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Possible Hack Idea?


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Alright so i have this plan for a blazing sword hack, and I want to get some feedback on it.

The story focuses on Braimond's sacrifice and loss of humanity. Includes the other legendary heros, as well as origonal characters, new classes, new trainee classes, new enemy classes, and new animations. Chapters will have less "seize" objectives and more chapters where you need to quickly storm a castle, or chapters where you need hold your ground.

Thoughts? Ideas?

More info and possibly sprites (if I get around to making them) coming later.

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Hey there, welcome to the forums! Glad to see you're just as excited by Fire Emblem as we are!

So, just as a general tip, I'm going to advise you to check out some of the pinned threads that have advice on making fangames and hacks.

This Link here... Arch's advice. Very good tips that I think would help you in some of your planning.


Currently, there just isn't a heck of a lot to comment on here. But lets give it a go.

The story focuses on Braimond's sacrifice and loss of humanity.

*think that is spelt differently... but go on... Sounds like a decent concept to explore

Includes the other legendary heros,

so... we play as them? *heroes

as well as origonal characters,

so... we play as them? *original

new classes,

Okay, what new classes?

new trainee classes,

cool... but yeah, what classes?

new enemy classes,

again... umm... some description/teaser of what these are would be nice.

and new animations.

Cool... I like sprites. Are these new animations something you will do? Or are you using the sprite resource thread?

Chapters will have less "seize" objectives and more chapters where you need to quickly storm a castle, or chapters where you need hold your ground.


So... yeah, comments in bold of course. Just need to say, it generally helps to have a bit more to show... for people to really give any sort of valuable feedback, bud. :\

But hey! You have a dream! Go for it! I hope this turns out really cool... just try and read/make use of the various tutorials and advice around here, its all really good. ;)

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Thanks man, sorry about the spelling. My phone's kinda stupid and it sometimes messes stuff up as i type it. You get to play as the heroes, but its not forced, and the origonal characters are playable as well. I'm making most of the sprites and stuff on my own, but i will probably go around to get stuff i couldn't do. Im not ready to reveal the new classes cause i want to see how the sprites i make for them look first.

Thanks for your help, and yeah, theres not much details in that post, i wrote it in a couple minutes on a bus. Once i get my act together and crank out some worthy sprites, and a title, ill make another post that goes more in depth and stuff. I just wanted to get someone's opinion on if the idea was feasable or not.

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Just an observation/idea for you.

You said that playing as the Heroes is optional?

Could that suggest a mode where you exclusively play as them?

If so, would it be loaded from the menu like selecting a story route from the beginning of the game?

On that note (and I know that you said you'd rather not unveil anything regarding classes), is the idea to have the Heroes in their own unique classes? Under your ideal conditions.

A fair while back now, I came up with pretty much the same idea, but I don't have the resources or capability to do very much for it. I'm glad someone has.

EDIT: After posting this comment and going to check other things it dawned on me. A name suggestion: Fire Emblem: The Scouring.

Edited by Light Strategist
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Whoops. Looks like i forgot something again. Braimimond is the main character, so you have to use him. At a path split, you can choose to take Roland's route (Roland, Durban, Athos, St. Elimine) or Hartmut's route (Hartmut, Barigan, Hanon, St. Elimine). Basically the Eirika/Ephraim path split, and you the ones you missed out on later when the paths cross.

About the classes, each hero has their own trainee class, but if you take Roland's route you recruit roland, durban, athos, and St. E in their trainee classes, where the ones you didnt get will be first tier and second tier classes. Each hero also has their own third tier class, usable for the last few levels like in binding blade.

And on the name, i was thinking about The Scouring but it seemed a little too cliche, but im sure ill think of something

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