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Can FE sell well besides the 3DS?


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its pretty much just the better advertising, the series has always had waifus.

uh, no. It had pretty female characters

Unless by "waifus" you actually mean "waifu simulator in which I can actually create a self-insert to marry", then no.

Not actually sure how the advertising had changed, since I didn't start playing FE until '08. Seems to me FE13 just arrived at the right moment, or something. It's success kind of led to FE14's and Smash came out not that much earlier (and having the protagonists helped).

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uh, no. It had pretty female characters

Unless by "waifus" you actually mean "waifu simulator in which I can actually create a self-insert to marry", then no.

Not actually sure how the advertising had changed, since I didn't start playing FE until '08. Seems to me FE13 just arrived at the right moment, or something. It's success kind of led to FE14's and Smash came out not that much earlier (and having the protagonists helped).

It's a combination of many things.

The most destacable are:

- Perfect Timing (Awakening Arrived when 3DS almost completely lacked RPG/SRPG games)

- A better advertising (Nintendo Directs are one of the the biggest change, the small niche games can actually get some spotlight, it also helps that social networks developed a lot more)

- Following the previous point, the game was advertised in its... ads almost entirely with the most hype-train elements (The cool animations with the new Pair Up Mechanics and the Cinematics with the cool music).

Edited by Troykv
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Found the Fe7 trailer:

I ... Think this proves the point about the advertising. Because "trust no one" is TOTALY an appropriate tag line for fe7. </sarcasm>

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1. Awakening had good graphical presentation (more so in art direction than anything else). Which really mattered after how ugly Shadow Dragon was.

2. The DS was an rpg powerhouse, so there were people buying 3DS's expecting rpgs, that didn't happen with Nintendo consoles for a long time after how barren the 64 was and the Gamecube only have a handful of rpgs.

3. Awakening was made more accessible (12 as well ... but that didn't come out in the west, so I'm only explaining western success here).

4. Awakening is a $40 dollar game instead of a $60 dollar game, that helps

Here's the problem with RPGs on consoles.

You need to sell way more copies to make even.

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..."ugly"? The art style was great, whether or not you're into that sort of approach. Even I can appreciate it, despite not being my favorite among the bunch. The graphics were also pretty neat, they just lacked a certain "spark". They felt dull and rather colourless- and yet again, we may owe that to the aforementioned approach I was talking about (a more "realistic" one?). We're just kind of used to seeing FE in a more colorful and anime-like style. Now that I mention it, this kind of reminds me of FE4 & 5's, in a way.

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..."ugly"? The art style was great, whether or not you're into that sort of approach. Even I can appreciate it, despite not being my favorite among the bunch. The graphics were also pretty neat, they just lacked a certain "spark". They felt dull and rather colourless- and yet again, we may owe that to the aforementioned approach I was talking about (a more "realistic" one?). We're just kind of used to seeing FE in a more colorful and anime-like style. Now that I mention it, this kind of reminds me of FE4 & 5's, in a way.

Oh yeah, the best word to define the graphics in Shadwo Dragon is "dull"; they lack shine and sustance... looks so... dead (specially compared with the previous 5 Games that were more colorful and with more life in the animations).

Edited by Troykv
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Yes as long as the NX is also a handheld or some form of it and the marketing continues to be strong. Lets face it, FE is basically built to be a handheld series and is doing well as a result of good selling handheld and good marketing. Tbh, id be rather bummed if FE went back to consoles cuz...im pretty much done with those for the most part. Oh well.

I find that statement odd seeing as how Shadow Dragon sold poorly compared to Awakening and Fates.

I haven't played Shadow Dragon but from the looks of it, I can't picture the flaws in that game and let's not forget that it did have some marketing there as well.

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Considering the other option besides the NX is the Wii U, which is a known flop sales wise, probably not.

We have no idea how the NX will do though, so it might work.

I will admit I sometimes fire up my GCN for FE7 purposes, though (via the Gameboy Player), so it's not like I dislike playing FE on consoles. It's just I don't see it working in the present market sales wise.

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Some of FE10's Japanese commercials were booty too, by the way.

Having that said, what makes you think a console that sold less than the gamecube/wii (if i'm recalling right) can take up a game that barely uses its features?

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