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Opinions on that Fire Emblem Fates character #1 - #65 (Check first page)


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Niles: At first, I wasn't so sure about what to think of him. He looked too edgy and annoying, but the way he talked was interesting, so I gave him a chance... and I'm really glad I did. Personality wise, he's really awesome and it feels like it's one of the more interesting characters to read hid supports (I love how weird his supports are with Setsuna). Unit wise, he became one of my better units, dodging like crazy and being the awesome archer I like having on my team (Unlike some other pineapple head...). Overall, a unit I really liked.

Felicia: I'm overall neutral to her as a character. Her being clumsy as a character can get a little bit boring, but some of the jokes made laugh a good ammount in her supports. As a unit however... Actually it was around the same. Her trashy strenght meant that she could barely scratch enenies with normal weapons, but with the Flame Shuriken she became a lot more useful, although I still find Jakob to be better.

Overall... eh, it's fine.

Edit: Grammar in cell phone it's hard.

Edited by Drarky
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Niles: Quite possible the greatest utility unit of all time, hilarious supports and dialogue overall, you want to marry this beautiful man and no matter what corin you use... you always can.

Felecia: Not named jakob. TROUBLE.

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topic got "Hot" added to it baby!

now all we need is to get it pinned.

lol, why not go for front page on Serenes Forest? Go for broke or go home.

Anyway, time for some hot, spicy opinions.

The Nile

I totally dig him. He's one of my favorite characters in the game, if only because he almost never fails to make me laugh. But he's also got a backstory that explains why he might be the way he is, and his overly flirtatious attitude is because of his view of people in general. He only does it to people he thinks "deserve it", which sometimes only the slightest mishaps would fulfill that condition. He has some genuine supports with certain characters, as well. And if I hear things correctly, he was written really well in the original version of the game.

I don't often like characters or games with edge, but his is done just right, I feel. He isn't like Shadow the Hedgehog where it just seems like he tries too hard to be a "morally ambiguous" asshole; he just innately is a morally ambiguous character by the very nature of his past (and present), and he puts off his flirty, uncaring asshole caricature effortlessly.

Felicia (AKA Mizz "We've Got Trouble")

Some say Jakob's the better of Corrin's retainers, but I disagree (I'll get into that when I talk about Little Jakob, though do know that I definitely don't hate him). Sure, a number of Felicia's supports revolve around her breaking stuff and fumbling as a maid, but there's a charm to her trying to appease everyone around her, and not just Corrin. I still find it kind of odd that she's so nice and happy given that she pretty much was forced to serve Corrin because she was a political prisoner. But you know what, Corrin and the Nohrian royals are pretty damn kind people, so I guess it's easy to get Stockholmed working for them.

She's kind of like a more attentive Setsuna, seasoned with unconditional kindness and apparently overly saturated with hints at her combat prowess. I dig her confidence in combat, as well.

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#1: Laslow/Inigo - Haven't got the chance to really use him since as a unit, he's kind of middling at best. From what I remember of his supports, I do like what I see of Laslow more then what I remember of Inigo as there seems to be some maturity to him, but I won't pretend to be an expert on him.

#2: Shigure - One of the better child units in that he feels balanced in terms of what his character is supposed to be, but like with Laslow, I don't really use him since I don't care much for the kids.

#3: Selkie - To be honest, I don't really like her. She's very one note in her gimmick, and while I don't mind one note characters if they're done decently enough, her gimmick is very overplayed in her supports and each time I always found it to be pretty grating.

#4: Flora - A good character that's limited by being a Corrinsexual, she shows a good amount of depth in what we do get of her and it's a shame that the game doesn't allow her more times to shine due to how the support system works. I really would've liked to have learned more about her, but I can't complain about what we did get of her.

#5: Scarlet - Probably the most screwed over character in the entire game. Ignoring the whole unrequited love angle that IS loves to push, she has two routes where she gets horribly killed, one of those routes she happens to be one of the few characters that isn't permanently recruited and dies pointlessly, and she's stuck to being a Corrinsexual with not much else in terms of story presence or otherwise to keep her afloat like Flora. It's really a shame she got treated this way as I love her design and I do like the ideas behind the character, it's just seems like IS loved using her more as their punching bag.

#6: Selena/Severa - I didn't like Severa that much in Awakening, so seeing her supports in Fates made her more likeable to me. She has gotten a good amount of development from the Awakening days, and she's more amicable with her allies, which makes her "tsundere" gimmick more tolerable. So she's a stronger character here I felt and I ended up liking more of her supports here then in the previous game. I also liked her design as the mercenary outfit in general has a nice design in Fates and I do like how her character fits in it.

#7: Nyx - Never used her in the English version, only read some of her supports from the Japanese version, so I won't say a word.

#8: Takumi - A really good character overall, he has a good amount of traits, flaws, and strengths that make him relatable and likeable as a person. My only issue with him is his story role in Conquest as he has every reason to be embittered towards Corrin, but the game turns him into a hate monster for it, but I blame that more on Corrin and the writing then him, which brings me to...

#9: Corrin - Ugh, he's not as bad as Kris, but that's not saying much. The game goes out of its way to bend over backwards for him, he doesn't develop even when he makes a mistake (such as the Anthony subplot), he's ridiculously coddled and worshipped by everyone around him, and too easily forgiven for actions that should leave other characters reasonably pissed at him. Support-wise, both Corrins are pretty bland to me as they have to be able to marry everyone, so they end up being very vanilla as a result since they can't have too much that goes against the preferences of the player and their potential partners. The only thing I like about him is the Dragon Fang skill and the class, though the dragon form is still a bit odd to me.

#10: Sophie - Avel swallows up most of whatever character she has, so I don't care about her.

#11: Shura - Another Corrinsexual that shows potential, but is limited by the system. Not much else for me to say, though like with the other two, there are elements that I like about him.

#12: Saizo - Pretty well rounded I'd say, he can be a bit of an ass, but his other traits are pretty likeable and I do like the depth he shows in supports like Beruka's. Speaking of supports, in general, they are also pretty good as he bounces off well with the majority of the cast with only a couple stinkers here and there. Top that off with a good design and he's probably my favorite of the ninjas overall.

#13: Velouria - I love her design, it's a nice nod to Little Red Riding Hood and it's pretty adorable on its own. As a character, her gimmick can be a bit much for the same reasons as Keaton's (and she falls into that trap more then he does), I have mixed feelings on her Electra complex, and she can be a bit rude at times, though I do like her bluntness in some supports. Overall though, she's OK, one of the child units I like.

#14: Fuga - Outside of using him as a unit (a role of which he's pretty neat in), I don't know much about him as a character.

#15: Subaki - He's very dull to me, the fact that he takes cues from Cordelia is already not winning him favors from me, but I can't recall too many supports that left an impression on me either. He just comes off as pretty bland, which is a shame since having a male Pegasus Knight has been a want of the fandom for years.

#16: Hinoka - It was said in an interview that she was not intended to originally be in the game, and looking at her character, I can see that. I do like the idea of a character that works hard to protect their siblings, but Hinoka is very bland as she barely has a story role and we don't get too much of her character outside of little tidbits here and there. So she ultimately comes off as very flat as a person, and it's hard for me to really keep interest in her despite her supposed importance of being a royal.

Also, she loses points for that Saizo support.

#17: Niles - A pretty decent character, he has a backstory, but he's not fully defined by it and you can understand his character without it, he has a quirk, but it's done in a way that allows him to be more human, and he has some pretty good supports with other characters. I'm kind of iffy on him on some of the other aspects of his character, but I still like him overall.

#18: Felicia - Oh poor Felicia, whenever I have to point to repetitive supports, she's one of the characters at the top of my list. She has some potential as there are little things like the Flora chapter, but it's few and far in-between and doesn't go anywhere, as she's a very one-note as she revolves around being a klutz, and that trait is present in a huge amount of her supports. It also doesn't help that due to the support system, she has more then most characters on virtue of being a neutral unit and she can't grow out of said trait since she "resets" each time you support another character. So she ends up being a very repetitive character that is stagnant and isn't allowed to evolve, so she's very forgettable to me as a result.

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#15: Subaki

Kind of a mixed bag, as a unit he's good, as a character, kinda meh. He's this game's version of Cordelia the difference is Cordelia doesn't pride herself in her perfection and even hates being called perfect whereas Subaki is arrogant and cares about nothing less than showing others that he's the perfect specimen. I like that he's not exactly the same but his personality isn't a big winner for me. As a unit he's an excellent sweeper especially when he uses Subaki's Pike fittingly enough, since he more often than not will have better skill than the enemy. Used him almost in every chapter.

#16: Hinoka

Great unit, that Guard Naginata she has initially is great for tanking early on, only thing she really lacks in is Strength but otherwise good unit. As a character I always liked her because of her design and strong personality. She's like Sully in a sense that she's tomboyish but she's very passionate about her family, all in all I like Hinoka.

#17: Niles

Like Saizo and Jakob, Niles is an asshole. But I like him actually, he has a nice backstory and it explains his actions towards others and he only does it to prove a point really like in his conversation with Camilla. And I particularly liked his support with Peri, it was nice to see some backstory for her. And he's a good archer too, he's pretty fast so he'll double more often than not and I always found thieves to be useful.

#18: Felicia

The waifu has come, I really like Felicia and yes I ship Corrin x Felicia. And I always liked flawed characters more since they're always more interesting. Felicia is a terrible maid but a skilled fighter, and she says so a number of times, even Leo acknowledged that, and of course, she's cute. It's not something I usually say when describing characters but she really is cute. I find her to be an essential support unit with her only problem being her terrible HP growth, but having the ability to use staves and daggers is extremely useful.

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One of my favorite characters, the way he acts towards others is because of his past, but even without knowing his past, he is still an enjoyable character.

As a unit, he is a must on my Conquest playtroughs: he is fast and tend to have a good magic, so he wileds the shining bow quite well and he also learns a very important skill: Shuriken breaker, which can make some chapters easier.

Felicia: she has some funny and enjoyable supports, but most of them are also about how bad she is as a maid, which can become quite annoying.

As a unit, she is decent, being a good magic-shuriken/knife user, altough she can't do much with physical weapons.

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He's alright, he's got some hidden depths and can be funny, and he's got the best dialogue in the game with Leo in the fan service DLC, but other than that he's a bit meh.


Wasted potential when compared to her sister. I find it incredible that no one tried adding more variation to her supports. For some reason I can't bring myself to dislike her, however. Sigh...I'm just such a sucker for cute. Still, I would never say that she's a good character.

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One of my favourite characters. He's a great unit, has good supports and dialogue, and an interesting backstory. His personality doesn't feel forced to me and I love his sarcasm/trolling. I also felt the whole bisexual thing was done very well.


Pales in comparison to her sister because she's a lot more tropey and anime. She's cute though, I'll give her that. I just would've liked to spend more time with the Ice Tribe and get to know their history. Gets points for being one of the first localization memes.

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Pretty interesting dude. Design is really appealing and is in my current favorite class in the series, Outlaw. His voice actor did a good job in english,though I have to admit I have more of a bias to Koyasu... and his Japanese supports. They do manage to show more depth to him, which I appreciate, other then being the token "bisexual sadist lmao." Probably the better same-sex marriage option than Rhajat imo. I typically pair him up with Oboro... I just really like those two together. I also ended up liking his support with Tsubaki.


Don't think much of her simply because she's a cute meido with some repetitive supports. I admit I felt super bad for the poor thing in Birthright though and I sympathize with being clumsy. I actually like her English voice more - it's less forced "cute" and more awkwardly endearing.

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Niles: My favourite bow user in Fates. Yes, even more than Takumi. His battle quotes are so fun to listen to, he's a magic users worse nightmare and he is an interesting character in most of his supports, especially with Camilla and Beruka. I kind of wished they toned down his gay overtones and gave him better skill growths. Also, is it just me or was Niles based on Alex Delarge from A Clockwork Orange?

Felicia: She's ok, I still prefer Jakob. Felicia clumsiness questions me on the requirements to be the servant of a royal prince.

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I have a bias for Takehito Koyasu and hearing that velvety DIO voice whisper in my ear was something I was looking forward to. Besides, his main personality quirk of spouting out innuendos, I was pleasantly surprised to find that they gave him more depth than just being a yaoi seme trope. His supports are generally good with my favorite being his with Arthur, as it gave both characters some very good development; Niles showed vulnerability and Arthur showed some surprising perceptiveness.

I will note that I am unhappy with the censorship of his speech, though I do understand it. A lot of the things he said had more impact in the Japanese version than it did in the NoA version.

As a unit, he serves as a speedy mage killer. He's extremely useful during CQ and I love pairing him with Odin for extra RES, Arthur for STR and Nyx just because I quite liked that support line.

One of my favorite units.


Overall, I prefer her sister over her. While I'm not fond of most of her conversations, I will say I adore with Hina-bae and I plan on marrying them together during my eventual joke run.

As a unit, I prefer Jakob early game and Felicia late game.

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He's been a pretty unit for me. I like him a lot. He gets me out of trouble, when I am in it. However he still gets benched once I get his daughter. I still use him though if I want to capture one of those capturable bosses though.


I'm probably one of the few people, but I love Felicia over Jakob. I just really hate Jakob. Felicia is pretty good with either Felicia's Plate or Flame Shuriken.

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#17) Niles: I love this horny, perverted son of a bitch and he knows it.

#18) Felicia: I like how her cluminess isn't treated as an endearing quality, she's just a shitty maid (not in combat). Unlike with Jacob, I also like how pairing her up with Corrin doesn't have the potential to be a criminal minds episode in the making. She's simply charming.

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#1: Laslow/Inigo

I find him okay... same as Awakening.

#2: Shigure
I think his singing voice in the DLC is nice (though I usually dislike Matthew Mercer), and I like him a lot but I never found him to be too useful as a unit.

#3: Selkie
Uhh... okay. I don't like that Buttercup from the Powerpuff Girls is her English VA though. And her paralogue sucked.

#4: Flora
Idk. She only has a few supports.

#5: Scarlet
Probably looks fabulous on the battlefield with her bezaddled weapons.

#6: Selena/Severa
She's like my guilty pleasure character. I know she's a bit bad but I liked her a lot in both games she was in.

#7: Nyx
Is secretly fifty but acts like a teenage girl who thinks she's cool. Not even useful as a unit in Revelations since she joins at Level 9 in Chapter 15 right after you got Silas at like Level 18.

#8: Takumi
I didn't like him in Conquest nor have I played Birthright. And I didn't see him much in Revelations (I forget he even joins when I feel like skipping cutscenes)

#9: Corrin


#10: Sophie
I think she's really cute, like she reminds me of Sumia, kinda. Too bad I only started using her recently.

#11: Shura
Man I dunno. Good unit but I never used him.

#12: Saizo

Kinda rude and I don't like his supports much except for Kagero... and Beruka's was okay...?

#13: Velouria

I like her. She's similar to Keaton but has daddy issues. Still better than Selkie anyway.

#14: Fuga

I hate his dumb wind maps, but I like what he reclasses into.

#15: Subaki

I like him more than I should. Only because he's so damn pretty.

#16: Hinoka

See #9.

#17: Niles

I totally overhyped him before Conquest came out. He's okay.

#18: Felicia

If Benny didn't exist, she would be my favorite character. I just hope whoever made her support conversations really repetitive's got trouble.

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Niles: When I found out that he was the male same-sex option, I was initially worried. However, all my fears ended up being unfounded. He is a solid character with some genuinely funny lines and, well, he is one of the few characters in Fates that are actually multi-faceted and nuanced. And that is always interesting to see.

Felicia aka "WE'VE GOT TROUBLE": awawawawawawawawawawa. (ahem!) Felicia definitely is in the running for "cutest character award". As has been stated previously, I do like how her "shitty maid" shtick is not treated as endearing by the cast, and I respect that despite her obvious lack of domestic talent, she continually tries to improve her domestic skills (usually by burning down half the kitchen... again). While her supports tended to orbit around her shtick, some of them were really endearing, especially the one between her and M!Corrin. I just wish we were able to explore her backstory more. Like her twin, she is a political hostage, possibly taken from a young age. Why did Felicia adapt so quickly to living in the Northern Fortress to the point where she holds far more loyalty to Corrin (Stockholm syndrome?) than her tribe, while Flora struggles daily with where her loyalties lie?

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Niles: I fell in love with him at first sight. I was totally into his JPN voice, though I'm kinda iffy about his EN one. I pretty much obsessed over him until Fates was over here in the US. Because of the way they changed the face petting feature in the EN release, I got sick of Niles for a bit. (eg just listening to him say the same 3 lines over and over again). After stepping away from the game for a couple of months, I've fallen in love with him again, and I've got a maid!Niles charm ordered for my birthday next Friday, as well as a button that came in last week!

Felicia: She's a little annoying, but its kinda charming at the same time. I REALLY like her hair color, especially on Forrest. So pink! Other than that, I don't have much to say about her.

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Today's characters are Kagero and Kana, what are your thoughts on them

Kagero: happy 2 days late birthday, good mother for shiro, didn't care much about her, not saizo.

Kana: Cute, but I didn't use him.

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I didn't use her until Revelation. It's kind of sad that she gets captured by the enemy all the time. When I got around to using her, I was surprised by her amazing strength. I love her supports that talk about her art and show her relationships to other Hoshidans. One of the better characters.


Hate this cheap attempt to pander to the player with forced cuteness.

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A piece of cardboard. Dull and uninteresting. Her art does not make her more special or feel more human.


Morgan without the charm and completely devoid of personality. One of the more obvious attempts at pandering.

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Well, I would've bought it before Fates but, it didn't drop in it's price a single, considering how older the game is now, it should've at least dropped 10 dollars, but I'll wait either way until I finish Path of Radiance.

The Soundtrack that I heard from it sounds pretty great but I heard lots of bad stuff about it's story, though it can't be worse than Birthright's, right?

The ch 11(?) theme "Don't speak her name" may be the best track in fire emblem. Past that it's pretty mediocre.

Awakening is fun but it's really not adding much onto Selena/Laslow aside from wondering when Laslows voice got so damn sexy, the main thing you note is "holy shit Odin grew up into the most badass of nerd dads" and "ok, now I understand why IS drew so many feet in fates"

On topic:

Kagero: Your jiggle physics are in another castle mario Saizo, Its amusing how the highly trained ninja gets kidnapped so fucking much. Past that she's a decent charecter and a great unit if she manages to escape the hell that is ninja's str cap.

Kana: I like vanilla but it's not my favorite. This serving has a bit to much sugar in it.

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#19) Kagero- She didn't seem the damsel type, so I'm surprised they made her one, considering she's really good gameplay wise, she would be more than capable of handling herself. It's great if you ship Kagero x Saizo, all the fuel you.

#20) Kana- They are cute, I like them in the child festival DLC more than in-game.

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Only talking about characters I care about. :P:

Niles: Fucking incredible character and unit. His VA does an incredible job portraying him as a delinquent and a troll, but Koyasu took this character to all the right places. While most of Koyasu's roles are "that sounds like Dio!", JP Niles really invokes a Koyasu villain with his sadistic performance that really made you doubt if this guy was on our team. Enough gushing about the voice. He also has some of the strongest supports in the whole game. I didn't think I'd end up liking him as much as I did. As a unit, he's a 9 mov Swiss army knife. Lockpicking, capturing, surprisingly good combat due to high mt weapon type and high speed, better range control than most units due to the 1 range bow that doubles. He's just so dang flexible and I love that.

Kagero: She's so goddamn attractive it's nuts. Her character falls sort of flat though but a Ninja with a sense of duty is too inoffensive for me to be that bothered anyway. At least they somewhat tried to give her a weird art quirk and her friendship with Orochi (best friends, even!) is as unexpected as it is exclusive

legitimately sweet since there aren't many female-female friendships that don't involve a guy. Getting captured in literally all 3 routes isn't a good look though. She's kinda ridiculous in both playable routes as a unit. 70% Str and 1-2 range tells the whole story.

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Kagero: She's ok. Not bad but she isn't really interesting either. People say she's boring, but what do you expect? She's the retainer of a future king. Laslow is a clown and Peri is a criminal.

Kana: Bad, their character revolves around being a cute kid and nothing else.

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