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Let's play FE4 together (Naga Project translation) (completed)

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[spoiler=Chapter 3 Part 3]


Starting off this part with classic Camus Eldigan. Classic FE trope.


He isn't a joke, he's pretty tough, I forgot to take a screencap, but he can easily destroy anyone we have currently, due to his overpowered sword.


He sends out some armors in front of the castle.

We'll deal with them later, for now, Eldigan's troop is approaching.


Lex gets the first level off the troop. It isn't great.


We want to clear out a path so Lachesis can talk to her brother. Thankfully she's promoted, and we have Sylvia close by, so it won't be too bad.


Upon approaching, we get this conversation. Mystletainn gives him +20 strength, so he wouldn't be incorrect, normally.


Quan gets a level clearing out some guys, it's pretty good.


And off he goes, in classic Camus style...


RIP :c


But hey, we got a cool sword!
Earth sword is a magic sword with Nosferatu effect. Only 10 uses, though, so you can't spam it without having to repair it later.


Cleaning up the cross knights at this point.


We got some more company, though.


Welcome back, Mr. Generic man. I missed you.


They start heading to the closest target, which for me is usually the other castle, but not this time.. so they're coming right for us, I left some people behind at the other castle anyways, because it's helpful.


Done cleaning up, just to wait for the rest to come, now.


Here they are, they'll come in a few turns, so we'll get into position.


They don't pose too much of a threat, though.


Bringing in Ethlyn to chip him with the light sword.


Semi-decent Sylvia level.


Some last chipping so Fury can get in there.


Not too much strength, but she's surprisingly tanky.


Renewal ring gives... well.. renewal. It's useful for Fury, in my opinion.


Looks like he has plans of his own.

All that's left is Chagall and his knights, so we'll get cracking on that.


Getting some... special levels from doing so, though.....


Looks like Beowulf is gonna get some use out of that armorslayer.


An Aideen level.


Well, let's get cracking down on this, then.



This village gives +1 defense, which I forgot about, but it's okay. Sylvia needs the money for later.


Almost done.......


There we are, get outta here.


Tensions are rising. Next time Jules will finish chapter 3.

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Eldigan is rocking some serious Trump hair. He must want to make Augusty great again.

Villages giving out stat boosts seems weird, but I guess it's just like giving stat boosters, as long as you know that before going in.

Why is Shanen the only one watching Seliph? Were there no retainers or anything there with her to help? Or is this like Tales of the Abyss, where you have a retinue of 12 year old girls to be your retainers?

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[spoiler=Chapter 3 part 4]
meanwhile in Orgahil

Duvall: S'only a matter of time b'fore them Grannvale guys're bangin' down our doors too, eh? What d'ya say?

Girl: Damn it, Duvall! The only reason they're coming is because you lot all went pliiaging, against my orders! You've got nobody but yourself to blame.

Duvall: Keh, enough! I can't take yer arrogance anymore! Shut it an' open yer ears!
Now she knows the truth. If you look at her, you might see a familiarity to someone you know already. If you don't know it yet, you'll get the answer later.

Duvall: But yer li'l act's worn its welcome out. No point keepin' ya 'live, eh?

Girl: Damn it all... You really think you clown can take me that easy?
She's is chasen by the bandits now.
an eldorado for swordusers, especially Dew
The bridge is raised... you can see that lots of bandits can already attack Beowulf. This is bad! I couldn't remember that the bandits appear so close to the bridge.

This is a bit mean. The enemies can attack the sniper girl automatically without preventing it. Thankfully she's very powerful and quite tanky.

Yep, she can reach my units already. Beowulf should be safe with weapon advantage.

Wait... he can oneround them?! I didn't expect it. He attacks them more than twice for some reason. Does he have a skill I overlooked. I thought the entire time he had only Pursuit... but he must have something like Adept too. Beowulf kills three bandits... which makes...

... the way free for the miniboss! CRAP!!!


Facepalmcount: 2

I checked out Beowulf's skills. He has Charge, a skill which prolongs the battle. That means if he attacks twice and the enemy once, and Charge is activated, he'll attack four times and the opponent twice. That made it possible for him to kill all the bandits... and to get killed.

In my second attempt I didn't place him too close to the bridge.

Claude and Taillte are back as promised.

Claude: Lord Bragi has answered my prayer and revealed to me the truth. It is precisely as I had thought. Not to mention, I even found House Edda's long-lost sacred heirloon within the tower: the staff of Valkyria. See? This is it.

Taillte: What, that grubby little cane?

Claude: ... Taillte, please. Do try to mind your manners.

It's basically an Aum-stave. And only Claude is able to use it.

Taillte: Huh. So what you're saying is, with this rod you could bring my sweet old grandma back to life?

Claude: Alas, most likely not. Valkyria is limited in many particular ways, and so cannot be used on just any lost soul. You see, all of mankind is born bearing a life forced called quintessence, which -

Taillte: Yaawn... Er, what's that? You lost me. Why're you still talking this, anyway? We've still gotta outta here!

Claude: Ah, of course. Let us go.
Taillte (Tiltyu orginially) is a thunder mage which means she can only use thunder magic. However she has a super powerful tome with thoron. (I recommend to sell thunder) She has wrath which means a regular hit will become an instant critical hit when she's <50 HP. It's an awesome skill in the arena, if she can oneshot an enemy with a crit. I'm thinking to give her the pursuit ring... but I know already that Sophia would kill me for that.
Claude is already promoted. He has no personal skills but two awesome staves: Fortify and Valkyria which can revive an unit. Actually he can use it infinite times... if he has the money to repair it. I believe it costs 50000 gold. If you want to save the Valkyria stave for the second generation, then you can pair him with someone. However he can't pass any skills to his potential children. We won't pair him with someone, what means we won't have the Valkyria Stave in the second generation. Anyways he also can use magic tomes. He'd be a good contender of Taillte's thunder tome.
Bridget is already promoted too. She comes with standard equipment and good bases. Good enough to oneround the enemies and to take a few hits. You must keep her alive because she'll get a sth. very nice later.


The enemies are really bad. Most of them are axeusers, so it's a good chance to get some money with Dew. The myrms have more strength than the pirates. Weird!


The miniboss isn't special except for wielding a silver axe and dropping a leg ring which increases the movement by three.

The mainboss is pretty pathetic. He drops a power ring which increases the strength by three. Erin shall get it.


Bridget has to flee towards the tower to reunite with Taillte and Claude.

Strategy for Taillte and Claude: Taillte has to be attacked by exact one enemy in an enemy phase. A hit will bring her down to wrath-zone. And she can kill each oneshot each enemy with a countercrit.
Jamke makes short shift with the miniboss.

This bandit can be killed to so Beowulf can block the bridge now. Charge can still himself, but I highly doubt that the bandits will hit him 4-5 times in one enemy phase with their absymal hitrates.

Beowulf kills two badnits by activating Charge and becomes faster.

That's how Wrath works.

I don't want strength, I will MAGIC!

I could kill the bandits on the bridge. Time for Dew to derserve a bit money. Each bandit has 5000 gold to steal.

village saved

I leave her HP alone because so she can kill the bandit with a wrath-crit. She only needs healing, when she's in a attack range of an enemy. Also Claude can only heal ten times so no reason to spam Fortify.
Charge again
more speed

The way to Bridget is free. Lachesis will attract some of the remaining enemies to her side.

Bridget visits the village:

Woman: Ugh, I can't stand people like you who've nothin' better to do than start more wars! Why are you even here? We've absolutely nothin' to do with Agustria or Grannvale! Look, If you've really gotta fight, take it somewhere else, you thoughtless sod.

Obtains 4500 gold.

Why do magical units get strength and physical units get magic lately?

This bandit misses... which saves him his life.

Lachesis can attract the first enemies.

A not very good level up for killing the weaken the bandit. Her magic growth is really bad iirc.

WTF is going on now!?

More Taillte crits and more magic. Nice!

Bridget reunites with the two and block right here the enemies for now.

Jamka can also attract some enemies to him. ... Exactly three.
Erin will help out. I want to kill these dudes quickly because Bridget, Claude and Taillte shall press forward fast because they have to do conversations with other units of my team.
ok and pathetic as always

Got hit with 10%.

Erin has the Reneveal band equipped which heals her HP by 20%.
The perfect place to give her some levels. She'll go to the arena at the end of this chapter.
Magic is quite useful for using the bolt sword. She kills two more bandits in enemy phase.

Claude is needed now.
Myrm level up. Kinda fitting to her... if you know her entire story.
bleh Also she doesn't need healing anymore since only one bandit is left who will be eaten by Taillte.

You WANT this conversation and Gáe Bolg!

Ethlyn: Your lord father entrusted it to me, Quan. He thought it prudent for you to have it at hand, in case our battles grew too fierce.

Cuan: Even just holding it, I've seldom felt so strong! Why did you wait till now, though?

Ethlyn: With the spearm your lord father also passed onto me its tale... I'm so sorry...

Cuan: ... Aye. Gáe Bold bears the baggage of a truly sad legend. But that is all it is a legend.

Ethlyn: But-

Cuan: Ethlyn, trust me. Tiumph is within our grasp this day. I'll not fall victim to an old myth. I'll not let it stop me from returning home.

their daughter

Ethlyn: Yes... Cuan, no matter what happens... We'll never lose each other... RIght?

Cuan: Ah, you're concered about Deidre, aren't you... There's nothing to worry about. It won't be long until we find her.

Ethlyn: Yes... I want to believe she'll be okay, too. I wished I could believe it. But...

Cuan: Ethlyn? Come now! Dry your tears. Do you truly feel so bad about this?

Ethlyn: I... Yes... Knowing th-that Sigurd and Deidre may never meet again... Th-they love each other so... so much... Why, Cuan... Why did this happen to them?!

Cuan: Ethlyn...

Cuan obtains Gáe Bolg.

This is the first legendary weapon in this game: Gáe Bolg 30 might speaks for itself, I guess.

Dew will steal money from all the remaining enemies.

Midir kills this bandit by activating Adept. A fantastic level up is the reward.

Taillte kills the last remaining enemy on the island.

... oh well
Two stats are already good for her, even if they're not really wanted.
Jamke onerounds a bandit and is ready for promotion now.
Grabs 3000 gold from the boss. In total Dew obtained 23000 gold in this chapter part. He gives it to Aideen because her broken warp stave must be reaired. Sophia asked me to give the money to Sylvia. Honestly I don't why. I forgot to ask her for the reason.

Ayra kills the last remaining bandit besides the boss.


With a bit teamwork the boss is defeated. Erin obtains the Power Band, exactly what I wanted because she's lackiing on strength.

However it's too early to seize yet because I still have to do a few conversations and send a few of my units to the arena.

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[spoiler=Chapter 3 part 5]
first self created pairing confirmed: Ayra x Noish (exact what Sophia asked for) A pair can give money to each other.

Promotion time:
Jamke is a sniper now.
Sigurd has to talk to Briget to unlock more conversations. You have to do these ones to get another amazing weapon by them later.

Sigurd: The villagers told me of a woman who leads the pirates of Orgahil, and of her devotion to aiding the poor and weak. That would be you, correct?

Bridget: You must be that Grannvale man... Sigurd, right? Guess this is it. Come on. Just get it over with.

Sigurd: Ahahaha! Oh no, you're mistaken! I'm certainly not here to kill you. I just want to talk to you, Bridget. I'd like you to ally with use. We'd love to add your strength to our own, to help us better fight the pirates. What say you?

Bridget: Wait. You really want me, of all people?

Sigurd: Certainly! You'd be a tremendous asset.

Bridget: You're a strange little man, Sigurd...
Midir x Bridget is next.

Midir: Oh, sorry! You're not her. My mistake. But then, that must make you...

Bridget: What's this you're mumbling about? Speak up, you weird little man.

Midir: Er... May I ask your name?
Bridget: I'm Bridget.
This bumbling flirt attempt fails. Midir will never be able to get a girl.
Claude reports Sigurd about the event in Tower Bragi.

Claude: I'm glad Taillte was close at hand. We may not have survived, if not for her magic. More importantly, Lord Sigurd, my prayery to Saint Bragi were answered.

Sigurd: You have the truth of all this, then?
It wasn't Sigurd's father.

Claude: The pair's treachery runs deeper still. The murder of Isaach's King Mananan was also the handiwork of Duke Reptor. He feared a peaceful end to the war would end the sole excuse for the conquest of Isaach, so he secretly had the king killed.

Sigurd: Is that so... Reptor's grubby hand are all over this mess...

Cluade: Not quite. In the shad of his avarice, there's something else at work... Something unsettling and terrifying.
Not even Lord Bragi could scry evil presence, obscured by its power as it is.

Sigurd: An evil presence? Could it be that dark priesthood... Wait! What of my father, Claude?

Cluade: Lord Byron yet lives, but is injured and weak. I fear he is not long for this world...

Sigurd: Father... This can't be happening.

Cluade: I'll hasten back to the capital. His Majesty need to hear the truth. Lord Sigurd, for the time being, stay here and restrain yourself from rash action.

Sigurd: Understood. I can't thank you enough, Father Claude. I beg of you, do everything you can. Save my father and his good name.

Cluade: Our fates lie with the mercy of the gods...

her first obtained defense point
This is the talk you want to have happen.
Bridget is Aideen's twin sister.

Aideen: I've searched for you for years. I never lost hope that we would meet again.

Bridget: This is all so sudden... No. Weird feeling like this aren't enough! I need proof!
She gives her a bow.
Bridget: Guess, I'll humor yu. So I draw it and... ... Whoa! W-what's going on?! The hell is this...? I... What's this weird feeling boiling withine me... Are these memories? Ah... my heart is on fire... Aideen? Yes... I remember now! You're Aideen... my sister.
If you played FE13... you know what kind of bow it is. It's the second legendary weapon.

Bridget: And our brother... André, right?

Aideen: I've so much to tell you, too... Bridget... My sister.

Bridget obtains Yewfelle
Here's the second legendary weapon, Yewfelle. It has the same stats as Gaé Bolg, only has two less weight.

Arena time
good and bad
Skill is already maxed. And she learned Adept. Now she's totally broken.
could be worse
... could be better... MUCH BETTER

Taillte sold her thunder tome so Claude could buy it and use the arena.. He gets a nice level up.
typical Sylvia
??????? She's on a defense roll now.
Dew has to be placed in the front of the Tower of Bragi to let this event happen:
Dew: Mmm? Nope, nothin' over here. Over there, maybe?
... suddenly a mysterious voice...

Dew: Huh?!
???: ... Staty your business...

Dew: Heh, maybe if I pretend I can't hear 'em...

???: How dare you... defile this sacred ground... ... BEGONE!

Dew: Kyaaa! S-sorry! Please don't hurt me!
Obtains Wind Sword.
This is another secret of this game like getting Arden's Pursuit Ring. Wind sword is magical sword. Idr if it's effective against flying units. I don't think so, though.

Aideen had to do a very looooonnngg walk to Castle Grannvale for her promotion:
She used the arena too but could get only one level. Since she has no skills she's pretty hard to train there. Skill abusing FTW!

Finally time to seize:
So far so good...
Seize these vile allies of Byron, accomplices to his murder of Kurth and his bid to take over the kingdom! It is the will of His Majesty! No mercy for enemies of the state!
More douchiness appears.
To think, he personally put an end to that miserable prince and nearly killed Byron for putting up a fight... I've never seen such a bold ploy! And with Arvis using His Majesty's trust, it all worked flawlessly! Convincing the king of anything is hardly a challenge, but to succeed with a tale of this scale takes quite the storyteller... And here we are, with the entirety of House Chalpy framed for the crime!
I guess not.
Sigurd: Gah... How could His Majesty have fallen for Reptor's lies? How could he possibly believe that my father, of all people, would kill Prince Kurth?! Aah... If only Father Claude had gotten back... to the capital before they struck... Why?! Why is this happening?!
Again Sigurd is question himself.
Suddenly NPC peggies appear at Castle Orgahil.
Mahnya: Queen Rahna bade my corps and I to come to retrieve you. We invite you and your subordinates to retreat with us to Silesse, until your good name has been cleared in Grannvale.

Sigurd: ... Queen Rahna of Silesse, you say? Why is Silesse willing to give aid to an alleged traitor like me?
Help at the very last second... but what's with all the guys who were left in Castle Grannvale?

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Charge seems like an interesting skill. I wonder why they didn't use it in later games. I guess it's a bit like the Life or Death skill.

Why do you have to be married to give money to someone?

Midir's a guy, too? Half of these guys look like girls. And some of the girls look less like girls than the guys do.

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Charge seems like an interesting skill. I wonder why they didn't use it in later games. I guess it's a bit like the Life or Death skill.

Why do you have to be married to give money to someone?

Midir's a guy, too? Half of these guys look like girls. And some of the girls look less like girls than the guys do.

Accost would lean unfavorably towards broken, considering it's proc rate would have a much higher maximum (anywhere from 60 to 80%, much higher than most proc skills). I would say the only reason Accost would be like Life or Death is that there is considerable risk in certain situations, like if Dagdar (a character from the midquel) was targeted by a Ballista, in which the ballista would fire two shots at him without him being able to do anything. And yes, some of the men look effeminate, but I think Midir is still the biggest offender.

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[spoiler=Chapter 4 part 1]
Map Story
The unthinkable has come to pass. Sigurd is now a traitor in the eyes of his beloved Grannvale. In desperation, his army flees to find refuge in the nothern Kingdom of Silesse.
It lies under the watchful guard of the valiant pegasus knights and wind mages, and so for over a century since its foundation, Silesse has maintained itself as a neutral nation and resisted all invaders. However, ever since of its king several years ago, the royal family has been played with strife over its inheritance, and shades of war creep over the peaceful land.
The home of Lewyn and Erin.
douchiness inside Lewyn's family

Out of disgust at his uncles, Prince Lewyn left Silesse to travel the world years ago.
Is there no end to the dukes' avarice? Their lust for power will condemn Silesse, a beautiful and majestic land, to the searing ravages of a brutal war.

Chapter 4: Dance in the Skies
Peggies fly from Silesse to Sailane.
It's Lewyn's mom.

Rahna: I know Sailane is perhaps too small to house all of you adequately, and I'm sorry, but please, bear with me for a while longer.
I'm doing all I can to hasten your liberty. I've sent letter after to Belhalla to advocate your innocence.
As of yet, however, I've still heared nothing at all from King Azmur.

Sigurd: This... this has to be Reptor's doing! First he betrays my father, and now he's stopping all of your letters! He must be!

Rahna: Calm yourself, Lord Sigurd! I know well the pain feeling, but you cannot let your grudges rule you. Your anger will not save your father. Hatred will only destroy you from within. I swear to you, I can and will find a way to set this to rights, but you must be patient.

Sigurd: You're right... I'm sorry, Your Highness. I really appreciate all you've done for me.

Rahna: It's alright, Lord Sigurd. Oh, before I forget... There actually has been some good news from Grannvale of late.

Sigurd: Good news, you say?

Rahna: Mm. A previously unknown daughter of Prince Kurth has been discovered. All of Grannvale is rejoicing all the news.

Sigurd: Huh?! Is it even possible?

Rahna: It took King Azmur only a glance to recognize her true heritage. She bears the brand of Naga, the proof of a true heir to House Belhalla. There is no doubt. She is Kurth's child.

Sigurd: I see... Thank goodness. At the very least, the royal lineage won't go extinct.

Rahna: That's not all. The princess and Duke Arvis are in a relationsip. King Azmur has given his blessing and a magnificent wedding will soon be held.

Sigurd: Arvis? Really?

Rahna: All who'be seen the happy couple eagerly attest that this beautiful princess and Duke Arvis are prefectly matched together. To say nothing how happy the couple is said to be! Young live is wonderful, isn't it?

Sigurd: It's been over a year since she vanished. She's missed an entire year of watching Seliph grow up.

Rahna: I'm so sorry, Lord Sigurd, but cheer up. I know you'll reunite someday.

Sigurd: You're right. I feel it, too. I can't give up in to sorrow just yet. I can't give up on finding her.
Rahna: Ah, of course. I'll be with you in a moment. Lord Sigurd, one last thing... Beware of Duke Maios of Thove. I regret to say that my brother-in-law has long hungered to claim Saliane himself.
It's only a matter of time till he goes so far as to attack you. I wish I could provide you with reinforcement, but...

Sigurd: ... I know. The capital is under the very same threat from Duke Daccar of Zaxon. You cannot afford to weaken your own guard. Daccar will pounce upon you given even a hint of weakness. Don't worry about it, Your Highness. There's nothing the Thove army can throw at us that we can't handle.

Rahna: Ah, of course. I should be confident in such veteran heroes as yourselves. Oh! I've been talking for so long, I lost the track of the time. Take care, Lord Sigurd!

Sigurd: You, too, YOur Highness. Thank you.
Lewyn feels neglected.

Rahna: Of course I am. Do you have any idea how hard it was without you, and how worried I've been after you? That my own son could be so cold-hearted... I thought I knew you better than this.

Lewyn: Look, I know you're upset, but I had my reasons for all this. But come on, I'm home safely! Surely that counts for something you can forgive me? I swear I'll make up for it and be the very picture of a good son. Hey, how about I give you a shoulder massage to start?

Rahna: Oh! What nerve! Treating me as if I'm an old crone... Look, Lewyn, there are more pressing matter which we need to talk about, and soon.
Pay attention to her words!
Mahnya: Indeed, she hasn't been anything as cheefrul as this since before you left.

Lewyn: Thanks, Mahnya. Knowing you're at her side is a big relief. Look after her, okay?

Mahnya: Yes, sir! Rest assured, I will protect the queen with my life, on my honor as the captain of the Silessian pegasus knights.

Lewyn: Thanks. Oh, one more thing... Are you gonna leave Erin here with Sigurd?
Mahnya: Ah. My apologies, Erin. There are things he shouldn't know just yet, of course... Erin, I'll be leaving with Queen Rahna and returning to Silesse Castle shortly.
There they leave... finally.
Important note: Quan, Ethlyn and Fin leave the party before you start this chapter. Sell all bands, Fin's brave lance and Ethyln's staves before you finish chapter 3 because otherwise you won't have access to them in Gen. 1 anymore.
Duke Maios: Very well. Relay my orders to Cuvuli: move in on Sailane!
Duke Maios: Good. Now get to work! Grannvale will owe us a handsome reward for bringing them the heads of thieir infamous traitors. Heh heh heh...
squad of peggies

Battle preparations
satisfying level ups
one bad and two good levels
Meh... at least he worked on his speed and defense a bit. 13 defense is still by far below his average and even worse than Erin's.
I think he leveled magic for the very first time.
The last two levels up could compensate the first two... a bit. No strength boost? What pathetic promotion is this!? At least she can do more damage with magic weapons... She has more defense than Sigurd now!
None of the stats she needs.
more speed - cool! Slowly I'm playing with my thoughts to give him the pursuit ring Noish should get.
... I didn't ask you for strength.
Another promotion: Yay! He has equipped the Paragon band for this chapter.

This map is dull and has annoying terrain (much forest). For the first 3-4 turns you walk through emptiness. There's nothing to do. The first enemies are waiting here:
Lots of wind mages and a dark bishop (mini boss) with a sleep stave. Beware of the mages because they can tworound lots your units. Bringing restore and sleep stave against the dark bishop is recommended.

Here's the second pack:
more mages, pegasus knights and knights
The boss has a Miracle band which works like the Miracle skill from the Tellius games. Be careful, she has Adept as skill. But thankfully no Nihil so Jamke and Bridget will have easy game with her.
The three mages on the top left have all long range magic.
The knights are no problem at all.
Boss is a Baron, basically a general who's able to use tomes. A pretty epic class and only exists in the Judgral series. Unfortunately none of my units can become one. He has no Great Shield so he's not too bad.

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Since I played two chapter in a row, Sophie will do it too next time.

Charge works the best on magic users who usually attack from 1-2 range. Bow users are screwed when an enemy attacks from close range and melee weapon users are screwed when they get attacked by enemy bow users and mages.

Of course FE5 ballistas can screw you because they're much more powerful and accurate than in FE4. However an advantage could be that they're out of ammo earlier if they can attack twice in enemy phase.

[spoiler=Chapter 4 part 2]
Taillte can talk to Azel.

Taillte: I need to ask you something quick.

Azel: Hm? me?

Taillte: Yeah. That's ok? I mean, we've been friends for years. And I don't think there's anyone else I can ask about this.

Azel: Huh. You look downright grim and serious... If you really think I can help, then sure. What seems to be the problem?

Taillte: Well... I, er... I'm only with you lot because I was just following Claude around, but I'm starting to think I shouldn't have done that...

Azel: What makes you think so?

Taillte: It's because people acting kinda like they're treading carefully 'round me. And when I'm around, people stop talking about my father...

Azel: Ah... That certainly doesn't sound fun. But I'd say people really do like you. It's more that they honestly aren't sure how they should treat you, and that theyre worried they'll cause you grief. Don't worry too much. It'll all be fine once they get to know you better.

Taillte: Yeah... Guess you're right. Thanks, Azel. Think I might feeling a bit better 'bout this now.

Azel: Hah! Glad you're back to normal, Taillte. If you're ever feeling like this again, I'll always be here to help ypu through it, no matter what happens.

Taillte: Okay, thanks!

Taillte gets +5 HP.

Claude uses Fortify to heal all wounded units after the arena. Level up: skill, speed, luck

I accidently turned off the battle animation. Fixed it after this offscreen level up.

The mages move only two spaces in every turn unless someone of my units is in their attack range.
Pamela: If Maios at least succeeds in weakening them, perhaps Silesse's fall will still go smoothly?

Duke Daccar: Even it he fails, I still have my private deal with Grannvale in my favor. Their Lord André should arrive shortly with a batallion of reinforcements. Heh heh... My victory is certain, Pamela! I'll be sitting on the Silessian throne by the end of the week!

Pamela: Without a doubt, sir.

Remember: André is Aideen's and Bridget's brother.
Elder: Magic is governed by a hierarchy of power, just like weapons.
same as in the Tellius series
However there's no triangle between anima, light and dark.
light = dark > anima
Anima magic actually sucks in this game. So much worse is that you won't have access to light magic in Gen 1. anymore. In FE4 you have no access to one single dark magic user. Neither in Gen 1., nor in Gen 2.

Obtains 4500 gold.

It took me like three turns till I arrived the group of mages:
Three mages are down. Lachesis kills the bandit and visits the village:

Elder: Bein' of holy ancestry can bestow a number of powers onto ya. Divine heir's can wield even the most advanced weapons with ease, and'll have an easier time growin's stronger. 'Course, it's not every day you meet someone blessed with that sorta blood.

(He gave the hint to the right person... but a bit too late since she already turned into a Master Knight. The elder was talking about the Master Knight class and their weapon flexibility.)

Obtains 3500 gold.
Taking a bit damage.

Now time to take all the mage douches out:
Dew grabs 3000 gold from him.
Jamke gives him the rest.
I'm cursed.
This is the best level up so far in this chapter (arena excluded), and this Noish has really good speed for his level.
How are Lex and Noish so fast? Their speedgrowth utter trash actually.
The peggies come closer.

Lex visits the village in the north-west:

Elder: Only a direct holy descendant can inherit the full breath of the power of the gods. And only they'll be able to wield their family's divine heirlooms. However, if kin intersect, their offspring'll have their exalted blood enriched an'll reap almighty powers. Needless to say, mind doin' that is condemned and forbidden...

Obtains 3000 gold.
Someone helps me!
Erin and Sigurd will attract a few of the peggies.
Ah crap. Erin can't double them with the brave lance equipped. ... But she still has Adept.
Being the best class with the worst level ups.
I have to take them out now. Their leader is the first who has to die:
easy done
... at least one stat
All of them are defeated except for one.
Sigurd can talk to Claude again.

Claude: I did return to Grannvale, and I was about to relate the truth of His Majesty. But Reptor interfered before I could do anything, and now I, too, am branded a traitor to the motherland.

Sigurd: Ugh. I've had enough of just sitting here and letting Reptor have his sorry way! I swear, I've half a mind to storm straight into Grannvale and end this once and for all!

Claude: No. You know better than to rely on brute force or to risk the common folk's safety. For now, Lord Sigurd, we must endure.

Sigurd: But, Father Claude...

Claude: Make no mistakes. I feel your pain, too, but this crisis's end now lies in fate's hands. There's nothing any of us can do to save ourselves anymore.

Aideen returns Noish to the home castle...
... to become a paladin. And the promotion helps him to beat the arena till round six. And he gets a perfect level up for me. Noish is the only unit whose levels ups made me happy. Never expected to say things like this about him. Honestly he's one of the worst Gen. 1 units.
I fulfilled Sophia's request and bought the Pursuit band for him. With his surprisingly good speed and the equipped Speed band he can really benefit from it.
Also a perfect level up for me. I think the curse is over... hopefully!
Obtains 2000 gold.
Obtains 5000 gold.
Erin continues with her "shitty level up" roll. She visits a village:

Elder: Should Prince Kurth's daughter bear a son, that son would be heir to Grannvale's throne. I daresay this makes Lord Arvis, husband to the princess, quite the influential figure.

Obtains 1500 gold.

If you reach a certain spot of the map, this happens:
The bridge is destroyed. How the hell shall I finish this chapter now?
Answer: One of the villages gives you hint... but it requires a survival of a certain unit.
blizzard animation
Sigurd takes one out. The one below him can't attack him at all because he has a sword instead of a 1-2 tome, and blizzard can't attack from two range, so Sigurd will be fine.
It can hit.
the end of blizzard

Sigurd visits the village in the top north:

Man: Y'know how there's a drawbridge over the Thove River? Yeah, that's under the control of Duke Maios, too. If it's still drawn and you don't have the key, youre not getting across.
Dew can repair it.
Question: How to beat this chapter if he's dead?

Obtains 500 gold.
Jamka will have some fun with the knights and mages. All of them have range weapons. The idea was paid well. Got a great level up.

Claude visits another village because he needs money to repair Fortify.

Elder: Legend has it that all direct heirs to the Crusaders bear exalted brands on their bodies, which appear on them in their infancy. Prince Kurth's daughter has her Naga brand on her forehand. Actually, that was how they recognized her as a direct heiress to Saint Heim.

Obtains 5000 gold.
She hasn't leveled up anything else besides HP and luck in this chapter yet... if she even got a level up. So sad...
Yay, strength... needless.
more pairings confirmed
Here's an isolated blizzard mage.
If you place Dew one space left next to where the bridge was...
... he repairs it. Now I can finish this chapter part.
The remaining enemies will kill no one.
You want to kill the boss first because he has three authority stars. Authority stars work similar like in FE10. Each authority star gives an unit who has it +5% hit/evasion. These authority stars also apply to all the units who are at max two spaces range (I believe) of the unit with the authority stars.
This... has... to be...

I can take out all the other generics in this turn.

But before I seize... I still have to go the way back will all my units except for Sigurd of course who still has to seize.
Preparations for the next chapter part.

Sigurd seizes:
Elder: The entire population of Thove is rejoicing at his downfall!

Sigurd: Hm? Are you sure? I mean, I just conquered you. Am I not the enemy here?

Elder: Lord Maios was nothing but a tyrant. All he ever did was bleed us dry. You fight in the name of Queen Rahna, and there isn't a Silession alive who doesn't bear the utmost adoration for our queen.

Sigurd: Is that so? Thank you. Anyway, in the interim I think I'll leave governing Thove to you, sir.

Elder: Once the crisis has settled, the queen will be in touch to arrange a proper successor.

Sigurd: Until then, I'm sure you'll be just a governor to help heal Thove's wounds.

Elder: Very well. Please, Lord Sigurd, do all you can to protect the queen. She is a treasure to use, and a beacon of peace and kindness.

Sigurd: Rest assured, my good man. So long as I live, I swear that I'll let no harm come to Queen Rahna. You have my word.

Thove is seized.

[spoiler=I noticed that I missed sth.]Sylvia's defense sword by visiting the house where the younger man is inside.

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Lewyn: Look, I know you're upet, but I had my reasons for all this.But come on, I'm home safely! Surely that cunts for something you can forgive me? I swear I'll make up for it and be the very picture of a good son. Hey, how about I give you a shoulder massage to start?

Pay attention to her words!

I think you made a typo there...

So mixing holy blood is forbidden? I though that was how you got the best kids, but I don't really know.

How are Arvis and Dierdre related exactly? If everyone knows they are related, why are they celebrating their marriage?

There's no Light users in Gen 1? Does that Bishop guy not use Light magic? Are there any Light magic users in Gen 2?

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I think you made a typo there...

So mixing holy blood is forbidden? I though that was how you got the best kids, but I don't really know.

How are Arvis and Dierdre related exactly? If everyone knows they are related, why are they celebrating their marriage?

There's no Light users in Gen 1? Does that Bishop guy not use Light magic? Are there any Light magic users in Gen 2?

Arvis and Dierdre are half-siblings

Arvis knows because he looked into it, but I don't think anyone else knows.

Dierdre is a light magic user, but she's kind of... y'know... not here anymore.

It's less there isn't anyone who can use light magic, it's just gen 1 has a lack of light magic besides Dierdre's tome, and no one else is high enough rank to use the tome she used, so.

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Arvis and Dierdre are half-siblings

Arvis knows because he looked into it, but I don't think anyone else knows.

Dierdre is a light magic user, but she's kind of... y'know... not here anymore.

It's less there isn't anyone who can use light magic, it's just gen 1 has a lack of light magic besides Dierdre's tome, and no one else is high enough rank to use the tome she used, so.

Can you just buy Light Tomes normally, or do you have to rely exclusively on drops and the convoluted inventory pawn shop system?

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Can you just buy Light Tomes normally, or do you have to rely exclusively on drops and the convoluted inventory pawn shop system?

You don't buy light tomes, in gen 2 you get one of your choice from 2 tomes, and someone has another light tome, that's all.

Dark tomes are enemy exclusive.

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You don't buy light tomes, in gen 2 you get one of your choice from 2 tomes, and someone has another light tome, that's all.

Dark tomes are enemy exclusive.

...And there's another light tome possible to get.

(Late game spoilers: and I mean endgame.)

Yuria will have a lightning tome if she had none before she leaves the party.

Also, I'm curious on your thoughts on the pairings you've gotten.

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...And there's another light tome possible to get.

(Late game spoilers: and I mean endgame.)

Yuria will have a lightning tome if she had none before she leaves the party.

Also, I'm curious on your thoughts on the pairings you've gotten.

I actually didn't know that.

That's interesting.

Well, I mean, I picked them myself, so.

I have my parts done, I'll update a bit tomorrow.

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I think you made a typo there...

So mixing holy blood is forbidden? I though that was how you got the best kids, but I don't really know.

How are Arvis and Dierdre related exactly? If everyone knows they are related, why are they celebrating their marriage?

There's no Light users in Gen 1? Does that Bishop guy not use Light magic? Are there any Light magic users in Gen 2?


I know there are tons of typos. ;)

Will proofread all my posted stuff and correct as much as I can.

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I know there are tons of typos. ;)

Will proofread all my posted stuff and correct as much as I can.

No worries, some typos stand out more than others. I don't even notice them a lot of the time, but cunt sort of jumped out at me.

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[spoiler=Chapter 4, Part 3]


Well, looks like stuff is going to go down, now.


Seems like they're going to fight it out.


But this won't be a fair fight, at all.


The fighting begins.


Clearly these two think very differently.


And we can't move any further, so we must wait for it to end, one way or another.




The news travels fast, but everyone is shocked at her death.


Pamela is going to try to capture Thove back, but we have Jamka stationed there to shoot them all down.


Time to save the queen, then!


This well send villagers out on the map, we'd be best to save them.


Let's get to saving them, it'll make the queen happy.


And we'll have one more line to take care of, later.

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[spoiler=Chapter 4 Part 4]


Now that we aren't blocked, we can get through.

This guy has a blizzard tome on him and can attack the civilians, so we can take him out right here.


They start giving chase, it's our duty to protect the villagers, for good reason.


Every villager you rescue gives the unit who rescued them 100 exp, so one level. I'm giving one to Beowulf and the rest to Tiltyu.
I can't really capture these levels, so I'll just post Tiltyu's status page once I'm done.


Just to get rid of the other wind mage with blizzard.


These fools aren't too hard, they go down pretty easy.


Levels from dealing with the fools.


The last villager goes to Beowulf. This one was just +Speed


Tiltyu after eating all the villagers

Some more levels from healing.


Lachesis lures the enemies up here, very easy to take them out this turn, so we will.


Squad has arrived, but we have Jamka to shoot them all down, as it should be.


Levels from dealing with the enemies, and one for Jamka.


Jamka takes Pamela down.

Rest will be easy.


And it's all done next turn, more or less.


Tiltyu chips him a bit and Holyn crits to finish him off, nothing too difficult.


And some people, have been warming up, in the meantime. Anyways, about time to seize.


After reclaiming the capital and putting the queen at ease, it's time to continue on.

I'll post the last part of chapter 4 later today.

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Andre certainly looks a lot older than his sisters. I nominate him for the Worst Hair Award. It's sort of a mix between a pudding bowl and a super-mullet.

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[spoiler=Chapter 4 Part Final]


So after falling asleep for half an hour they realize they're a bit fucked, so, time to finish them off.

Let's have Lewyn visit his mom, first, though.


So after a heart to heart...


We get Forseti! It's a bit... uh... good. 30 might, and gives +20 to speed and +10 skill, if I'm not mistaken, so. Yea.


We talk to Sigurd, and he says we should go talk to the queen, but we already did. Hah! Too slow, Sigurd.

Just need to take out the approaching army now. ...I forgot to take a lot of screens of fighting them, because I'm really dumb and forgot I was doing an lp for a few minutes, sorry!


I didn't forget the levels.


I did remember to show off the raw brute force of Forseti, though.


Another level.


Jesus christ


Lachesis chips her, Tiltyu kills. Game set.


Good level to boot.


Why not?


Good level, though it doesn't matter too much.


After a bit of missing... and Greatshield... killed him with Levin, just wanted to give the generals to other people for exp.

Questionable...? Success? Before we seize I'm just going to fool around with a few things.


Got this warping a few people back, I'm very forgetful that this actually happens.


Finishing up the arena here.


Let's go.


Nice. War Mages can use swords, for some reason. It's not that useful, but the magic and speed buff is welcome in my book.




Gotta promote together, or something.




Shouldn't have to worry about magic much anymore.


Got Sylvia her knight ring, finally, leg ring is in reach, won't get too much use of them until second gen, but oh well.


And we're done here. Next is chapter 5, last chapter of Gen 1. Stay tuned.

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Nice for Lewyn to make up with his mom right before everybody dies next chapter.

How many uses does Forseti have? That tome is broken even by Legendary standards.

More broken promotion gains. It's weird seeing them almost capped as soon as they promote.

How old is Sigurd supposed to be?

Do you have to pair everyone up before next chapter, so they have time to procreate?

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Forseti has 50 uses.

I'm not sure how old Sigurd is, but Seliph is about ~17 when 2nd gen comes, so I guess you could add up all the time skips Deirdre had Seliph.

That doesn't really help at all.

As long as everyone is paired before the end of Chapter 5 you're set.

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Seliph is only 17? He's already at least a year old as of this chapter, and I don't know the story, but there's at least another year or so, since all the other kids need to be born. And doesn't each mom have 2 kids, so unless they're all twins, that's another year at least. So that means the rest of the army is at most 14-15 years old. Jeez, that's taking the child army to the extreme. Unless they borrow the baby realms from Fates.

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According to SF's age list, he's about 17, yes, most of the other listed ages are around 15-17~ too, so.
Some higher, some lower.

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[spoiler=Chapter 5 part 1]

Map story
The Silessian civil war is over, and the Grannvale army awaits Sigurd. Zaxon Castle has barely fallen, yet before Sigurd can so much as rest, the orders of Grannvale stand before him at the captured Lubeck Castle.

Time to fight this masterdouche.

For Sigurd, to challenge Langbalt is an opportunity to avenge his father, Byron, framed by Langbalt for his crimes.

Beyond Lubeck, the desert town Phinora, Lord Arvis's elite warriors stand guard under the command of the war-mage Vaha.

Velthomer Castle, on Grannvale's border with the Yied Desert, and in Belhalla, the royal capital of Grannvale, Lord Arvis serves to aid the bedridden King Azmur, while Chancellor Reptor of Freege maintains peace and order of the city.

The final trial awaits. Finally time to kick all their ass.

Sigurd refuses to endanger the people of Silesse any further in this conflict. He is determined to fight to the end. The year in Grann 760, early spring. The fields of Silesse peacefully rest beneath a deep blanket of snow...

Chapter 5: Threshold of Fate

Sigurd's father Lord Byran
Langbalt: My ambush may have put an end to Chalpy's paladin brigade, the Grünen Ritter, but the survival of Byron alone leaves that utterly meaningless!

???: Y-yes, sir... But you see, milord, Byron is still gravely wounded. Surely, he has very little time left...

Langbalt: I've never heared such naive drivel!

That's the reason why Bryon has to be elimanted at once. They're afraid that Tyrfing will fall in Sigurd's hands. For a very good reason... as you will see later.

???: Y-yes, sir! Consider it done!

Fucking André is back.

Langbalt is Lex's father and the Duke of Dozel.

Langbalt: I suppose you're right, André. Be sure that your men are ready to join the fray at a moment's notice.

André: It would be my pleasure, sir...
Same will go for you.

much horse shit
They don't know yet it's Sigurd's dad.

Oifey: I don't believe so. The Lubeck occupation seems to be pursuing him, so they're most likely not with them.

Sigurd: I don't believe so. Let's give them a hand. We'll be clashing with Langbalt's army sooner or later, so why not make the first move? Move out! Our target is their front lines. Today's victory hinges on this first strike!

Lex reaches his maximum level. I'm very satisfied with him. Great strength and defense and surprisingly good speed for his level.
not bad
Even if he hasn't leveled speed, this Noish is by far above average.
Not bad considering that she capped skill and speed already.
He doesn't really need stats anymore tbf.
Seven stats in total in five levels - a little bit disappointing

I really should have started a no stat level count for her. I guess it's the fourth of fifth time already. Thankfully she can't get anymore level ups.
Thankfully he was paired with Lachesis already so she could give him the money to buy the Paragon band. This made it possible to promote him.
His strength boosts sucks but look at his skil and speed! Don't get confused by his 30 speed. The Speed band he has equipped for the arena is included.
Amazing levels!
Also Sigurd is maxed. He's a bit below average I have to say.
I can take it!
Again, not the stats she really need except for skill.


Before you fight all the paladins and Langbart you have to make your way through this little group.
A small group of axe knights including a general with a brave axe and a few mages. No big deal.


West from Zaxon the exact same group of enemies is on the way to reconquer your home castle. Have a guard there against them. You have to fight them anyways if you want to visit the villages in the south-west.
Here are the other enemies you have to fight,
The great knights including the miniboss are really pathetic. Just send a semi trained sword user in their attack range and you'll be fine.
The bow knights and André are a bit more annoying because they carry brave bows. Just let them come to you and take the squad out in one player phase.
Langbalt's three guards aren't special at all except for having Great Shield.
Langbalt is the mainboss of the first part. He carries another holy weapon he doesn't drop: Helswath. An extreme powerful hand axe which gives him boost in defense and resistance. However he's cheseecake with Holsety or Tiltyu's Wrath crits. He also has Great Shield.


Lord Byron is chasen by the cavaliers and rides towards Castle Zaxon. Sigurd has to talk to him to get the Tyrfing. It's another holy weapon. However it's broken so Sigurd has to repair it in any castle first. This means he shall have a bit money...

The twins know that they have to fight their brother.

Aideen: I did. I've heared how he murdered our father, and later Mahnya in Silesse as well... I can barely imagine the evil which would have possessed him to do such monstrous things.

Bridget: ... I'm going to kill André. There's no other way. Whatever evil is, he has to be stopped. Right here, right now. You get what I'm saying, right, Aideen?

Aideen: Bridget...

Bridget: Andre's crimes are House Jungby's crimes. Thery're our crimes, too. They reflect badly on us, even though they really shouldn't. I know I'll have his blood on my hands for the rest of my life, but... Aideen, I want you to understand.

Aideen: Of couese I do, Bridget...

meanwhile in
Arvis isn't worried about Sigurd's invasion. If he's succesful against Langbalt... Arvis still doesn't care... because... you'll see...

???: Even so... Even now, it is almost beyond belief, is it not? That Lord Byron would slay Kurth... Or that Sigurd would incite a rebellion...

Arvis: Your Majesty, if I may explain once more... Lord Byron was plotting against the crown in concert with the late Lord Ring of Jungby. His Highness fell afoul of their assault, an act to which our very own Dukes Reptor and Langbalt bore witness. His Highness learned of their schemes to seize the throne from the royal family too late, and paid for it with his life. Naturally, Lord Sigurd had a hand in his father's revolt. What clearer proof is there than how he still harbors an enemy, the Isaachian prince? There is no question. Their treason against the state is grave. I, too, feel this pain as my own, having lost only a prince but a father-in-law... And in the name of my beloved wife, Princess Deidre, I never allow Sigurd's traitorous to stand! Even if Duke Langbalt fails to defeat him, that is not the end! The elite fire mages of House Velthomer, the Roten Ritter, stand ready to suppress this rebellion, once and for all!

???: I see... If you say it is so, then perhaps... Perhaps this could never have been avoided....
It's Deidre's grandfather and Prince Kurth's father. I don't know if his name was mentioned before. If so Idr.

Grandpa: Even if I have little time left, you give me hope for Grannvale's future... I can scarcely imagine when Kurth would have had as fine daughter as you...
But there is no doubt in my mind. None outside the royal House Belhalla possesses the same Brand that graces your brow.
Manfloy brainwashed her so hard that she lost all memories.

Arvis: All she knew was her own name. The rest of her past is lost to her. At first I sought only to aid her out of sympathy, as any decent man would do, but before long love took root within me... With all due respect, Deidre, not once did I suspect that you could possibly be the daughter of our late Prince Kurth.

Grandpa: I remember well the day you introduced her as the woman you wished to marry... I simply could not believe what I saw! At first sight... I knew, perhaps as only family can. Precisely as I thought, beneath your circlet lies the Brand of Naga. Lord Arvis, I trust your understand.
If Arvis gets a girl: She can use the Book of Naga.

If Arvis gets a boy: He can use Loptyr.
Latter has to happen for Arvis because Book of Naga is the tome which has the equal might as Loptyr and can endanger the Dark Lord line. Of course it'd be interesting to see what happened if Arvis got a boy and a girl...

Grandpa: And should your son be so fortunate as to inherit Naga's power... He shall be the Prince of Grannvale, and shall claim the throne I am no more. Lord Arvis... until your son has grown into a man, you shall be his regent. Guide him well to adulthood.

... his last coughs...

Dew gets money from this bandit and Bridget saves the village. Dew and Bridget is the only remained pairing I have to establish.

Lachesis and Holyn shall duo the western group.
While the major part shall take out the eastern group.


Eris has to save this village.

Crap! Byron rides in enemies's attack ranges. Hopefully they won't attack him for some reason.
REALLY?!? 12%? Well, at least no one died... yet...

The enemies don't attack Byron. Also all the axe and bow cavaliers don't make use of their full movement.

Holyn shall solo this group of knights. He has the thief sword equipped to gain some money from them. Lachesis retreats because she'd only suck up exp.

Dew visits the village south of Castle Zaxon:

Younger man: To think, Silesse remained such a peaceful place for generations and generations! Argh, how did this world turn into such a savage place...

Obtains 4500 gold.

The eastern group of axe knights and mages is defeated. Beowulf kills a bandit and visits another village after that:

Woman: That Langbalt's got his thugs going around and clearing out every village they can find! Good thing we somehow kept a little bit of gold hidden away from those brutes! Go on, take it. We knw you need it more than us.

Obtains 4000 gold.

Sigurd talks to Byron:

He can't believe him that he still could see him... alive.

Sigurd: Father! Come on, you mustn't give in now!

Byron: No... There's no hope for me left now... Listen well, my son. Langbalt was Prince Kurth's true killer. And Reptor is the one holding his leash... His Majesty must know the truth! I... Death holds no fear for me. But I cannot die peace not knowing if our honor shall be cleansed of these lies.

Sigurd: It's just as I thought all along... Rest assured, Father. Our good name will be cleared. I promise.

Byron: Sigurd, I... I beg your forgiveness... 'Tis is my negligence which condemned you to these torments...

The weapon which will make him 10/10.

Sigurd: Tyrfing... But, Father! Surely you'll still need this...

Byron: Take it, Sigurd. Use it to... restore our... honor...

This great man fufilled his last duty. He told Sigurd the truth of Prince Kurth's death and gave him the holy sword to make it happen to defeat the murders.


Sigurd's most emotional moment.

Obtains Broken Sword. Must be repaired in any castle for money.

She gets a great level of for killing this bandit. She's going to visit the village after that:

Elder: It seems that stregnths and abilities are passed down from parents to children. You'll often find that boys'll take up their father's traits more dominantly, while girls'll be more influenced by their mother's.

Obtains 4000 gold.

That's important to know for the planing of Gen. 2 children. Only pair up units who don't have the same skill(s) and share strengths in certain stats. The children will inherit the skill(s) of both parents so they can become pretty broken.

Good examples: Pairing up Tiltyu with Azel or Lewyn because both will inhert much magic to their children. Pairings which add strengths to each other like Ayra's speed and Noish's strength will help their children.

Bad examples: Pairing up Claude with Aideen because both have no skills. Or Lex with Tiltyu because both total differents strengths.

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