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[FE8] "Eirika" Cannot Use Rapier


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So my lord character (in place of Eirika) cannot use the rapier. She is a knight, so I changed the rapier from a sword to a lance, but she still cannot equip it. I want to keep the item exclusive to the lord. What's going wrong?

Also, how do I make it unbreakable? (Just solved that!) Finally, do I require programming to change the weapon's icon? Thanks!


Edited by Loopulk
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Uh, no?

All you do is select a new icon from the Icon clicky thingy and choose one. Inserting new ones is super easy as far as I know and requires no effort.

From Nightmare? Or do I require other programs? I did some research and they all seem to use some huge table of all the icons...

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If you want to change it to an existing icon, in Nightmare, open the item editor, and go down to the 0x1D'th byte; it should say Item Icon #, or something. Change that. If you want to add a new one, you'll have to expand the existing icons (there's guides) and then change it in the same place.

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