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Corrupted wish

Flee Fleet!

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Granted! But this also means that your mental abilities get so low that you can't do a quarter of what you can do now...

I wish that Camilla was a much better character

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Granted! But now she loses everything about her that made her fanservice, and thus, becomes the least beautiful character in the FE series.


I wish to catch fish.

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On 2017-02-03 at 9:41 AM, Flee Fleet! said:

Granted! But now she loses everything about her that made her fanservice, and thus, becomes the least beautiful character in the FE series.

You know what? I'd actually be okay with this! xD

18 hours ago, Xelon said:

I wish that I had a Sausage McGriddle with no strings attached to the wish.

Granted! But now you have the one sandwich that was poisoned, and you die because of it! :P

I wish that I was able to eat as much as I want without worrying about weight and stuff like that

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1 hour ago, OliKad said:

I wish that I was able to eat as much as I want without worrying about weight and stuff like that

Granted, but as compensation, you won't be able to taste the food you eat.


I wish I could meet the Joker.

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Granted! But he kills you on the spot...

I wish that my ultimate childhood game, Club Penguin, wouldn't close on March 29th :'(

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OH MY GOD MARCH 29?! WHY THOUGH?! That's one out of the two coolest birthdays I celebrate! ;A;

Granted! But now Club Penguin is the only game you can play.

I wish I was skilled at things other girls can do just well.

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Granted! But now you suck at everything else you could do well before.

I wish that I could post good content on YouTube and/or Twitch.

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Granted! But now EVERYTHING around you is red!

I wish that stat-boosters would've kept their Akaneia games properties (ex: Dracoshield gives 4 Defense)

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Granted! But the stat inflation in the series continues at a Weimar Republic-like pace, so a boost of four is worse than an generic curate's Level Up.

I wish that Netflix made an adaptation of the Skulduggery Pleasant novels.

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Granted, but you're now so addicted to it, that you must eat one candy after every 5 minutes. Oh, and this has resulted in you getting cavaties.


I wish I could wield an axe.

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Granted! But now, you have the same fate as after Hector wields the Armads.

I wish that I had more motivation to update more frequently my FE4 Tier List :P

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  • 2 weeks later...
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You would still die out of the difference of pressure between your body and space if your body is even suitable for space and survives the hell that involves traveling to space and staying there, having to trsin your body to prevent degeneration in the first place;

even with surviving all of this and putting on a suit that protects you from any other "natural" dangers of space you would die if you let your curiousity out of hand, getting trapped in the gravitational force from another planet or star that crushes or burns you alive if you didn't die of dehydration/starvation first;

even when avoiding all the dangers of space that could possibly happen, you would probably end up as a test subject, leaving everyone that loved you or voce versa behind and you would die lonely.

if you didn't end up as a test subject because it seemed useless, a huce burden and responsiblity would bury you, as you would be the only one capable of handling the job; 

in any case you would earn a lot of hate from those that worked hard and who envy you for what you are; you could be cast out from your trusted friends if not killed out of your "fortunate" ability.

Your ability might even fade into obscurity since you failed all applications to be recruited for space-related work.

You would die anyways aand eventually all what you provided seemed to be for naught.

Even without the ability to die or to be affected by any of these circumstances, you would be leaving everyone you loved or vice versa dead, having to look at every death of your family and your potential kids, grandchildren and so forth.

Even if you reproduced and your genes would be carried over, eventually you will be outclassed by someone else, you would become obsolete and if immortality is present, eventually you who was just a prototype has become a nuisance to society.




I wish to have never existed and never exist, pandimensionally.

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(You must be fun at parties)

Granted! But you don't even experience the joy of having that wish granted in the first place :P

I wish that I wouldn't have to go to my job today :'(

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Granted! But now you are forced to use them to do your everyday stuff, like cooking, cutting, etc.

I wish that Matilda will be as broken as ever in Echoes!

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This means you would be using her more often and -as a result of your bias- abandoning other characters that might "deserve" more attention than Matilda by having been changed to be more useful or interesting as characters.

You are also only focusing on the gamplay aspect of Matilda meaning that, even with great stats if she is changed to be a loathesome bitch or a boring character, you might end up not using her (unless you don't care about the story).

You might even end up not using Matilda at all because her brokenness would ruin the fun you have embracing the challenge.

You might even end up not using her because keeping her alive in the "chapter" you get her would be too much of a hassle for anyone and by the time you got Matilda (or not) you've spend days figuring out a strategy, exhausting you and discouraging from continuing to play the game.

Maybe Matilda ends up being broken but everyone else is even more broken than her, so that her existence becomes useless, as she is outclassed by everyone else.


I wish i could not feel any emotion, be it joy, love, disgust etc.

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Granted...but it means you just have no soul now. All that's left is your body- which is merely a husk am I using the right word?  now. You are totally emotionless...with no conscious.


I wish I knew proper English

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8 hours ago, Flee Fleet! said:

am I using the right word?

Believe so. Pretty sure it's along the lines of an empty shell.

8 hours ago, Flee Fleet! said:

I wish I knew proper English

Granted! However you lose all aptitude for other languages, forget all you already know of other languages, become fully deaf and become blind in one eye.

I wish I could travel to parallel universes of my choice whenever I please.

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This would most likely cause paradoxes in spacetime since you would be absent from the parallel universe of your origin to be superfluous in another one.

Depending on the parallel universe(PU) the inhabitants would reject you but this wouldn't matter since you could just switch to a PU that had more friendly inhabitants.

However by facing the inhabitants that will never reject you, your character would eventually end up as a selfish and unlikeable brat that became bored of everything since you already went to a PU and experienced it there; eventually your abuse of the niceness of the inhabitants would make you a tryant.

Depending on the PU you are in, the physics would or would not function on your favor; since you are a human bound by the laws of your PU of origin it might mess you up.

Depending in your ability to control your next location you might be prejudging the PU you are going to travel to and face unintended consequences.

Eventually when having already travelled to various PU you would come to realize that life is meaningless and the people you face are nothing more than bland puppets bound by the laws of their respective PU and your imagination.

Since you would be eventually grow familiar to everything, your mind would degenerate and you would become crazy as you couldn't possibly distinguish which PU you have visited or not and what memory belongs to what PU and even what the PU of your origin is; Your family would be nothing more than puppets of your own imagination since you have imagined a PU for them to be so; everything would seem artificial and you would wish to be helped only to find out that you are alone in this and nobody would ever undertand you.

unless you would wipe your memory clean and reconstruct your body in a PU that specialited in this you would wish to die, to end this hell.

But the moment you have reconstructed yourself, you could not be "yourself" anymore; your consciousness would be bound by factors that are not controlled by you.

Unless you avoid it by travelling to a PU that would make you and others immortal, the moment you grow fond of something and stay in the atmosphere of it, you would become unhappy for it to die or leave you and vice versa.

Even when the inhabitants are the same as you imagined them to be, they would still be genuine, still be someone with character whike you treat them as puppets and not as human beings.

Instead of dealing with the problems you face you would just flee to a PU that doesn't allow this problem, leaving a trail of ruined PU behind you.

If there would be something overseeing all PU you would be considered a threat being judged by your selfish actions.

Since you are faulty because you are a human, you might even end up dying without realizing it the moment you enter a PU;

you would still be subject to percieved randomness and you would always screw up unless you altered your body along the way but again, you wouldn't truly be yourself then and with the altered body returning to your PU of origin you would be considered a maverick, a monster and not one of them, eventually excluding you from any origin you could possibly have and possibly return.




I wish i was a lifeless puppet without soul, character or empathy.

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