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Usefullness of flora in conquest


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I just got to chapter 19 in luatic conquest, which means i can now get flora. Alternatly, i could do avatar/leo to get a mixed forrest. I have already used forrest, in normal conquest, and found him to not be that good. WHich unit do you think i should use, and why (note that I want a maid/butler, because i only have 2 staff users and 2 hidden weapon users)? Because this is lunatic, i only really care about gameplay, not personality.

Edited by sirmola
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She's a good filler unit, her staff rank is really good. She's pretty bad at fighting though, her speed is ass. Staffbot/10.

SO forrest would be better, then? Who do you think would be a good mom for him if i want to go buttler? Azura and effie are already taken, but no one else eligible is. F!Avatar is +str -LUK Wyvren rider. Felicia might work for a mom, but i never leveled her.

Edited by sirmola
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I'd say she's useful in the case of being a maid, which is always a nice support unit.

mostly filler, but not to be overlooked if you need another staff bot/hidden weapon debuffer.

More or less useful than Forrest?

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Honestly, as far as maids go, I much prefer Felicia. Flora's stats are weighted more towards strength and skill, where Felicia weighs more heavily on magic and speed, and a generous helping of luck. This makes Felicia more desirable for the staff-bot role; with a higher magic stat behind them, her heals will be that much bigger. Given a flame shuriken or Felicia's plate, she becomes a strong unit capable of both significant heals and 1-2 range magic damage.

Where Felicia shines more in the magic role, Flora seems to want just the opposite; she has the growths to be more of a physical fighter... or at leaat, some of them. Her base physical growths across the board (Str, Skl, Spd, and Def) are decent, but don't really stand out. Her HP growth is bad. Left in the maid role, she would be mediocre with a dagger, and greatly eclipsed with a staff by any of the other magic users.

As she lacks supports other than Corrin and Felicia (and so therefore her reclassing options are limited to a married M!Corrin's offering), it is fortunate that her class set includes Mercenary. With her underwhelming Mag growth, her other option, Sorcerer, is a good one to avoid. But given her growths, she could be a pretty good Bow Knight or Hero, given a little bit of RNG love... but I think her best option is to switch her to Dark Knight. Dark Knight does a good job of mitigating her weaknesses (Bad HP, unimpressive Def) and enhances her already decent Str.

Edited by Shadou
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Felicia would indeed be a good mom for Forrest.

It's alright if you haven't leveled her. She has no skill Forrest wouldn't be able to learn by himself, so don't sweat it.

And as the others have said, Flora is... Eh. So I'd recommend a Felicia!Forrest. Give him a flame shuriken and he'll do just fine. Only problem is that you'll have to start with weapon rank E in hidden weapons, and since butler has no advanced class, an offspring seal will do you no good...

Or, as Shadou said, just use Felicia herself. I agree with him on her being better than Flora (again, with Flame Shuriken). If you want to use physical hidden weapons, use Jakob.

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Flora's worth as a unit is her humongous base skill. Combination of decent Mag + excellent Skl means she's very accurate with status staves, and she comes with the staff rank to use all the relevant ones (notably she's the only staff user to come with the base rank to use Entrap from the get-go.) She's a support staffer you don't have to invest any resources into besides 3 DVP, and that's her main niche as a unit.

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As far as late-joining staff filler goes, I prefer Shura and Izana because they can actually take the odd hit (and in Shura's case, have more move and locktouch and anti-flyer utility), as well as any kid PCs you may be getting around that time such as Forrest and Dwyer.

She does have a better base staff rank than most of those though so if you need someone else to use e.g. Entrap, then she does have that niche, for all that Jakob/Felicia/Elise will all likely be able to do that too.

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