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Shadow Dragon GBA-Style Battle Sprites


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I've been trying to make a desktop picture with sprites of all my favorite Fire Emblem characters, but not all of them have sprites, so I decided to make some. I may or may not make more based on characters from New Mystery, Gaiden, Genealogy and Thracia if I have time/energy. Feel free to use, just give credit if you do. Thanks for looking!
Credit to Bonzai for the sniper sprite used as a base for Jeorge: http://spritedatabase.net/file/3081 and for the sage sprite used for Linde, Tiki, Nagi, and Nyna: http://spritedatabase.net/files/gba/990/Sprite/EnemyFemaleSage.gif as well as the rogue sprite used for Xane: http://spritedatabase.net/files/gba/991/Sprite/Rogue.gif
Credit to Grim for the myrmidon sprite used as a base for Athena: http://s58.photobucket.com/user/fireblazerx1/media/sprites/Fir.gif.html and for the Lyon sprite used for Etzel: http://spritedatabase.net/files/gba/991/Sprite/Lyon.gif as well as the nomad sprite used for Wolf: http://spritedatabase.net/files/gba/990/Sprite/NomadTrooper.gif
Credit to Grim and Bonzai for the hero sprites used as a base for Caesar, Horace, and Astram: http://spritedatabase.net/file/3097 http://spritedatabase.net/files/gba/990/Sprite/Hero2.gif
Falcon Knight sprites and female Bishop sprites used for Maria, Caeda, Palla, Catria, Est, Elice, and Nyna found at http://www.feplanet.net

Edited by Lex-
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Thank you!

First I find all the reference pictures of the character that I can and a sprite of the character's class and paste them in photoshop, then I use the pencil tool set to 1 pixel and edit the sprite to make it look like the character.

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