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Happy Eid Mubarak shoutout!


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Happy Eid Mubarak for those who celebrates Eid al-Fitr 1437 Hijri!

Edited by Levin Alaude
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This was one of the most difficult Ramadans on all phases, and my sister and my mom agree. I called my mom to let her know I had to skip 4 of the last 5 fasts (after doing the entire first 25) because I was running on consistently 3-5 hours of sleep and working a lot, and I ran to a point where I had no energy to function and couldn't trust myself to drive myself anywhere without something to keep me awake.

However, my students were both informed and fooled. They learned that Ramadan is longer than one week long, and the reason they thought it was only a week long was because I never showed any outward signs of being tired or hungry the whole way. At least I was able to fake it where I needed to!

EDIT: btw it's just "Eid Mubarak." Mubarak is a mix of "happy" and "congratulations," or something to that effect. Someone with more knowledge of Arabic/Urdu should correct me, but we say Mubarak when we are giving blessings to someone basically, so "Eid Mubarak" is something to the effect of "Blessed Eid" or "Happy Eid."

Edited by Lord Raven
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Eid Mubarak to everyone too! I did all the fasts of this month , which I'm happy about , but I didn't really go outside anywhere cuz hot days do not rock.

btw it's just "Eid Mubarak." Mubarak is a mix of "happy" and "congratulations," or something to that effect. Someone with more knowledge of Arabic/Urdu should correct me, but we say Mubarak when we are giving blessings to someone basically, so "Eid Mubarak" is something to the effect of "Blessed Eid" or "Happy Eid."

Yeah you're right about the meaning of Mubarak. Just sayin.

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I find it kind of funny that former Egyptian President Mubarak's name translates into "President Happy Congratulations"

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  • 4 weeks later...

It can be pretty hellish. My friend practices Ramadan and some days it's just too much for him and he can't do it. His family is pretty understanding about it, so it's not the end of the world or anything.

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  • 1 month later...

Eid Mubarak to all of you!

I'm sorry for not saying it quickly after the end of the ramadan.

This was one of the most difficult Ramadans on all phases, and my sister and my mom agree. I called my mom to let her know I had to skip 4 of the last 5 fasts (after doing the entire first 25) because I was running on consistently 3-5 hours of sleep and working a lot, and I ran to a point where I had no energy to function and couldn't trust myself to drive myself anywhere without something to keep me awake.However, my students were both informed and fooled. They learned that Ramadan is longer than one week long, and the reason they thought it was only a week long was because I never showed any outward signs of being tired or hungry the whole way. At least I was able to fake it where I needed to!EDIT: btw it's just "Eid Mubarak." Mubarak is a mix of "happy" and "congratulations," or something to that effect. Someone with more knowledge of Arabic/Urdu should correct me, but we say Mubarak when we are giving blessings to someone basically, so "Eid Mubarak" is something to the effect of "Blessed Eid" or "Happy Eid."

I can see in what kind of situation you had to live: my father worked during the ramadan of this year and only had three hours of sleeping.

I was able to "do" the ramadan of this year just because I stayed at home all the day, going out only when I had to go to the Mosque of my city, so I really don't know how I would have "survived" this ramadan if I was in your place or in that of my father.

Also, my apologies if my reply to this old post bothered you.

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