal/Classic, I now want to experience the game at a harder difficulty the second time around. However, I had originally started my first playthrough on Hard/Classic and just found it way, way too challenging so even at chapter 5 Sakura, Azura and Kaze ended up dying. I'm not sure whether to play Hard/Classic yet or maybe go for Hard/Casual yet as I'm not the best strategist when playing this game, and wondered if you guys had any advice on this.

Don't worry. Anyone who dies in the first 5 chapters, casual or classic, will come back immediately after you choose your path. On top of that, the game itself gets significantly easier after chapter 6.

This being said, follow avengerfive's advice if you still want to "keep everyone alive," ESPECIALLY the Kaze/Rinkah pairup.

It's also a great map to sing grind with Azura if you have patience.

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Chapter 5 basically makes you do the map a specific way, any other way and one of your units dies. Just trial and error until you eventually figure out how to beat the thing without anyone dying. It's annoying for most of us, trust me.

After that tho, BR is really easy on Hard.

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yeah birthright's difficulty doesn't really increase until chapter 23.

Yep. And on Hans' chapter, its unfun map design only makes it difficult if you actually try to strategize instead of just low-manning and tossing Ryoma at whatever problem you're having.

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I have a strategy to pretty much 100% it on lunatic (not quite sure about hard mode, haven't done it for a while) without anyone dying but I can't remember clearly what to do in the middle so its a bit of doing it yourself but here it is anyway. I am chucking it under a spoilers warning as I don't want to spoil how to beat it if you want to do it yourself.

1st turn: Move MU down to where they will attack the two mercenaries on the left on THEIR turn. Make sure that you do not place him where he will trigger the enemies at the bottom. Pair Rinkah up with Kaze and select 'wait'. Dance with Azura and end turn.

2nd turn: This turn, move up MU and use HP tonic, do not move him in to the pink area. Use Sakura to heal him, if it isn't enough, use Azura to give Sakura another turn to heal up MU as this gives both of them more experience. Select 'wait' on the other units you did not use but make sure they are out of the enemies attack radius (press 'x' to see this).

3rd turn: Use MU to kill the mercenary. Use Kaze to attack the dark mage then use Azura's dance on Kaze so that Kaze can kill the dark mage. Use Sakura to heal up Kaze.

4th turn (movement turns and set-up): Take your time to set-up your units. By the end of these turns, Kaze and Rinkah should be in guard-stance in the farthest right-hand corner of the enemy attack radius. This is enough for only one dark mage to attack. Make sure Azura is out of the way near the edge of the right and a few tiles behind Kaze. Sakura should be near the debris pile just to the right. MU should be waiting for the reinforcements in the top right hand corner.

5th turn: Move Kaze up to the bottom of the right hand side corner of the right hand corner debris pile (yes, this is a little difficult to follow but that is the spot needed. Pretty much make sure Kaze is on the edge of the pink attack zone). Use MU to kill the dark mage in the top right corner. Sakura needs to heal Kaze from 2 tiles away. Use Azura to dance someone and dance Sakura if you want to heal Kaze more.

6th turn: Make sure MU stays in the corner of the right hand side. Keep Kaze just out of reach from the guard-stance mercenaries and heal him up from the corner with Sakura using the 2 tiles to keep the mages from attack her. So far, Sakura should be right in the right-hand corner of the map with Kaze 2 tiles below, just in healing range. Move MU up and to the left. MU should be able to tank the magic and will draw the mercenaries over the other side while keeping the mages focused on Kaze. Azura needs to follow MU but not get in the pink tiles.

7th turn: Kaze should finish off any mage left on low health. Use Sakura to help heal. Kaze and Rinkah should have a dual guard banked up around these turns to help protect Kaze so don't worry too much about lethal damage if the shield meter is full. Use MU to kill the mercenaries but only if Azura can dance him to attack the second. If so, do not worry about the dark mage attacking either Sakura or Azura as they can take one hit from a dark mage.

8th turn: Use MU to kill any mages posing a direct threat to Azura or Sakura. Use Kaze to kill any left over mages that he had damaged previously. Heal Kaze. Azura should dance either Sakura or Kaze. Kaze to move in to kill the last mage or Sakura to heal your others who may be damaged.

The rest: Use Kaze to kill any independent dark mages as he needs the experience more than MU. Once the path is clear, use MU to kill the boss and use Sakura to heal from range if necessary.


Good luck with it!

Edited by Chromagna
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