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Could Iago Be From Valla?

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So I just read this really intresting fan theory about Iago's origins.


basicly, it goes over how Iago may be controlling king Garron.

and that Iago is a worshiper of the Great Ceiling Dragon Anakos

so what do you think?

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No. If that's the case then that would technically make Garon be from Valla.

If I recall Iago's magic can controll someone who has something wrong with them emotionally. i.e Garran's depression from loosing both of his wives.

Iago would be from Valla, he's just controlling Garron

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No. If that's the case then this would suggest that Garon would also be from Valla.

Keep in mind that

the Garon we see in Fates basically IS from Valla so...

so this theory is possible, tho I don't know if I buy it yet myself

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It would explain Iago's unexplained obsession with making Corrin's life a living hell and actually provide a proper backstory for a character. On the other hand, I am more inclined to believe that the only reason he is acting that way is because he is scared poopless by Garon in the same way that Zola is. The only difference between them is that Iago somehow managed to carve himself a place as Garon's tactician and right-hand man while Zola did not manage to achieve the same feat.

I do think it's interesting, though.

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I at least think the timeline of when Takumi was possessed is wrong.

[spoiler=Chapter 10 Post-Battle]

  • Avatar: It's good to have you back, Takumi. But as much as I would like to savor this moment. Ryoma is still missing. Can you tell us anything about what happened to you two?
  • Takumi: Yeah. It was insane. We ran into Nohrian troops just outside Izumo and began fighting. Ryoma and I were separated in the early stages of combat, before we had to retreat. We were outnumbered...and pushed to the brink of the Bottomless Canyon.
  • Avatar: So we still have no idea where he is...
  • Takumi: No, I'm afraid not. Something triggered a massive landslide, and I was caught up in it. That's how I fell into the canyon.
  • Avatar: You actually fell into the Bottomless Canyon? How are you still alive?
  • Hinoka: I've never heard of anyone returning from there before.
  • Takumi: I...I have no idea. All I remember is falling. There was a period of darkness, and then I woke up here.

Based on what Takumi said here he fell into the bottomless canyon after Corrin made his choice to side with Hoshido. And, in theory, this event happens in Conquest as well, but without Azura and Corrin to help him, Takumi is completely taken over. In Revelation he was captured by Zola's forces instead.

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It'd also explain why he has the regalia in Birthright and Conquest.

I'd doubt it though, Iago (iirc) says in Revelation C17 that he slightly regrets taking the path he did, and he doesn't understand when Garon talks about Anankos.

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It'd also explain why he has the regalia in Birthright and Conquest.

I'd doubt it though, Iago (iirc) says in Revelation C17 that he slightly regrets taking the path he did, and he doesn't understand when Garon talks about Anankos.

It's entirely possible that he doesn't know about Anakos' descent into madness Would explain his presence in all three paths.

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