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Language Settings


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Are we going to get proper language settings for North America? Pretty sure that English, French, and Spanish are all official languages there and we've yet to receive an update on those yet...


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Unfortunately the NA version doesn't have different language settings even if you change the 3DS language options unlike most 3DS games. The only way to play in different languages is to get the European version for French and Spanish sadly.

Edited by kingddd
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Unfortunately the NA version doesn't have different language settings even if you change the 3DS language options like most 3DS games. The only way to play in different languages is to get the European version for French and Spanish.

They better make an update this time around. I am going to fLiP!! if they don't.

Edited by Loopulk
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Je ne pense pas qu'ils vont le faire... C'est vraiment rare qu'ils corrigent des problèmes (Par exemple: Bogues) donc il y a encore moins de chances qu'ils ajoutent d'autres langues.


Mais bon ton anglais est assez bon donc tu ne risques pas d'avoir trop de misère à comprendre.

Edited by Naughx
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Je ne pense pas qu'ils vont le faire... C'est vraiment rare qu'ils corrigent des problèmes (Par exemple: Bogues) donc il y a encore moins de chances qu'ils ajoutent d'autres langues.


Mais bon ton anglais est assez bon donc tu ne risques pas d'avoir de la misère à comprendre.

Why does everyone with whom I speak about this think that I'm talking about being able to understand what they're saying!?

Like maybe I just want to get some educational stuff out of this game...

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America doesn't have an official language. Most people just happen to speak English. And I don't think they'll be adding any languages to the NA game sadly.

I was talking about North America as a whole, not just the USA...

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