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Anticipated games?


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Just wondering what games people are looking forward to, in the new future : o

I've kind of fallen out of the gaming news loop, myself, so I don't know of too many new games. However some that I'm looking forward to are:

  • Phoenix Wright 3 and Apollo Justice- They still haven't come out in Europe yet... At least Apollo Justice has a release date.
  • Fire Emblem DS- Obviously
  • Luminous Arc 2
  • Knights in the Nightmare- It's kind of early, but it's something to watch

Probably forgot to mention some more, but oh well.

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Fire Emblem DS

Sonic RPG

Disgaea DS

Mario Kart Wii

Okami Wii

The World Ends With you

Line Rider


Bleach: Dark Souls

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness/Time

Pokémon Ranger 2

Disgaea DS (sure it's a port of Disgaea but I've never owned it and It's extremely hard to find for the PS2)

Sonic Unleashed

That's all that I can think of.

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How could I forget The World Ends with You?

I just heard about that earlier today, looks fun. Also if there's anything I'm NOT looking forward to, it's Deadly Creatures. It's about Spiders and Scorpions killing crap.

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Fire Emblem DS (DS)

The Wii game that was in the works from the creators of Elite Beat Agents and Ouendan (Wii)

Wii Music, or whatever it was called. (Wii)

Half-Life 2 - Episode 3 (PC)

Dragon Quest V (DS)

Dragon Quest VI (DS)

Dragon Question IX (DS)

Crystal Chronicles (Wii)

I'd like to see a Pikmin 3 soon :(

EDIT: I forgot Silent Hill V. Please, Konami, give us another Silent Hill 2 story, without the crappy gameplay. And Resident Evil 5--just don't let it be the same game again, and please, give us zombies again!

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- Disaster: Day of Crisis [Wii] (The lack of information pertaining to this game is disappointing, but I am keeping my eyes open).

- Disgaea 3 [PS3]

- Fatal Frame IV [Wii]

- Fire Emblem DS [DS]

- Oboro Muramasa Youtouden [Wii] (I hope there are fewer frame-rate issues than were in Odin Sphere).

- Persona 3: FES [PS2]

- StarCraft II [PC]

- Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World [Wii]

- Valkyria Chronicles [PS3]

- Valkyrie Profile: Toga wo Seou Mono [DS]

- The World Ends with You [DS]

I own Okami for the PlayStation 2 and, because I am unable to convince anyone in my family that the game is worthy, I am unlikely to buy the Wii version. I adored Yggdra Union for the Game Boy Advance so I might contemplate buying the upcoming PSP version, but I will wait until more information regarding the title is released.

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Mario Kart Wii

Gears of War 2

Golden Sun 3 (If they actually release it... ._.)


Hopefully this list will grow soon...

*Adds Sonic Unleashed*

*Adds Okami Wii*

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Fire Emblem DS (obviously)

Half-Life 2 Episode 3

Mario Kart Wii

Tales of Symphonia 2

StarCraft 2


Valkria Chronicles


I'll wait to learn more about Okami Wii. I'm interested, but I'll wait until I see some reviews.

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Fire Emblem DS (obviously)

Half-Life 2 Episode 3

Mario Kart Wii

Tales of Symphonia 2

StarCraft 2


Valkria Chronicles


I'll wait to learn more about Okami Wii. I'm interested, but I'll wait until I see some reviews.

Reviews mean nothing. Everyone has their own opinions about games. Except Okami, EVERYONE who plays Okami likes it, unless they're one of those idiots who think blood and graphics>actual gameplay.

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I find that if it looks like something you'd enjoy, get it. The only exception to my rule... is a horrible game I downloaded from VC because it was action RPG.

The freaking battles had you moving around in all directions swinging a sword with such bad range at enemies who damaged you faster than you could attack, and it's one character against a freaking army.

The game in question is called Sword Of Vermillion, do NOT get it.

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