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Would you like to receive the festival maps now if it meant this?



36 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like the festival DLC now at this cost?

    • Yes, I could care less about the conversations
    • Yes, only if a future update added the conversations
    • No, conversations are more important than the rewards
  2. 2. Would you like if DLC maps allowed you to just get the reward without playing them?

    • Yes, I paid, so I shouldn't ever have to waste time.
    • Yes, but only after the very first time you earn the reward.
    • Nope, you should have to play every single time.

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I'm rather disappointed that we have gotten the DLC involving the children's story, but see no sign at all of receiving the festival maps that Japan got with that batch. I wanted those maps far more because getting more hero/exalt brands is far more important to me than any of the taker skills (point blank is the only useful item out of what we've gotten so far to me). I'm thinking the most likely reason is because of the enormous load of conversations (Over 500?...) they have to translate localize!

How would you feel is they just released the maps now without the conversations? Or, even better, they just made every conversation is like in this awesome support convo:

lol If they did that, they could add the conversations in a future update, though I could care less about them.

Also, does anybody else get tired of having to clear a certain map every time you want certain items? I hate having to clear the royal royale (and other maps where I can't use my own freakin' units!) any time I want an extra dread scroll and such. The point of such maps seems to be to have access to as many of such items as you wish, but clearing the level over and over can be quite annoying and time consuming. Would you like if after the very first time you cleared one of those maps, you could just select to skip it and get another of the reward you've already earned before (or possibly even get it without ever having to play the level at all)?

Edited by Amanroth
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I feel like a wasted of DLC if they take out the conversations from the maps, since... Aren't the maps easy? Like the Convo maps from Awakening, because the whole point of them is allow the characters to have chats between them?

I prefer to wait for the maps, because I really want some of the conversations in them, learn more about the characters and of course I want the extra items, but I will never pay for these maps only for the items, I want the conversations too

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The conversations are the whole point of the DLC!

Removing them would make buying the DLC pointless!

Not for people that are only buying the maps for the hero/exalt brands. Some people only want the items, some only want the conversations, and others may want both. I personally only care about the reward. So perhaps for me the middle option would be best, then I could get the items now and read the conversations some other time.

(And if the conversations were really the only point of the maps, then that makes both maps worthless since you can already read the conversations online thanks to our faster-than-localization translators :p )

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Have you SEEN Sakura/Kana or Camilla/Soleil, there's your answer

No, I haven't seen any of the DLC conversations. Even if they're inappropriate it doesn't mean that NOA is going to completely remove the whole thing.

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Not for people that are only buying the maps for the hero/exalt brands. Some people only want the items, some only want the conversations, and others may want both. I personally only care about the reward. So perhaps for me the middle option would be best, then I could get the items now and read the conversations some other time.

(And if the conversations were really the only point of the maps, then that makes both maps worthless since you can already read the conversations online thanks to our faster-than-localization translators :p )

Treading a bit into off-topic with this, but we're not only waiting for more Hero/Exalt Brands, but there's still unreleased DLC skill items in the game's data. That, in addition to the fact that there's going to be only two of these maps makes me curious as to how they might distribute the so far unused items, if they even use them at all.


Edited by Ren_Ambrose
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Okay, better question. Why would NOA remove the conversations from the DLC?

Because a dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow. lol As pointed out, it's a lot of work to carefully "localize" that many conversations. Obviously all the "inappropriate" ones will be drastically changed. When I think of how much people will likely complain about many such changes, I just feel like they may as well just not even try and just make them all short and simple conversations, or none at all, just so they could release it all the sooner.

Treading a bit into off-topic with this, but we're not only waiting for more Hero/Exalt Brands, but there's still unreleased DLC skill items in the game's data. That, in addition to the fact that there's going to be only two of these maps makes me curious as to how they might distribute the so far unused items, if they even use them at all.
I'm thinking those last skills might be being saved for one one last batch of DLC. I just pray the maps that they come from let us use our own units, I'm sick of maps that force you to use specific characters that have nothing to do with your current play-through. Edited by Amanroth
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Because a dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow. lol As pointed out, it's a lot of work to carefully "localize" that many conversations. Obviously all the "inappropriate" ones will be drastically changed. When I think of how much people will likely complain about many such changes, I just feel like they may as well just not even try and just make them all short and simple conversations, or none at all, just so they could release it all the sooner.

If that's your case, I'd say it's more likely that we'd just not get the DLC at all rather than some kind of neutered version. Because neutering the DLC would take more effort than it's worth.

I'd say we'll probably get the same conversations just with some minor stuff changed, like how the European version of Tharja and Nowi's Harvest DLC conversation was changed to remove the reference to Tharja's "boingy bits"

Edited by The Geek
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neutering the DLC would take more effort than it's worth.

How so?

And, yeah, that obviously isn't what they're doing seeing how they still haven't even announced it, meaning if they do release it, it obviously will be with localized versions of the conversations since it wouldn't take so long otherwise.

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How so?

Changing text is easy, outright removing stuff is hard. That's why they changed Lucina and Owain's status when they reach S Support to "Companions" rather than removing their S Support.

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I want the challenge of repeating a map every time I want an item from it to be honest. I think it'd feel like cheating to basically get an infinite amount after beating it only once.

I also personally enjoy the conversations more than the reward, but I will gladly take a reward from reading something I want to read. x3

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I'm not paying a cent if they removed the conversations or did a lousy job with it. We've been playing the main game just fine without the DLC skills and classes, anyway. What's the point of purchasing something when you're still doing good without it? Make the game easier? I personally can't care less. Even if I have to pay for the reward I would rather get a powersaves device.

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Changing text is easy, outright removing stuff is hard. That's why they changed Lucina and Owain's status when they reach S Support to "Companions" rather than removing their S Support.

I'd have to say that is a completely different situation with whole different reasoning. As a person with a good share of game programming experience myself, I feel quite confident in saying the time and effort of simply removing the conversions would most definitely be far less than what it takes to localize all the conversations. Though localizing them is what they obviously are doing in this case.

And the reason I jokingly referenced the Saizo/Bekura support was to point out how, assuming text just has to be there for some reason, such "conversations" could also be filled that way (or serve as placeholders). lol

I think it'd feel like cheating to basically get an infinite amount after beating it only once.

In that sense, wouldn't knowing how to beat it every time also be cheating then? lol I've played the Royal Royale so many times that I have a certain very specific path I do with Xander/Ryoma and win nearly every time to the point that I could probably beat it without looking. At this point beating that map feels like a waste of time that I'd rather spend doing other things in the game. I'd at least like if maps like that had the option to just get the item after beating it once since they are boring due to the fact that you always use the exact same characters and everything. Maps where you use your own characters feel different since you really can create differing challenges and such since you're not so limited.

Edited by Amanroth
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I don't know why you are all so worried about this??? If they didn't make such significant changes to the Awakening DLC conversations, why would Fates? Some will have to be changed at least a bit of course (stares at Soleil), but I think the reason we haven't gotten these DLC maps yet is because there are just SO MANY conversations to translate. It's okay to be an optimist, right? And even if the worst is true and all the dialog is gone, the fan translations of them will still exist.

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I feel like a wasted of DLC if they take out the conversations from the maps, since... Aren't the maps easy? Like the Convo maps from Awakening, because the whole point of them is allow the characters to have chats between them?

From what I've seen, just like with ANY of Fates' DLC maps that allow you to use your own units, there is level scaling for the enemy units (further in the story = tougher enemies). The festival maps are no exception.

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