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Happy 20th Birthday Super Mario 64

Captain Karnage

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Feel old yet?

wow, I just noticed this a couple of hours ago. Super Mario 64 turns 20 today.

share some memories of the game below

I remember being about 3 or 4 and walking into a pawnshop with my dad, he was taking "me" there to get "me" a Nintendo 64 (he was the one who really wanted it). A younger lady, who still works there today handed me an oversized controller to try out the game, and that game was Wave Race 64.

we also picked up Super Mario 64 while we were at the shop, and then I went home that afternoon where my mom hooked up the system to our old CRT television and I proceded to not know what I was doing in SM64. I eventally picked up on how to play it and I loved it when I finally learned how to play

Happy 20th and cheers for another 20

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Yes, I do feel old, thanks for the reminder. I was in the 5th grade, I think, when I first played the N64.

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When I finally got to play it, I had to quit after a short time. It was too hard. I kept dying a lot. Not a very good game if it's this brutal so early.

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Man, I really feel old...20 years, huh?

That Eel terrified me so much...

But amazing game! And all the rumors...

One of the bad things of the internet is that those cool rumors doesn't exist anymore.

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When I finally got to play it, I had to quit after a short time. It was too hard. I kept dying a lot. Not a very good game if it's this brutal so early.

Nintendo has a proud tradition of brutal difficulty. It might have also been because you were so young. I was around 10 when I played it, and it wasn't too hard for me, but my first game system was the NES, and I remember it took me several days just to beat the first level of Super Mario Bros 3.

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When I watched people play, the ghost level and underground level spooked me... remembering how I felt seeing the outside of the mansion feels like a dream, heh.

I consider this game to be a classic, just so defining, like Street Fighter II.

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Today's games are to easy!

Those whippersnappers don't know what true challenge is!

And they will never experience Super Mario 64's magnificence!

Joking aside, this game aged very well, actually.

Edited by Water Mage
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I wasn't even born when the original version came out. I did pick up the remake when I was around eight or so, and I got every star within, though that took quite a while and I often referred to walkthroughs. (Despite knowing of walkthroughs, I wasn't aware of GameFAQs. I got my walkthroughs off of IGN guides.) Later on, I did get an original copy of the game, along with buying it on VC before. Let's just say I was spoiled by the map!

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i think mario 64 is an a-ok game, but i don't really have many thoughts on it to share since all i associate it with anymore is the parallel universe meme

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This is one of the first games I ever played as a kid, this and Ocarina of Time where basically my introduction to gaming. Like many games I played as a kid I never really beat it (I watched my brother beat it though), I would go on to actually beat it later on in life. I have no idea the circumstances under which it was bought I was way too young.

Anyways many Mario games have come and since surpassed it, but it was revolutionary for its time and set the standard for 3D platformers. Also It is still one of the few N64 games that aged fairly well, and is an absolute gaming classic. And yes I feel old...

Edited by Locke087
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Ah, Super Mario 64...

I've many memories about that game when I played it as a kid, especially the ones about how I wasn't able to finish it. Seriously, I never undestood what i had to do in that game when I was a kid, but I still enjoyed going trough the various levels(at least the ones available)

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Nintendo has a proud tradition of brutal difficulty. It might have also been because you were so young. I was around 10 when I played it, and it wasn't too hard for me, but my first game system was the NES, and I remember it took me several days just to beat the first level of Super Mario Bros 3.

Er... Actually, I wasn't a kid at all. I believe I'd already graduated high school, in fact. I downloaded the game on the Wii from the VC. I never got to play it as a kid even though I wanted to. We just never had it for some reason. I don't know why, I heard that the game was bundled with the N64, but it wasn't among what my grandma gave us. In fact, I think Zelda: Ocarina of Time was the only N64 game she had. Maybe she bought a used console, I dunno.

Edited by Anacybele
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This game was apart of my childhood. I used to watch my brothers play this. I played the game myself as well, but I was bad at video games at the time, and wouldn't be until years later that I beat it myself. One my favorite Mario games, and games on the N64. A classic to this day.

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Happy 20th birthday to the game that started it all for me!

I remember a number of things about my first run through the game. At first, I simply called it the "Castle Game" (I had a tendency to call thing based on what I saw). I remember getting scared on the Bowser fights and had to give the controller to my dad. I remember dreaming about how to get into Chain Chomp's Gate.

Man... Good times. I don't play it nearly as much as I used to anymore, but I try to make sure I play the game every September 27th (it's American release date).

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Truth be told, when I first played Mario 64, I had already played like the first two levels of banjo kazooie and for years I thought of Mario as crappy Banjo, and even put off playing much of it after I was done with Banjo.

It has grown on me a lot though. The difficulty curve is much better for one thing. Banjo's first level is embarrassingly limited compared to bomb-omb mountain. Rainbow World and Tick Tock Clock are a pretty natural progression after the "medium" levels like Lethal Lava Land and Hazy Maze Cave, the same can't be said for Banjo's Rusty Bucket Bay.... the medium levels don't do nearly as much to bridge the gap as in Mario. I still prefer Banjo personally, but Mario definitely treats the player better.

Personally I think i's just one of those games that everyone should treat themselves too, and not just because of its influence. You could argue that it's completely vanilla as a platfformer, but in truth Mario doesn't need the larger movepool you would have in something like Rocket on Wheels or Sly Cooper 2. The level design is used to create the diversity instead of a barrage of different physics toys, and really, Mario 64 doesn't have to worry about getting repetitive anywhere. Some of the levels aren't even very vertical.

I don't have that many personal anecdotes. It was like the 7th game I ever owned, and coming from an entirely arcade and handheld experience, it, along with banjo and a Tony Hawk's Pro Skater helped to create a lot of the biases I have about video games to this day. I did like stretching Mario's face on the title screen a little too much. Also fuck the slide on Tall Tall Mountain.

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I feel young and spry at the age of 25.

I was about 5-6 when I first played it. I remember my mom showing me a newspaper article about it, Miyamoto was in a picture as well.

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Happy Birthday, Super Mario 64! You're most definitely not the best Mario game, being out-shined by Super Mario World, Bros. 3, both Galaxy games, and some others, but you're still pretty darn great!

The first time I played it was actually through the Wii's Virtual Console, I never owned an N64. All the N64 games I've played have been experienced through the VC.

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