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Are wyrmslayers effective against the royal siblings?


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I know that corrin is weak to it due to the fact that he can transform into a dragon as well as having dragon blood, giving him the ability to use dragon vein.

Since the royal siblings also have dragon blood, are they weak to wyrmslayers too?

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Long story short, the only player units weak to Wyrmslayers are Corrin, Kana and possibly whatever other children Corrin has (would need confirmation on this one), as well as all units in the Wyvern Rider line. As for why Corrin is vulnerable while the royal siblings aren't, the reasons are pretty dang spoileriffic.

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If you just want the answer for why, see spoiler below:

Corrin is Anankos's son/daughter. See Hidden Truths for more info. Unlike the Royal siblings who are at best descended long ago from a dragon ancestor. Kana/other Corrin children being 1/4 dragon is enough I guess.

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Long story short, the only player units weak to Wyrmslayers are Corrin, Kana and possibly whatever other children Corrin has (would need confirmation on this one), as well as all units in the Wyvern Rider line. As for why Corrin is vulnerable while the royal siblings aren't, the reasons are pretty dang spoileriffic.

This is true -- all of Corrin's children will always be weak against anti-dragon weapons (Wyrmslayer and Dragon Spirit). It's the same situation for the descendants of Keaton and Kaden, who are always weak against anti-beast/mount weapons (Beastkiller, Hunter's Bow, Hunter's Knife) unless equipped with the Beast Shield skill (unreleased DLC, can only be obtained via hacking).

Edited by Roflolxp54
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I can confirm that other children of Corrin's have the dragon weakness. My Rhajat from a F!Corrin+Hayato pairing on my birthright file got killed by a dragonslayer once because I wasn't paying attention.

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