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Question regarding the convoy.


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So I'm making my way through conquest/Classic.

At some point during a paralouge Odin died.

I continued on and at the castle afterwards I found that his equipment had been returned to the convoy.

This makes sense in context, male characters retreat rather then die.

My Question is this:

Does everyone's equipment go back male and female characters?

What about kamuisexuals and children and captured enemies?

I understand why this might be done since weapons are more expensive and forging makes the loss more excruciating.

Thanks in advance.

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They did this in awakening too. Everyone does it. It may have started with New Mystery, I'm not sure, because the older games didn't do it, but yeah.

Thanks, I never noticed in awakening since weapons weren't as important individually.

Sorry flora your staying dead :(

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They did this in awakening too. Everyone does it. It may have started with New Mystery, I'm not sure, because the older games didn't do it, but yeah.

It started in Shadow Dragon actually. You were able to exploit this in order to keep the true Falchion while still being able to recruit Nagi.

Anyway, good to know that this is still a thing in Fates.

Edited by BrightBow
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