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Aptitude on Lunatic?


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Apitude helps out a LOT on Lunatic, as you'll eventually encounter awful stuff in later chapters, as inevitable end and Staff Savant. (I recommend getting those apitude skills for characters online)

Also, if you're going to use Mozu, you should reclass her into a archer immediately as there's no other archers in Conquest.

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Aptitude does affect stat-gains in Lunatic Mode as well where level-up Random Numbers are pre-rolled upon recruitment. Let me illustrate this with an example.

If a unit's growth rate (personal and class growths combined) in, say Strength, is 60%, that means upon generation of a random number (an integer in the range 0~99), a number less than 60 means a stat-gain in Strength, whereas a number equal to or greater than 60 means no stat-gain in Strength. And similar reasoning goes on for all the other stats. Aptitude raises this threshold by 10; in this example, the Strength growth rate is now 60+10=70%, so instead what determines a stat-gain in Strength is now the generation of a random number less than 70 instead of 60.

In Lunatic mode it is the level-up stat gain Random Numbers, and not the stat-gains themselves, that are pre-rolled upon unit recruitment. Since what Aptitude does is to raise the threshold for random numbers (the generation of which are pre-determined upon recruitment) to correspond to stat-gains upon level-up, Aptitude increases chances of stat-gains even in Lunatic Mode.

Edited by Aggro Incarnate
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Also, if you're going to use Mozu, you should reclass her into a archer immediately as there's no other archers in Conquest.

There's also Anna (who can join earlier than Mozu does but only if you have the DLC map and can brave through an army of Berserkers with 1-2 ranged axes) and Niles, who has that very useful Capture skill.

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There's also Anna (who can join earlier than Mozu does but only if you have the DLC map and can brave through an army of Berserkers with 1-2 ranged axes) and Niles, who has that very useful Capture skill.

she is the only member of the actual archure class, though.

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