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Light Strategist

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About Light Strategist

  • Birthday 06/08/1993


  • Member Title
    Dark Knight, Light Magic

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  • Interests

    Video Games (mainly Fire Emblem and bunch of stuff from my youth like Pokemon and Sonic)


    Wondering why Kakunas have neckties...

    DC's TV series (Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl)

    Sitting in the dark chatting to people over the internet.

    Complaining about Fates being a carbon copy of Awakening in lots of aspects.

    Complaining about an overabundance of seeing one of my friends and said friend not properly organising his Xbox 360 at his house, instead dropping round mine to play his games and use up my Hard Drive's memory.

    Fighting for my friends!
  • Location
    Reading the Roster in the Barracks

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  1. Xenoverse 2 players have gathered in tribute at the Dragon Ball Pedestal in Conton City with the Spirit Bomb Co-op Emotes to share their respect and gratitude to him. He shall be missed. If you are familiar with: Dragon Ball, Dragon Quest, Chrono Trigger, Dr Slump, Sand Land, Blue Dragon and so many others you've been familiar with his work.
  2. I'd love it if we could have costumes based on past memorable character. Maybe have a Hero Costume that resembles Ike's outfit. A Mage costume that could resemble Robin's outfit. A Myrmidon outfit resembling Lyn's and Guy's styles. Maybe a Bow Knight outfit that resembles Sacaen Nomads. It'd honestly be a really cool touch for a lot of nostalgic fans and it might drum up interest in older games if executed well.
  3. I think I'd just fix the code and swap the percentages if it were me. Or make it so Mark 4 gives 35%.
  4. I can think of several ideas for Three Houses options. Jeralt or the Death Knight charging back and forth across the stage on horseback, attacking with his lance/scythe to draw in targets. Catherine and Shamir working as a duo to combo opponents between themselves. Yuri who could deal weak damage to targets but in exchange bring any items they've got to the player. If no items are in play when he appears, he deals more damage instead. That said, I've really not played any of the other series that have DLC fighters although I think that Terry should get Andy and have him removed from the KoF stage instead.
  5. I got it on my birthday back in June with all the DLC. Currently pending completion of the remaining stories as I only completed Crimson Flower. Don't remember the duration for that path though and I can't find my cartridge at this second to give an answer.
  6. I only skip if I don't like the song. Which can also include the endings and is probably why I've stopped my rewatch of Pokémon XY entirely in Japanese as Peace Smile! just gets me singing it and not paying attention to anything else.
  7. Pretty sure it's only maps that they don't need to be in. So they're mandatory for the story and the paralogue they're part of.
  8. I think I'd personally use a Mint to give each of them a better stat nature and I'd teach Groudon some physical moves in place of the majority of special attacks it has. Otherwise, the Ribbons are signs that you've payed special attention to both but moreso Groudon. Where's your starter from that Generation though? It feels wrong to not have that with them.
  9. Personally I'd suggest that Path of Radiance has easily the best Boss enemies in regards to them tying into involved characters somehow. It's not even just the Black Knight that makes me say it because let's remember that if Jill gets too close to her father on the battlefield, he can recruit her! I won't pretend to remember more boss characters than I do and aside from Ashnard, they were pretty well the most memorable for me. I mean I feel Petrine should be mentioned but I didn't even remember any prominence in the game until about 5 minutes into typing this post trying to remember other memorable characters. But then again... if you want meme suggestions... Batta the Beast and Cervantes are my top picks.
  10. I don't really start conversations unless I have something to say or ask. Usually, even before the pandemic hit, my friends and I could be sat in a room playing the same game as each other and hardly saying a word. I can get to be noisy when I'm really into something so my mother usually gets really confused when it's dead silent because we're all focused and not even chatting to each other. The point I mean to make is that conversation should come naturally and trying to force it isn't really a way to keep a long and enjoyable conversation going. If you want some topics to talk about try thinking of Movies, TV shows, Books, Games, Non Pandemic-related news and so on. Heck, when the first lockdown started here I was basically demanded to play Scrabble because my mother was going insane from the lack of social activity.
  11. I keep thinking that if battled in Omega Ruby it's at level 50 but it's not and that keeps bothering me... Well I guess what's really bothering me is that it was caught in a Master Ball and was holding when when traded. In Omega Ruby it's a fixed battle and in Alpha Sapphire it's a free gift that prevents you from choosing the ball to get it in. What's odd about the Toughness exception is that all of the contest stats can be maxed out in ORAS because they removed the Sheen Cap. You can max out any Pokémon's Contest performance and the only thing it needs to do is take part in contests with appropriate moves for decent combos to win them. The Training Ribbon itself is interesting because it's an award for completing every course of Super Training and it can't be earned outside of Gen 6. Best Friends is available in every Generation since its debut and is rewarded for Maxing the Affection with the Pokémon. Both of which make this extremly difficult to suggest it's not hacked but there is still the very unlikely plausibility that it was on the team of someone who was able to clear both without needing to use it except maybe as bait for something else. However unlikely that may be. No rebuttals but I can't remember where the first 7 you've said are availble in ORAS. For me it's this coupled with the Master Ball thing I mentioned earlier. Something I did come to the conclusion of is that they did it by accident or a younger relative might have done it without knowing what they were doing or something like that. We can't rule out the possibility of an accident or even deliberate sabotage because that's not fair to the prior owner if it was an accident or something like that. The problem with Hyper Training is that it requires being at level 100 to do it. I remember trying to do so recently and it wouldn't let me. So this lines up more to it being hacked in some way. The 0 EVs could come from the Friendship berries to be fair. Although as you've said before, why go through the effort to do something if you're gonna undo the effort you put in. That in itself smells like hacking too. Not because of the 0 EVs but because of the erasure of the stats that could've gotten them through some of those challenges. With regards to the moves, they could've changed them to be like that before transferring since Leon's not exactly the toughest of opponents to get a Battle Ribbon from and in a Single Battle with Latias along for the ride, I reckon it's very doable. Although I don't understand why they'd go to the lengths of turning off the Exp. Share when running through the Elite 4 in any of the applicable games. The only thing I really have to add is that if we eliminate the impossible, whatever information is left is the unlikely truth. Personally, I'd return the thing since it seems WAY too weird under the circumstances. At the very least I'd try to get into contact with the person who sent it to ask why they traded it since it's an incredibly bizarre collection of Moves, Ribbons and accomplishments for it.
  12. It may pay you to check its IVs using the Judge feature. Level 40 is the level it appears at in the Gen 3 games and it can be shiny in them. So check where it says it's originally from in case it has a bizarre location. What's interesting is that if they've tried giving it every available ribbon available to it, it's missing the Champion Ribbon from Gen 3 and the Contest Ribbons it could've gotten from them. Are there screenshots you can provide of its status screens to help me evaluate it?
  13. Honestly I prefer the Crown Tundra because the game doesn't try to tell me what to do more than it tries to suggest it. It leaves things for you to discover on your own rather than putting you on a set path with little deviation. Personally, I have to get 3 more Pokédex entries recorded to complete that part of the Pokédex but once that's done, I've got the tournament to look forward to. And in the meantime, I can do some Dynamax Adventures if I don't wanna work on that. Plus I find it glorious that you can use Dynamax Adventures to cheese the main story since beating Peony at the start of it isn't a requirement to carry on with the content. Once you get access to them, it'll be easy to cheese the game if you have a rough idea on what to do.
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