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Help! Finn keeps pairing with Bridget and I don't know why


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So I was playing the new patch and had just finished Chapter 3. I went to Chapter 4, not noticing that Finn and Bridget had become lovers by accident, so I went back, replayed Chapter 3 and kept Finn and Bridget as far away as I could since they have a pretty high love growth, but yet, they become lovers again. Then I play the chapter with Finn in Evans but yet they became lovers still! What is happening? Help.

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How much is as far as possible though? Maybe because of the jealousy system, Bridget get paired up with Finn because of another girl in his proximity, boosting the love points. It does a long time I played this game really so I may have my mechanics messed up like what's the distance it is required to make the romance grow. But it's the most logical option, right?

Well, if you want to check whether or not it's a bug, how about you kill Bridget orFinn and check if they get married post-mortem? (that'd surprise me but it could explain

You could also try to coutner it by marrying Brigid with Mydayle because they get 100 love points in one event when she's recruited. But really, I got no other ideas.

Edit: That Finn x Briggid love growth or whatever:

base=180 turn=10

Edited by Princess Lore
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Last I remember, Finn was still at the castle where you battle Eldigan and Chagall, and Bridget was where she was recruited. I also did get that Midir conversation as I intended on pairing them (And I was using the jealousy system too to make it faster), so I have no idea how the hell it happened. The only thing I can think of is that I started trying to pair Midir and Bridget around turn 39 (?) since I like to go to turn 50 in chapter 3 to get most of my units paired up.

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Last I remember, Finn was still at the castle where you battle Eldigan and Chagall, and Bridget was where she was recruited. I also did get that Midir conversation as I intended on pairing them (And I was using the jealousy system too to make it faster), so I have no idea how the hell it happened. The only thing I can think of is that I started trying to pair Midir and Bridget around turn 39 (?) since I like to go to turn 50 in chapter 3 to get most of my units paired up.

If you play the opening phases of the chapter efficiently enough that Silvail is seized on or before Turn 19 (I think), and then keep going until turn 50 when love points stop accumulating, they WILL get married unless you kill Finn (which just sends him home) or get him married to someone else beforehand. If you take it slow through the early phases of the Chapter and don't seize Silvail before the tipping point, then Finn and Bridget can't rack up enough love points to get hitched. Doesn't matter if you leave him at the home castle-- if you don't want them married, either make sure he's with someone else, "kill" him, or take your sweet time seizing Silvail.

OTOH it's not a bad pairing! Just have Finn yank the Thunder Sword from Jacoban for Patty to inherit. :)

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Keeping them away from each other won't help much. If they would be right next to each other, they would get 15 points each turn. But if they are separated, they still get +10 each turn.

All characters get +5 to their lover points for every turn they spend next to each other. That massive +10 bonus for Finn and Briggid are applied as long as both of them are on the map.

Edited by BrightBow
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THis bonus exists, because fin leaves so soon after getting brigid and tiltyu that the only way that the developers could figure to make pairing up possible was to make their normal per murn gain for being on the map massive (its usualy +2 or something)

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Thanks everyone for the help. I suppose I will just wait till Chapter 4 to pair up my units (Or even just get the conversations in Chapter 5).

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