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Let's play FE4 together (Naga Project translation) (completed)

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Shanen still looks like a girl.

Finn is the same level as when we left him? He's certainly been slacking off the last decade and a half.

I think I've figured out the true enemy here. Everybody's hair is growing to the point where it will take over them. Everybody's pompadour will become sentient soon.

So, I haven't played FE5, but does this mean that all the playable units from that game are dead, now?

Is that Celice line a joke about the translation?

The Legendary weapons are seriously broken in this game. 20 Speed alone is a respectable end game stat in a lot of FE games.

I actually like the concept of units getting a stat buff by talking to each other at certain points. I wonder why it didn't carry over to later games.

Is Patty Dew's canon daughter? Because she looks more like him than her mom.

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Shanen still looks like a girl.

Finn is the same level as when we left him? He's certainly been slacking off the last decade and a half.

I think I've figured out the true enemy here. Everybody's hair is growing to the point where it will take over them. Everybody's pompadour will become sentient soon.

So, I haven't played FE5, but does this mean that all the playable units from that game are dead, now?

Is that Celice line a joke about the translation?

The Legendary weapons are seriously broken in this game. 20 Speed alone is a respectable end game stat in a lot of FE games.

I actually like the concept of units getting a stat buff by talking to each other at certain points. I wonder why it didn't carry over to later games.

Is Patty Dew's canon daughter? Because she looks more like him than her mom.

The playable units from FE5 are taking care of stuff in their countries, since this war is still going on and stuff, so.

The Celice line a joke about the translation, yea.

Briggid has no canon husband, so no. But I pair them together because I think it fits the most, and it's a pretty good pairing, so.

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[spoiler=Chapter 7 part 4]
Patty introduces herself to Seliph.

... same here...

Patty: Whoops... Okay, you caught me! I'm actually a thief! Well, I used to be. I've had enough of all that now. Now, I want to pitch in with your army instead.

Seliph: Er... You aren't serious, are you? Military life is dangerous. There's no place for your ilk here.

Patty: Oh, you sound so sure! You barely have a coin to your name, but if you're gonna win this war, then nothing's more important than money. But with me around, you're not gonna have to worry about money ever again.

Seliph: I've no use for money tainted by theft.

Patty: ... You really have no idea, do you, sir? For every last coin carried by an Imperial soldier, there's a poor villager who they took it from.
She has "Robin Hood morale".

Patty: Sniff...

Seliph: Say, Patty... I'd like you to come with us.

Patty: Huh? Really? D'you really mean that?!

Seliph: But of course.

Patty: Th-thank you, sir! I promise I'll work as hard as I can for you! Oh, that reminds me! Here, take this sword. It's a little present, to commemorate us getting know each other!

Seliph: Wow... This is a lovely blade!

Patty: It's one of those rare brave swords. And it's aaaall yours, sir!

Seliph obtains brave sword. Now I've two of them. This sword makes it more easier to use Seliph, mainly in the arena.
douche talk
Liza: As it stands, Ishtore, your father is still preoccupied besieging them at Leonster. Should they reach Alster and strike while he's occupied, the results would be disastrous... It is imperative that we intercept them here and now. Our force will be more than enough.

Ishtore: Indeed... My lord father could use the aid. Liza, may I place you in command of my army?

Liza: Certainly. Leave everything to me, milord.

Ishtore: I confess I'd rather keep you away from the eye of the storm, but there's nobody whom I could ever trust more than you. My apologies, Liza.

Liza: I... Rest assured, milord. You've nothing to worry about.
a wave of mages and knights
The generics aren't too tough. However their army has lots of mages, and most of your units have a crappy resistance, so it's wise to play slowly and take out one by another.

The miniboss is also a mage. No special skill, but three authority stars the generics could benefit from.
Boss is a war mage. He has long range magic and Adept which means bad news. He could kill everyone if Adept was activated. Only use units with a high evasion (Shanan, Arthur with Forseti) against him.

another event

The dark bishop has a toy.

... The right guy looks pretty familar. He tries to protect the girl.

Dark bishop: What? And who exactly are you? How dare you, a common sellsword, turn your blade on your employer!

???: Nobody shall lay a hand on her, lest you face severe consequence. Are we clear?

Dark bishop: Gah... What is this sorry little pantomine?! Seize him. End his little life!

He has the Mystletainn so it's unquestionable Eldigan's son Ares.

Ares: Who dares to come forth and slake its thirst?

Now, he kisses up

Dark bishop: Look, I'll never lay hands on the little darling ever again! You forgive me, right? Right?

Ares: ... Very well. Lene are you unharmed?

Lene: Yeah... Thank you, Ares.

Of course his acting wasn't for real...

However nothing happens from here. I only have to fight Melgan's army.

Young girl: Darna is lorded over by Count Bramsel, who's as revolting as they come! If he isn't playing the slimy sycophant to some visiting Grannvale noble or other, he's prancin' around like he's the gods' gift to kings! Ugh... The sooner somebody sticks a sword through that pig of a man, the better!

Elder: It ain't that simple, though. Standing between you lot and Bramsel is the best mercenary force can buy. One of 'em, Ares, is the strongest of 'em all. He's still just a kid, really, but he's fighting frightfully strong, 'cause he's got the magic blade called Mystletainn. From what I heared, the mercenary captain, Jabarro, found Ares as a wee little kid and took him in. The two're real close, I hear. You ain't got much of a chance against Ares. Sorry to rain on your parade like that, kid. Here, take this shield ring as an apolgy. You oughta be able to get some use of this.

Obtains shield ring and 2000 gold.

I've to bring all my units together which took me some turns.

All these guys don't act. Lester will check out, if it changes when someone's in their attack range.

Melgan's moving to me. It's good news. I just have to make sure that I can take them out safely without being in the attack range of the mainboss.

A good level up for taking out the bow knight.

I'm doing this little game again. I'll make the army move further towards north.
For each so little injury the physic healers will heal.

A great level up for taking out another knight.
I'm trying to do sth. fun but also very risky. I try to leave up all the remaining knights and mages (including Liza) to Julia with "Nosferatu-tanking". She can oneround the knights and heal herself whenever she got hit. But that requires she has to hit every time. I have to worry about all the enemies who attack in Liza's support range because they benefit from a avoid boost. I hope my plan won't fail...

Fee will clean up all the enemies on the hill.


I also wished she had a different father... I guess I'll try Lex x Erin next time.

so far, so good


Good level up... but I'd like to see skill, speed or luck in this situation.


She does an excellent job in hittng... but not in leveling.
She misses Liza. It's unironically the best time to miss... against the last enemy. Because any other physical unit could kill her now. Anyways Julia survived but it wasn't paid off too well. I was hoping for more speed, but I take it, I guess.
Forseti makes short shift with her and Arthur obtains an excellent level up.
Wow! He has 100% speed growth so far as an axe knight!

The last of the generics. Only the physic priest and ballistas are left besides the boss.

50 HP!!!

34% hitrate is still scary.
Taking out the ballistas. Shanan gets the typical level for his class.

Both activate Adept. Arthur hits once whilst Ishtore misses twice.

The way to Ishtore is free for him now.

Crap! I forgot about that.


He fucking misses...

... so I have to gamble right now.

Thankfully Shanan activates Astra at the right time. Obtains thoron. There are still a couple of mages left but I don't think they'll hit Shanan.

I'm not satisfied with her, yet.

Patty shall get a bit money from them.

Arthur kills the last mage and gets a weird level up.

Time to seize.

Seliph: I still doubt that Prince Ishtore or his general were truly wicked people... Must we kill still more like them?

Lewyn: That may be so, but don't forget they still actively served the will of a brutal tyrant. As far as our cause is concerned, there is no doubt. They were the enemy. This is a war, Seliph. There's more to it than only every fighting the thoroughly evil, or those whom we hate.

Seliph: I suppose so...

Lewyn: Heh! It's okay, Seliph. You're a good man, through and through. You could just stand to worry a bit less. Now, then! We've got our goal to focus on: coming to the rescue over in Leonster.

Seliph: Indeed. Let's move in on Leonster. Everything shall begin there!

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If your thief steals all that money, do you have a way of giving the gold to different units, or is it all bound to your thief?

Thieves pass a lump sum to the unit they give gold to up to (50,000 - unit's current gold) or all their money.

Certainly limited, and it looks like the intended design was to make the thief attack as much as possible on many units. Despite the pitiful stats they start on.

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[spoiler=Chapter 7 Part 5]


More douche and co.


Bickering couple, more or less.


Mr. Douche is happy about it, though.


More douchebags are coming, along with a decent human being, so.


Someone's a ray of sunshine.


If I could see any more joy in these people I would probably die.


We have someone to help this cute little miss, so don't worry too much about it, dear.


Chapter 7: Aka everything goes wrong.


It's only been one turn and Ares is already sick of these douchebags.


Here's Ares, really solid unit in general, has Mystletainn, which is really good, good skills, etc. You have a good son, Eldigan.


And over on the other side we have Tinny, daughter of Tiltyu and Lewyn.
She's pretty good, one of my favorite characters this generation.

We can recruit her by having her brother talk to her, so that'll take a bit, but we'll do it.


Ares starts taking out some of the cavs, no problem.


Ulster needs to, also. Bit underlevelled.


Lana gets another good level.


They don't move all the way unless you're in range, we'll bait them out for a while.


Meh level.


They have swords, but Johan can hit them easily enough.


More speed, more like Brohan... I'm sorry.


Julia can Nostank like anything right now, go away.


I was going to give the kill to someone, but Oifey crit him, while I was trying to chip, with a javelin.


Delmud cleans up and gets a level.

Lana gets some speed, which is nice.


Seliph and our little edgelord have a chat. It goes... well..?

Arthur is heading right to recruit his sister.


Alright level from healing, I guess.


Mediocre first level.

He has a 90% strength growth so that doesn't really tie into the level.

Leif and Finn handle more reinforcements coming their way.







Almost done around here. Just need to handle the last few guys.


Thank you, that's much better.




Could use some defense but good otherwise.



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[spoiler=Chapter 7 Part 6]


I love them so much. Favorite kids. I have bias, I'm sorry. Anyways, we have Tinny now, so.


He has a horseslayer, so it's best not to attack him with mounted units.


Fee heads over to help out in Leonster.
The sisters will try to triangle attack you, so killing one of them takes that out of the equation.


Byebye Mr. Douchebag, hardly knew ye. Just like Seliph hardly knows speed.

We'll pawn that off to someone else later.


Seized this place. Would stop here but there isn't much left gameplay wise, so I'll just finish up the chapter.


*hint hint*


Seize me baby, one more time.


Lana grows more muscles on her arms.


Uh... okay then.


Our little edgelord can show empathy, cute.


Just ran him through the arena. He's doing alright, I guess.


Here's Leen, daughter of Sylvia and Holyn, this run. Holyn will make her a bit bulkier in the longrun, in case we screw up she won't be guaranteed dead. Leg ring and knight ring let her refresh people incredibly easily.


Gotta take care of the other sisters now.


One left, mediocre level.


Oi vey...


Sleep can't come off in the arena, so just hope to hit with the sleep sword and switch to save uses. Patty is making me a bit mad, since she has a 50% strength growth and doesn't feel like proccing it.


Young cinnamon roll sees breasts for the first time.


All gone, featuring a much better level this time.


The muscles grow even more.


Alright level.


Alright level.


Speed. So it's a nice level.


Sibling crit, though it procced on a wrath, anyways, so..?


It's okay.


Finally, a good level!!!!


Talk with Delmud and Nanna, worrying about their mom...

forgot to screenshot it, but she got a luck point, because every sibling conversation gives a luck point.

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[spoiler=Chapter 7 Part 7]


Leif brags about having his own game and then we have a heartfelt conversation and continue on.


More good levels.


Time for Blume, he has Mjolnir, wouldn't attack with anyone who has low health or res.

Arthur is pissed, and ready to fight.


Chipping a bit, so someone special can get some exp...


Took a bit, but I enjoy doing this.

An alright level.


Buffness intensifies.


She's so sweet. Love these kids.

I'm sorry.


Damn it Nanna..


That's a level. Take notes, Nanna.

Just arena and stuff, now.




Finn promoted.


Tinny levels, not the best, but workable.


I.. um.. forgot to finish the arena with Leif, so.. sorry.


Lana finally promotes, and becomes a badass.


It's alright.


Tankier dancers are fine in my book.






And we're all done here. Chapter 8 is next time.

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I'd imagine Seliph and Ares having an argument about whose dad could beat up whose dad.

I still want to know why Lewyn's been a deadbeat dad this whole time.

Apart from decent Speed, Patty has some pretty horrid bases.

So many of these moms surviving the BBQ, only to die off screen is pretty anticlimactic.

Why isn't Lewyn playable?

Tinni, that name is too tinny

See that level up, poor Nanna

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I'd imagine Seliph and Ares having an argument about whose dad could beat up whose dad.

I still want to know why Lewyn's been a deadbeat dad this whole time.

Apart from decent Speed, Patty has some pretty horrid bases.

So many of these moms surviving the BBQ, only to die off screen is pretty anticlimactic.

Why isn't Lewyn playable?

It's not really explained what's up with Lewyn but there is kind of a reason for how he acts now.

I'm pretty sure he's supposed to be more a mentor this generation, why he's not playable... uh, idk.

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[spoiler=Chapter 8 part 1]
Map story
In ages past, seeking to claim the life-giving nothern land as their own, Thracia's infamous dracoknights have led countless brash attempts to conquer the north,
only to be repelled at every turn by the might of House Leonster. Thracia looked to have won at last following their slaughter of Leonster's army in the Yied Desert, only to be defeated in turn by Blume of Freege, who claimed the land as his own. And so, the so-called Kingdom of North Thracia was born as yet another servant of the Empire.

Over a decade has passed since then.

Not even Thracia's King Travant, an ambitious man with a thirst for power and glory, dares to challenge the will of the Empire, and so strange peace looms over the region. Or so it did, until the arrival of Seliph and his liberation army.
Blume's defeat at his own captial has abruptly tipped the balance of the Thracian stalemate. Both the Alster and Leonster territories now lie under the libaration army's control, forcing Blume to retreat to Connaught and muster to take Alster back.
introduction of all the bad guys

General Maykow of Meath Castle, remain eerily silent.

The people united in their fondest wish: for the entirety of the Thracian Peninsula to return to the rule of House Leonster.

And so dawns yet another battle...

Chapter 8: The Dracoknights of Thracia

The mage triple is back.

Blume: Banba! How could you the three of you let yourselves be cowed into fleeing? What a disgrace!

Banba: A thousand apologies, milord. However, you've nothing to worry about anymore. Even as we speak, General Muhammad prepares his bridge to lay siege to Alster, and General Ovo's cavalry are en route to Leonster. We, too, shall rejoin the fray shortly.

Blume: Hrm.. Don't you dare fail me this time. And what of King Travant? Why are the promised Thracian reinforcements nowhere to be seen?

Banba: We've yet to recieve any response to any of our messangers so far.

Blume: Gah... What in the blazes is that snake thinking?

Banba: King Travant is an ambitious man. To blindly trust him would be foolish.

Blume: No matter. Even without his forces, we've more than enough power to stop the rebels cold. Banba! Fotly! Eriu! Move out at once. This time, leave not a single rebel alive!

Banba: Yes, milord. We will not fail.

There they move.

This is not enemy territory.

Ced: Go! Tell your friends and family that your freedom is so very nearly in reach! Please, my friends, believe me. Manster's freedom is fast approaching!

King Travant's son

As Banba assumed Travant fooled Blume and won't send aid.

Travant: The Empire and the rebels are best left to break themselves on each other for now. We'll mop up thee leftovers once they're nice and weak.

Arion: I should have known, Father... All along, you've been waiting out Blumes's little storm, haven't you?

Travant: But of course! It'd make no sense to bend over backward for the man who snatched our-hard-won north out from under our noses, would it? Leonster's downfall should have meant a peninsula unified under our rule... I'll neither forgive nor forget Blume's craven conquest.

Arion: Even now, we still lack the power to truly match Grannvale on an even battlefield... I can only imagine your frustration, Father.

Travant: Thracia's fate depends on a unified peninsula. The verdant nothern soils are the perfect cure for the famine and poverty wracking our south. We've been shunned and vilified for centuries, dismissed as ravenous hyenas... Yet what choice did we ever have? If not our answer to this world's cravling for sellswords, Thracia would never have had the funds to barley survive as we do. We've toiled in poverty long enough, Arion. It's high time Thracia carved itself a future! A future, I might add, which depends on the outcome of the game laid before us...

Arion: Mm.

Lewyn: Do it. With Blume still on the loose in Connaught, there's no sense to skimping on the defenses. Oh, and also, we've recieved a plea for help from the people of Manster Castle. The sooner our forces reach them, the better.

Seliph: Very well. We shall make the first move!

Leif, Nanna and Fin left Alster Castle and moved towards Leonster Castle to guard it.

excellent - She can classchange now.
Again no strength boost but therefore she can use magic swords very well. Learned skill: Adept

meh and excellent
Pretty damn good levels. However she misses reaching level 20 by just one kill.
Alright... but he really has to work on his skill.
good x3
... Is it ironic to say that the main protagonist of Gen. 2 has the worst levels? Seriously he's utter bullshit! Look at his speed! He's the slowest unit of my entire team.
good and bad
More defense is nice... but not really needed when Balmung equipped.

Still neither skill nor speed.
Pretty good but no speed unfortunately.

I never ever have thought that speed is his best growth.
not bad

... I don't know her HP cap.
DELICIOUS!!! No, Leif's the true main character of Gen. 2! Actually he's the lord of the sequel... but he's not very good, at least in the beginning.
I gave him the paragon ring for this chapter because I want to promote him in the next arena at the latest.


Your party is split. As I mentioned before Leif, Nanna and Fin moved to Leonster castle. Everyone else is in Alster, south from Leonster.

This group is placed north-east from Alster and you can reach it in the second turn.
Thunder mages and knights with steel bows and steel lances. Also a bishop with fortify
This is Chagall's son. He has brave weapons so be careful. It'll be Arthur's task to eliminate this army.


From the north-east an army of cavlary is heading towards Leonster so have someone for guarding there.


All the cavs. have a javelin which is pretty annoying. Furthermore there are few troubadours among them who will heal hurt units.

Their leader is a mage knight. He's pretty powerful so you want to kill him first.


Three stationary bolting mages. Right of them is the mage triple.

Still the same like in the previous chapter but this time with increased movement.

Here's the mainboss of this part. He's basically the same like Ishtore from chapter 7 except that Blume is more annoying for having four authority stars and great shield.

Yeah, this chapter throws lots of crap to you... and more will come soon!



Everyone starts to move at the same time.


Arthur will pretty much solo this area.

Fin guards Leonster. Each mounted unit rides towards Leonster to help this group.

Arthur kills the first two enemies. I don't care if he gets hit. he can take two hits.

Tinny kills the weaken knight and gets a splendid level.

Fee helps out because she has to fly quickly towards east to save a couple of villages.

more speed

Lene refreshes Arthur.
CRIT - the main threat is gone.

only one more level

OH CRAP! I didn't pay attention how close the cavs. actually are towards Lenster. Nanna is in the attack range of a few of them... and she can only take two hits...
Will Nanna survive?

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[spoiler=Chapter 8 part 2]
another event

Faval: Look, Blume. I'm a busy man. Tell me what you want, or I'm leaving.

Blume: Tch... listen carefully. I've an employment opportunity for you.

Faval: ... An employment opportunity?

Blume: Yes, Faval. I require your services in putting down the rebel army.

Faval: Pass. I might be a mercenary, but I'm certainly not about to do your dirty work.

Blume: Oh, really? Then what will become of all those orphans in your care? Rumor has it your dear sister has taken to stealing the money you need to take care of them. Are you content with such a life?
It's Patty's brother.

Faval: ... Deal. I know this'll come back to bite me, but if it means saving the kids... You have my bow... just this once.
Faval is going to move too. He has the legendary bow Yewfelle. Patty has to recruit him.

Arthur wrecks all the reamining enemies of Muhammad's squad.
more magic - However he leaves three knights alive which is good so other units can claim the kills and grab the experience.
Time for promotion!

Now I have to hope for Nanna...
CRAP!!! Both hit.
You can barely see it, but she dodges thankfully what saved her ass.
at least two cavaliers less
Everyone should be fine now.

Tinni and Arthur will handle the remaining knights.
Tinni is in "rage-mode" now which will be quite handy for the rest of this part.

All of the cavs. attack Fin and only one could hit him.
He has to die in the next turn because Fin can't take another hit.
Time to kill all the cavs. Since I have Lene I should be able to do it.
Aww... please don't copy your shitty lord bro.

I can take out the entire squad to make the way free to the boss.
First maxed unit. Lana had to warp Tinni to Leonster because I need a wrath crit here.
Lene refreshes so I can open the way to the boss. Delmud gets a fantastic level.
breakfast for Shanan
Fin kills the last cavalier and talks to Leif after that.
Fin: We aren't in for an easy battle, but no matter what happens, we must persevere.

Leif: I know, Fin. I've always dreamed this day, the day of Leonster's freedom, would come... I'll do all I can to bring peace to the peninsula and save the people from King Blume's tyranny. To fufill Father's final wishes at last... And I if need to lay down my life to make our dream a reality, then so be it...

Fin: Please, my lord! It ill befits a future king to do something so rash! You mustn't say such things!

Leif: Er, you're right... Sorry Fin. I know how hard you had to work to protect me from the Empire's pursuit in my youth. I recall how often you'd let yourself starve, just so I wouldn't have to go without food... All my life you've made sacrifice after sacrifice for my sake, and only now I do understand this... I'll always be grateful for all you've done, Fin.

Fin: My lord, the Thracian region has been plagued by strife for generations, but your father dared to dream of uniting it under a lasting peace. He may be gone, but you still yet live, and so t does the hope of fulfilling his dream. Only you stand a chance of uniting Thracia.
Leif gets +3 strength.

The second task is done already.
Next will be the mage triple.
Fee saves the first village.

Man: I've heared tell that over in Manster, people're planning a revolt against the Imperial rule. Apparently the ringleader there's some Sillesian mage called Ced... The people there are so sure that he's the man for the job. Of course, the real problem for Manster is that Thracia's got their grubby eyes on the city... I hope they'll be alright.
Obtains 3500 gold.

another event - the last one thankfully

Ishtar: What's happened, Father? How could a pack of simple rebels get to you of all people? This is so very unlike you...

Blume: These are no mere rebels! They've already slaughtered Ishtore, and Tinni is lost to us as well because of them... They've already defeated Banba and her sisters... I can't leave this task to them again. You're all I have left to depend upon!

Ishtar: Understood, but I have one condition. I need the Book of Mjölnir. If I'm wielding Mjölnir, I won't need an army with me. I alone will be more than enough.

Blume: W-what?! You... want me to hand it over... Fine. Very well... You can take Mjölnir... But don't dare fail me now!

Ishtar: You can trust me, Father. By your leave.
Princess Ishtar appears and also moves towards you. She's incredibly powerful and scary. She can oneshot most of my units and has Adept. Futhermore she has a high evasion thanks to Mjölnir's ridiculous boosts. However thanks to her low HP and defense she's supereasy to beat. If you check out Faval's attack, you'll see he can oneshot her! However he requires support boost by Seliph and Nanna to have a decent hitrate.

Time to finish the mage trio:
There goes #1.
... and #3. Third task is done.

couple of good healing level ups - Nanna's is actually pretty damn great.

Larcei has to move back to Castle Alster...
... to promote.

Faval's recruitment

Patty: Ugh... Don't tell me you actually let Blume buy out your bow arm!

Faval: Patty? Wait... Why are you with the rebels?

Patty: To protect people, of course! We've come this far working together, and I know we're gonna stop Blume for goo! I don't get it. Did you just go and forget everything? That if it wasn't for the Empire's cruelty, none of the kids would be orphans? But no, here you are, kissing up to the very same man who ruined all our friends' lives! What the heck were you thinking, Faval?!

Faval: You're absolutely right... I'm so sorry, Patty. I guess I just wasn't thinking at all.

Patty: Any scumbag can apologize till they're blue in the face! If you're really sorry, then get over here! Come help us fight for peace!

Faval: Alright, Patty. I'm with you. You've certainly come a long way lately...

Patty: Hee hee... I guess I have!

Faval introduces himself to Seliph.

Seliph: Relax! I understand why you did what you did. You've nothin to worry about.

Faval: I don't think so, sir. Letting myself work for the very same Empire I've supposedly been opposing? That was shamefully half-witted of me... Sir, I swear I'll make up for my bad choices. I'll do everything I can to aid you!

Seliph: Thank you, Faval. I'm glad to have you.

Faval makes up his mind by killing Ishtar.

After her defeat:
Arvis's son appears. Both leave at once.

... Who cares...

She misses twice with 96%. So Ares has to kill him and gets a good level.

A not so great first level. I have to kill all the enemies including the long range mages on the other side of the river before they can kill one of my units.
ok - You also have to work on your speed.
MAJESTIC!!! (speed is already capped)
Alright! All the knights and bolting mages are left. The worst part is done. Only Blume and his three guards are left.

Arthur is doing the rest for me.
Obtains thoron.

In enemy phase Arthur can kill one of the generals.

Leif and Arthur kill the remaining two.

Now I've to visit two villages and to do a conversation.

Fee visits the village in the north:
Young woman: Ohh, thank you so much! I've heared all the stories about your army, and I've been praying that you'd come someday. Lord Seliph is our beacon of hope! Here, take this power ring. It's not much, but it's all we have to show our gratitude.
Obtain 1500 gold and power ring.

Dermott visits the village next to Connaught:
Young woman: Long ago, Thracia and the stats of the Manster District were a single nation. 'Course, you'd never know that from how they've hated each other so far as long as anyone can recall! I wish they could just try to make peace...
Obtains 5000 gold.

Arthur can talk to Fee.

Arthur: Er... Yeah, I suppose so.

Fee: Hmmm! Who knew you had it in you? I never would've guessed that you're even able to worry about anyone but yourself! I might have to rethink everything just a bit!

Arthur: Well, er, you're something of a special case...

Fee: Huh?

Arthur: Er, never mind! Anyway, just don't do anything too rash, alright? See you...

Fee: Arthur...

Fee gets +3 HP.

seizing time

Lewyn: Don't get too excited just yet. The real problem here is still Thracia.

Seliph: What makes you think so? What wuld cause Thracia to break neutrality now, of all times?

Lewyn: You've never had to deal with King Travant before, have you? Just ask Prince Leif. If not for Travant, he would still have his parents. Travant's murder of them was a cruel ambush, an insult to the honor of a knight like Quan. Who knows what dirty game he's planning now...

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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Looks like Seliph is at least okay in most stats, he just has terrible Speed, it's the opposite of Patty.

Does Lewyn even know he has kids? Him ignoring them is starting to annoy me.

How does Arthur already have 21 Speed at level 13?

Was Quan a king? They call Leif a prince, but they keep referring to Quan as a knight, or if Leif is a prince through his mom's side, Quan should have at least been elevated to Prince or Duke or something.

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Looks like Seliph is at least okay in most stats, he just has terrible Speed, it's the opposite of Patty.

Does Lewyn even know he has kids? Him ignoring them is starting to annoy me.

How does Arthur already have 21 Speed at level 13?

Was Quan a king? They call Leif a prince, but they keep referring to Quan as a knight, or if Leif is a prince through his mom's side, Quan should have at least been elevated to Prince or Duke or something.

Lewyn will eventually.

The power of Holsety for you.

Cuan was a knight and the son of the King of the Manster District. They're not all that clear on it.

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Lewyn will eventually.

The power of Holsety for you.

Cuan was a knight and the son of the King of the Manster District. They're not all that clear on it.

So Quan was a prince, then. I need a family tree or something to keep all these characters straight.

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Going to update the end of Chapter 8 now and maybe a bit of chapter 9 later. I have 320 images for chapter 9 since Jules hates this part and didn't want to do it.
So I will instead.


[spoiler=Chapter 8 Part 3]


Many years later, Travant is still a douche, and he's made sure Altenna doesn't remember her actual parents.


Now we have more company, it seems.


We'll have to break the defenses too. Won't be too hard.


This girl clearly forgot what bases SETY has if they think he can't handle the whole assault. He could probably take the rest of the enemies this chapter.


More free exp, I mean.. villagers to save.


Nanna, I love you, but please, stop this.


Gave Lester his Brave bow. So he can finish the arena now.


Spoilers, she does get better next chapter.


Got the villagers with Patty, Tinny and Seliph, I forgot what they were, but Tinny got some magic, Seliph some speed, and Patty finally got strength even though she had a 50% growth. I'm not bitter, anyways, these dracoknights are going to target one of our castles, so we'll send a guard to both, because I don't remember which they go for.


Seems she doesn't want to fight herself.




The first miniboss approaches, I hope you haven't grown tired of this portrait yet.


Oifey rescues a village, I'll get it later, there's another one close by which will be destroyed soon.


Good levels.

Easy. No problem. Arthur gets a level for his trouble.


We talk with best girl and learn about Julius, and get some HP for our troubles.




We see Sety has some issues about himself...




Johan keeps getting more and more speed. I'm very proud.


Sending Faval home, just in case.


His arena levels. All good.


*Sety is the son of Fury and Azel in this run.
He's fantastic. Amazing bases, great growths. He's incredibly good, no matter who the father is. One of the best units.


Good level.


They'll attack us if we get in range, but we also have to take Ballista shots if we do. Still not too rough, though.


Took Patty to visit the village for more money.


Oifey finished off this annoying thief fighter down here. He's guarding the village, so sending Fee isn't recommended.


Was it worth it? I really don't know at this point.

Much better.


The thief's band lets you steal money like a thief, for whoever has it equipped. It's a weird item.

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[spoiler=Chapter 8 Part 4]


Nanna shows Ares a letter which clears his doubts about his father and Sigurd, and gives Nanna swordplay lessons to make her less shitty.


The dracoknights attacked the other castle instead, I sent Julia to Nosferatu tank them, she got some mediocre levels out of it.


Enemy army's defensive line starts attacking, and picks the worst target ever if they wanted to stay alive.


Leif gets an alright level.


Just gave this village to Oifey, too much effort to bring others over.


Good level for Ulster, he needs to catch up.


Okay level for Nanna.




We mercilessly chop down the enemy, and edgy Eldigan gets a pretty good level.


Getting rid of the last few pests.


If I didn't know the levels you'd get next chapter I'd be incredibly agitated right now.


Meh Leif level from the Ballistas.


Another mediocre one.








They have a talk about their parents and Sety gets a point of luck.

Lester chips for his level...


And Ulster finishes him off for one.


Some extra money.


Things will be much different next chapter.


It's okay.


Lester gets his promotion... pretty good.


Nanna hits 20, too.


Sety's arena levels.


Arthur decided he wanted to ride a pony to help him nuke everything more efficiently.


And Nanna gets some much needed buffs.


We learn more about Travant and his motives...

And Altenna flies off...

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Hey Rezzy, in case you missed it, does this help?:


Nice work you two!

Thanks, that helps. So I guess we have more incest, with Julius and Ishtar being a couple and cousins as well.

There sure are a lot of blondes in this game.

Is there a reason that Lewyn's been sitting on his ass the last couple of chapters? He's only my age, I think, so it's not like he's Jeigan and too old to fight, now.

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Thanks, that helps. So I guess we have more incest, with Julius and Ishtar being a couple and cousins as well.

There sure are a lot of blondes in this game.

Is there a reason that Lewyn's been sitting on his ass the last couple of chapters? He's only my age, I think, so it's not like he's Jeigan and too old to fight, now.

You're welcome, I checked that tree very often in my (failed) attempt to complete FE4.

I don't see how Julius and Ishtar are cousins. Ishtar is daughter of Blume and Hilda, she is not related to Deirdre in any way. And according to the tree Hilda and Victor (Julius' grandfather) are both descendants of Fala, but it is not clear how close are their bloodlines. There seem to be a lot of family issues on Judgral, lots of fathers, sons, siblings and such trying to kill each other, just like in the old times.

And as for Levin, I read somewhere that you have to complete the game several times in order to see a cutscene in the opening explaining what happened to him after the battle of Barhara.

Edited by geraq
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I'm gonna be here for a while...

[spoiler=Chapter 9 Part 1]


Lots of stuff happening this time. Looks like we're finally going to take down Travant, too.


In for a long ride...


Looks like Altenna who's returning.


Looks like this family is a bit dysfunctional right now.


Sounds like a soap opera in here.


And she's off, again.


And he's off, again...




Looks like someone's in a sticky situation now. Seems to be a lot of those these days.


We have Corpul, Sylvia's son, and his adoptive dad, Hannibal, who falls under the "general that is hard to recruit for no reason" archetype. So, we'll have to try pretty hard to recruit them both.


Meanwhile, again...


Everyone is smiles and rainbows this chapter.


Meanwhile again again.


More generic bishop men to deal with later, though.


Finally, in the league of justice.


This Chapter won't just be stressful for Seliph, also me! Yay!

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[spoiler=Chapter 9 Part 2]


Finn and Leif talk about Altenna, and Leif in turn finds out she's his sister.
Now for something less exciting, levels in the arena!


Mostly a lot of good levels, and Patty finally got her shit together, too. So that's even better.

I'm satisfied, all around.

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[spoiler=Chapter 9 Part 3]


They're just going to stay there for now, so we will, too. It will only cause a lot more complication if we move forward right now.


And Altenna's squad is coming towards us, they'll be here in only around 3 turns, so we're going to go defensive.


Looks like we gotta get the poor young boy outta this...


Leen gets a good level.


Taking a defensive position. There are villages all the way to the left of the map, so I'm sending Fee over to save them.


They arrive, and Seliph and Leif lead the charge, Seliph getting a good level to start.


Leif can talk with his sister.


They talk, and Altenna is understandably somewhat confused.


She flies back...


Altenna is very angry and upset now.


Obviously he knocked her out.


Travant goes and joins the fight now, knowing well he might die.


They start moving, now we have to worry, as we can't kill Hannibal or we can't recruit him.

Second wave of dragonknights is coming now with Travant leading them.


Sety gets a good level to start.


Fee gets a good level defending the villages, a really good one.


Could be worse, I guess.


Travant finally arrives... Although Faval isn't strong enough to kill him, as he's immune to crits, he does nab a level off of him.

Leif and Travant talk, before they battle.


And Leif gets the kill, avenging his Father.


Some final levels from taking out the last dragon knights.

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[spoiler=Chapter 9 Part 4]


Altenna flees to go join our army, she'll be over in a few turns so we can talk to her.

Meanwhile, we need to deal with Hannibal's army, they're quite dangerous, all with brave or sleep weapons, so.

We just need to thin out as many as we can.


Faval gets a few kills from thinning out some of the army.


Hannibal attacks, no Astra proc, so thankfully he doesn't die.


Another good level for Faval.


Johan gets another good level, however, he's asleep for a bit, because that was a sleep sword.


Levels from thinning out more out the army...


Arthur kills a healer and gets a fortify staff, it'll be useful to give to someone else, so.


Hannibal's army is killed, however, now his AI is set to get more reinforcements, meaning he won't attack, until he gets more, however, we can just block off the castle to ensure he can't, so he won't attack us at all.


Fee gets a barrier ring from the village, not enough space, so she sends it to storage.


Bad level, but at least she can promote now.


Seliph follows in his dad's footsteps and picks up a pony, and gets some nice boosts along with it.


And Leif promotes to Master Knight, because why not.


Now we have Altenna on our team.


Here she is, she's good. She hits like a truck, but magic hurts a lot, with that measly 1 res. Just keep her away from mages, she can oneshot a lot of things otherwise.


I..I don't really have anything against this guy, I just want experience, to be honest...


Nanna, you're a favorite of mine, don't do this to me :(


And Julia nabs her promotion.


Just took her through the Arena. Not bad for levels.


Patty and her brother have a heartfelt conversation, and want to look for their mom, Patty gets a point of luck for it.




Johan finally woke up and is ready for his promotion.


Hannibal: Can I come in? :c

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[spoiler=Chapter 9 Part 5]


Double teamed the douche and got a good level. He's not hard.


Corpul joins our little ragtag group, if you killed Hannibal prior, he would run away and disappear, not joining.


He's the son of Leen and Holyn this playthrough.

He's not great. He joins very underlevelled and with not much to work with. He's still another staff, so he's nice to have around regardless.


I just really wanted the experience, sorry dude...


Staff spamming to get him going. Patty has a bag of money with his name on it.


Corpul talks to his adoptive father, and FINALLY GETS RECRUITED.


He's not great, but for a General, in this game, he can do decently. He's much better than Ardan, because he actually starts promoted, and can work with Greatshield, if you really want him to. He's not too bad, 20 times better than Ardan, so. That's something.

He guards castles very well.


Gave him some arena time.


These guys are going to set up their defenses now.


This portrait will never get old.


Patty has a little talk with Corpul where she gets burned to hell, and Corpul gets hp for being swag. Or something like that.


Another brother and sister conversation, but they don't seem to remember each other...


Patty gives him some money so he can buy a new staff, and heals up Hannibal for a level.

Gonna stop here for now, and hand it over to Jules, because I did a lot this chapter.

I know it's not the most exciting end to a part, okay!?

Thanks for reading!

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