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Let's play FE4 together (Naga Project translation) (completed)

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He does have the mustache going for him, but I'd argue that I'm the sexiest Jeigan.

...Oifaye is the sexiest male then.

And before you ask, Seth does not count: he created his own archetype. ;)

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Be prepared for a wall of text.

Everyone has to thank Seliph and wish him a farewell.

Seliph: Thank you, Lewyn, but our victory means precious little while our world still lies in ruins. Where do we begin from here?

Lewyn: There's only one way to rebuild all the scarred lands. Everyone needs to come together and share the work among you. And for that, you'll need a good leader. The crusaders' heirs will be retuning home to assume their rightful thrones. And with the prosper leadership, they can pool their strengths again to build a new world, one where all can live in happiness.

Seliph: A new world, you say...

Lewyn: Yeah, Seliph... A new world. And your role is the most crucial of all. You'll remain here in Belhalla, and you'll guide the rise of this new world as the King of Grannvale.

King Seliph from now on

Lewyn: The two of you have inherited the last will of all who lost their lives on this path. These sould watch over you, even now. You musn't forget the light which they strove.

Seliph: Mm... I understand, Lewyn. So long as I have the power, I'll do all I can.

Lewyn: Now, Julia...

Lewyn: I know this path will be a gruelling one, but that's all the more reason to give it my all...


Queen Lana

Julia: I... I must atone for the fate of Lord Sigurd... I know that's what my mother, Lady Deidre, would wish of me...

Lewyn: Well, then! Looks like everyone's making their way here from the front lines. Seliph, this'll be your first task as king. I'm sure that'd all love some words of thanks.

Now all the thanky-thankies begin. Multiple groups in different seizes enter Belhalla Castle and thank Seliph.


Seliph: I doubt I could ever thank you enough for all you've done for me, Shanan. All my life, you've been here to protect me at every turn. I owe you so dearly.

Shanan: Your father, Lord Sigurd, was always there for me as well when I was a child, as was the Lady Deidre. But when we lost Lady Deidre, I couldn't do a thing to stop it... I failed Lord Sigurd. Even now, I'll never forget that day... You don't owe me a thing, Seliph. Not when I've caused you so much pain...

Seliph: No, Shanan. If it weren't for you and the people of Isaach, I wouldn't be here today. To me, Isaach will always be home. Nothing will ever change that.

Shanan: I'm sure everyone back in Isaach would be heartened to hear such kind words.


lovers conversation

Shanan: "King Seliph"... No, that's not quite right! Perhaps "Your Imperial Majesty, the King," then?

Patty: Oh, I didn't mean to anger you, Shanan. You're right... Parting ways like this has to be so painful for you already. I'm really sorry. That was just horrid of me.

Shanan: Heh, it's fine. You did speak honestly, after all.

Patty: Shanan...

Seliph: I've always thought of you as a brother, Shanan. I pray we never forget that bound.

Shanan: My blade will always be yours, King Seliph. I'll never forget that so long as I live.


Seliph: Ah, of course, Ulster. I know King Shanan will depend on your support. And I know your late mother, Lady Ayra, would love nothing more than for you to devote your life to Isaachian people.

Ulster: Yes, sir. My life is theirs.


another special couple conversation

Fee: So, er...

Ulster: Yeah?

Fee: Say, Ulster... Is it okay if I come with you?

Ulster: What, you want to come? To Isaach? With me?

Fee: I do...

Ulster: Wow! Thanks Fee!

Lewyn: Well, it's time to say goodbye. Best of luck, heroes of Isaach!

Shanan, Ulster and Fee leave.



Second wave is coming.

Leif: I couldn't possibly thank you enough for everything, Lord Seliph. I'll be departing for Leonster shortly. The Thracian Peninsula has suffered from war long enough, and it's high time we rebuilt. I know my sister, Altena, wishes dearly for a restored Thracia as well.

Seliph: Indeed. This was has lain waste to Thracia, and I can only imagine the burden laid upon you, the king-to-be of a united peninsula I pray you give it your best, no matter what happens.

Leif: I will. You take care as well, Lord Seliph.

Seliph: Long ago, our fathers Sigurd and Quan were bound by the closest of friendships, sharing their deaths as they did their lives. Prince Leif, I'd love nothing more than for us to follow their example and remain lifelong friends.

Leif: As do I, Lord Seliph!


Nanna: Huh? Would that be really be alright with you?

Leif: But of course! All I want to have you and your might by my side.

Nanna: Th-Thank you!


Altena: At the very least, I ought to atone for the legacy of my adoptive family... Travant and Arion.

Seliph: How wonderful it would be, if Arion were to work together with you...

Altena: I... I don't believe that could happen for the time being, sir. But perhaps someday, he'll feel the time is right...


Seliph: Sir Finn, you've come to my family's aid time and again, and for 20 years played a crucial part in both my cause and Father's. I couldn't possibly thank you enough...

Finn: No, I am a servant of House Leonster. As a knight, I have followed where my lieges have led. No more, no less.

Seliph: Thracia is in your hands, Sir Finn. I hope you'll assist Prince Leif in granting Thracia its hard-won peace.

Finn: Yes, sir. A peaceful Thracia was my Lord Quan's lifelong dream as well, and I'll do all I can to bring that dream to life.


Seliph: Are you headed for Thracia as well, General Hannibal?

Hannibal: Indeed. Thracia yet hangs in the balance, and the people await my return.

Seliph: Who better to lead the reconstruction of Thracia than a mighty war hero? Do your best for the youths of Thracia.


Seliph: I see... You know, Cairpre, I've seldom seen anyone as happy as you are now. I confess I'm a bit envious!

Cairpre: I'm so proud of Papa, sir. I may just be adopted, but I'm still the son of the great General Hannibal!

Lewyn: The job awaiting you, the heroes of Thracia, certainly won't be easy. It's up to you unite two peoples long divided by bitter hatred, and build for all of them a new, peaceful land.


Next group is coming.

Seliph: Oh, no, Prince Ares. The joy changing upon broughts is thanks enough! I was such an honor to meet the son of my father's dearest friend. As tragic as their lives were, their faith in each other was unshakable to the very end. Our fathers, Prince Ares, were united by a singular dream their deaths left unfulfilled. Let's fulfill their dream where they cannot. Let the two of us, hand in hand, guide all Judgral toward bringing the dream of life.

Ares: Well spoken, King Seliph! My father so dearly wished to see his beloved Agustria united in a lasting peace. In the name of his dying wish, I'll carve for Agustria a new, prosperous future.


I guess... a lovers support. I didn't notice that they became a pair in the playthrough.

Lene: Yep, of course. I'm gonna do everything I can to help rebuild Agustria as well. Let's all work together to build an Agustria where anyone can live happily.

Ares: Indeed! So long as you remain, I know I'll never give up.


Dermott: I'll lend the prince my strength and help rebuild the country.

Seliph: Dermott? Ah, of course. Your mother was a noblewoman of Nordion, yes?

Dermott: Lord Eldigan's sister, Raquesis, to be exact, sir. Nobody was closer to him than she was. I'll give my entire life to fulfilling the last wishes of my mother and Eldigan, and to creating a united Agustria.

Lewyn: Even as we speak, Agustria's still embroiled in a civil war. A gruelling task awaits you all, but I know you can handle it if you give it your best together. Agustria's fate now lies squarely in all of your hands.



Seliph: Mm. Knowing Jungby is in your most capable hands will put my mind at ease.

Faval: ... I admit, sir, I couldn't have seen all this coming in a thousand years. But finding out that my mom was Jungby's Lady Bridget helped me find myself a purpose in life, and I know now what needs to be done. On this blessed bow of mine, Lord Seliph, I swear I'll be with you every step of the way!


Seliph: But of course. We'll be with you every step of the way.


Seliph: Your father was Lord Lex, correct? I'm sure the people of Dozel eagerly await your return, Lester.

Lester: The likes of Langbalt and Dannan have tormented the people and stained House Dozel's good name for too long. Now that my father is gone, it falls to me to heal the state's wounds.

Seliph: Mm. I entrust Dozel's welfare to you. I pray you'll be able to lend me your might in the years to come.

Lester: Yes, Lord Seliph!


Seliph: I leave Dozel's care to you, Lord Johan.

Johan: Home shall hold pain for me, yet return I must if I am to absolve my kin's sins. I know yet not if my people could ever forgive me.

Seliph: This war could never have been won if not for your strength, Johan. Your legacy is one of kindness. People everywere know this well.

Johan: Your words honor me, my liege. I can only pray you shall someday forgive House Dozel.

Seliph: But of course, Johan. I hope both Grannvale and the world will greatly prosper from your might.

Johan: You shall always have my axe, my liege. I swear to you, the Grannvale throne shall have the undying loyality of House Dozel.


Larcei: Heh... I know. I mean, I do love you, too, Johan.

Johan: Ahh! I've never known such joy, Larcei!


Seliph: I beg yur forgiveness, Lord Ced. The task which now lies before you is the most painful of all.

Ced: No, Sir. I'm all that's left of House Velthmer, and it's my duty alone to atone for the many crimes of my kin. I know that's what my father, Lord Azel, would want as well.

Seliph: Ced, I can't bring myself to hate Lord Arvis any longer. Knowing now he was but a sad victim of fate, I can only offer you my condolences.

Ced: Thank you so much, Lord Seliph... The Fire Emblem, House Velthomer's royal crest, was once revered by people the world over as a symbol of justice. I'll work tirelessly until the Emblem's honor and good name are restored.


Seliph: What? Why, Oifey? Why?! I thought you never would leave my side! I... I still need you.

Oifey: No, sire... You will do a magnificent job ruling on your own. I know it. And whilst you do, it'll be my duty to protect House Chalphy in your stead.

Seliph: Chalphy... I understand, Oifey. You are right, of course. I won't be able to inherit its throne, which leaves you as the last bearer of the blood of Baldur who can claim it. I suppose there isn't much choice...

Oifey: Everything will be alright, sire. I'll always be watching over you, even from Chalphy.

Seliph: Oifey... To me, you've always been like the father I never had. You taught me all I know... How to strategize, how to live as a knight does... And how to be kind. You've done so much, and I could never thank you even nearly enough...

Oifey: Sire... I, too, owe your father dearly for all he once did for me. When my parents died, Lord Sigurd took me into his home. He loved me just as if I were his own brother. And yet... I couldn't even be by his side in his final moments... ... I was such a coward.

Seliph: Oifey... Please don't cry... This is my fault, not yours...

Oifey: Sniff... My apologies, sire. You shouldn't have seen that. Now then... Please, sire...

Seliph: I know, Oifey... I know. You take care as well...


Seliph: I must admit, Arthur. I'm almost envious you have a father like Lewyn by your side. How nice that must be!

Arthur: It is. I'm so proud to be his son, sir. And someday, hopefully, I'll be every bit the great man he is now...


Lewyn: No. My work there is done. I don't belong on the throne. Silesse needs a fresh start with its leadership, just like everywhere else. What Silesse needs is you. It needs to be guided by your youthful hand.

Arthur: I don't understand... Silesse needs you, too... And I need you. Please, Father... Please. Come home with me!

Lewyn: Settle down, Arthur. You're embarrassing me here. You already know exactly why I'm doing this... Don't you, Arthur?

Arthur: ... Father...

Lewyn: ... That's enough. There's nothing left to say. Go! I leave Silesse's fate to you...


Seliph: Thank you, Lewyn... Thank you so much... You've done so much for us, the young generation. You've always guided us... From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

Lewyn: I did only my duty, Seliph. I am the wind, a wind fated to guide the beating light of life.

Seliph: And this very light shines on within the hearts of every last one of you. I understand now... All my life, I've heared tales of how the dragonkin feared becoming entangled in the sorry affairs of mankind. But you were different... You guided us where your kin never would. So long as our world lives on, humanity will never forget your kindness... Lewyn... No... A hero of a distant land... Forseti of the Wind...

This was the last conversation.

Some conversations are different depending who their father is. Also some special conversations are unlocked if they became a pair in the run.

Also for each character their own theme is played (Eldigan, the Lionheart while the conversation with Ares)

A region once swamped with colourness small nations constantly warring among themselves, with the restoration of House Leonster and the downfall of the Thracian kingdom, the Thracian Peninsula finally knows peace. And as the first ruler of this new Thracia, the people adently desired for the throne to be taken by Leif.

And so, Leif worked together with

  • Nanna, Leif's wife,
  • Finn, the lance knight,
  • the great General Hannibal,
  • Cairpre, the holy youth,

to build a new nation for Thracia's people.

And Leif's behest, the old Thracia's former lands were entrusted to his sister, Altena. Legends tell of Altena's love for and dedication to the very soil that raised her, and this love never died so long as she lived.
The Thracian peninsula thus gave rise to a new realm: the Kingdom of New Thracia.

freedom form Imperial abuse the quickest, yet its people could not rest easy while its heir was absent fighting in the war.
This changed with the final victory of the liberation army, and when Shanan returned from battle, the people greeted their liege with raucous cheers.
And, so with Shanan asssuming the crown,

  • Patty, Shanan's wife,
  • Ulster, the dutiful swordsman,
  • Fee, Ulster's wife

and others by his side to restore the land, they also strove for a new age of diplomacy and trade, seeking to build a wealthy nation. Isaach was once reviled by others as little more than a barbarous eastern land, but under the reign of Shanan, Isaach will grow like never before and shall one day be reborn as a mighty land.


and so the land fell to harsh tyranny.
After years of abuse, its people dearly wished for the rise of a unified nation, one led by House Nordion, heirs of the legendary hero Eldigan. And so the people eagerly welcomed the homecoming of Ares. In Ares, the people saw the very same aura Eldigan himself had borne in his youth.
Ares was accompanied home by

  • Lene, his wife,
  • Dermott, the charming knight,

and worked with them to unite Agustria.
Under the reign of Ares, Agustira will soon become Grannvale's crucial partner and will grow to be greater than ever before.

in seizing the region within its iron fist, it completly abandoned the old kingdom. Instead, Verdane was left to the mercy of constantly warring clans, and brigands ran rampant. Nobody had ay hope of peace.

With the holy war's end, Seliph led an expedition to restore peace to Verdane. The people were overjoyed to, at last, be saved by Seliph, the son of Deidre. Deidre had long since passed into the legends and folklore of Verdane, now revered there as a saint, and now Verdane's people clamored to come under the rule of Deidre's son, Seliph, too, held a deep love for the land of his mother's youth, and so Verdane joined Grannvale's lands, becoming the Royal Province of Verdane.
Verdane is a land of natural beauty. Its verdant forests are Sigurd's prayers its sparkling, crystal-clear water is Deidre's tears...

And these are its people's emblems of hope and favor...

their life to rebuilding the ruined land. A breathtaking land... A peaceful people... Lewyn had devoted his life to protecting the Kindgom of Silesse, and at long last, his decades of work came to fruition.


  • Freege's new lord, Tinni,
  • Dozel's new lord, Lester,
  • and Johan,
  • and his wife, Larcei,
  • Jungby's new lord, Faval,
  • Chalphy's new lord, Oifey,

and others all returned to their lands.
In the royal capital Belhalla itself, with overwhelming support from the public, Seliph was officially hailed as their king. The newly anointed King Seliph devoted himself to rebuilding his land and bringing peace to all, his goal is nothing short of a prosperous world free of oppression and bigotry. And by his side, one would always find his loving, ever-smiling wife, Queen Lana... his sister, Princess Julia, regarding his toil with the warmest of eyes...
In ages to come, the people of Judgral tell legends of a divine king of ages past.

None shall ever forget his name: Seliph.


End of typing thankfully.

The long journey has finally an ending.

FE4 is not a typical FE game, but it's a very interesting one.

If you have a soft spot for a great story and amazing soundtrack and the large maps don't daunt you, this game will have a fancy for it.

Sure, the game mechanics seem to be odd in the very beginning (no trade, no vulneraries), but you can accustom on these mechanics fast.

I definitely recommend this game.

[spoiler= turncount]

We wasted some turns to grind the supports.

[spoiler=battle results Gen. 1]

Sigurd got the most kills. Not really a big surprise...

However a non foot unit (Jamka) became #2 which is worth to be mentioned.

[spoiler=battle results Gen. 2]

Arthur became MVP as expected thanks to Forseti.

[spoiler=player rank]

Could be better, I guess... but oh well... we're just casuals.

Anyways this game ends here. You can't continue right here and come back to the title screen. I don't know why this wasn't fixed but it's not a serious issue.

There's not much left to say anymore... except... to thank everyone who watched (and commented) this LP. I hope you could enjoy it a little bit at least.

Also a huge thank you to Sophia who volunteered to cooperate this LP. (I know how much work I burdened you :P)

Merry Christmas and a Happy 2017!


Edited by Eleanor Hume
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Am I the only one who finds Shanan robbing the cradle a bit creepy?

Why exactly can't Seliph be king of both countries at the same time? There's plenty of examples in history of kings leading two countries simultaneously.

I'm not sure why Lewyn thinks it's a good idea to just abdicate his throne. Teenage kings don't have the best track record in history. He needs to stop being such a lazy asshole, first he doesn't fight, then he ignores his kid until the end of the game, and now he abandons his kingdom, and hands it over to a kid with no political experience. I don't see this ending well. We never did get an explanation for why he doesn't fight.

Since Julia still has the Lobster Blood like Julius, couldn't she just go evil at any point, too? It seems that that's something that could easily happen in the future, especially since all the countries are being run by a bunch of teenagers with no idea how to run a country.

Thanks for the LP, I may bitch a lot about the plot and gameplay, but it was fun, and I just like to tear things apart like that. Now Thracia 776 is the only FE game that I haven't either played or seen an LP of.

Most of my main complaints I said in my previous post. The gameplay seems a bit too cumbersome, but I like many of the aspects, and wouldn't mind a remake or port that fixed the inventory system. The plot I felt fell flat in the second generation. It seems like they were trying to fit too much in, and as a result, it all seemed to resolve too neatly and quickly, and not get the proper depth.

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Am I the only one who finds Shanan robbing the cradle a bit creepy?

Why exactly can't Seliph be king of both countries at the same time? There's plenty of examples in history of kings leading two countries simultaneously.

I'm not sure why Lewyn thinks it's a good idea to just abdicate his throne. Teenage kings don't have the best track record in history. He needs to stop being such a lazy asshole, first he doesn't fight, then he ignores his kid until the end of the game, and now he abandons his kingdom, and hands it over to a kid with no political experience. I don't see this ending well. We never did get an explanation for why he doesn't fight.

Since Julia still has the Lobster Blood like Julius, couldn't she just go evil at any point, too? It seems that that's something that could easily happen in the future, especially since all the countries are being run by a bunch of teenagers with no idea how to run a country.

Thanks for the LP, I may bitch a lot about the plot and gameplay, but it was fun, and I just like to tear things apart like that. Now Thracia 776 is the only FE game that I haven't either played or seen an LP of.

Most of my main complaints I said in my previous post. The gameplay seems a bit too cumbersome, but I like many of the aspects, and wouldn't mind a remake or port that fixed the inventory system. The plot I felt fell flat in the second generation. It seems like they were trying to fit too much in, and as a result, it all seemed to resolve too neatly and quickly, and not get the proper depth.

Yeah, I see the issue. But I've also left them together as well. Stupid me.

I'm pretty sure Verdane comes under Grandbell if Jamke had no kids. So Seliph does rule it now.

Well, if there's one thing to keep in mind, Lewyn is technically dead, and that's actually Holsety in his body. His personality differs, and they way he acts to his kids is another hint.The last conversation just points strongly to it. He also passes his equipment on, though that doesn't entirely explain why he doesn't fight at all. I would assume that this is an attempt to rebuild the world and then encourage Judgral not needing the dragons anymore.

The family tree posted earlier shows that she doesn't have a trace of Loptyr in her (which is also indicated in game: her minor's Fala). In this case, it appears that it can't be passed down from her. It's another unit who could be the risk of Loptyr returning. But that's another time.

Yeah, I have my issues with this game too. I still think it does a lot right (I disagree on the inventory system being a total flaw, but I'd also not want it to be regular in the series), and it does need a bit more time. They literally do a time skip from Thracia to Milietos, which doesn't help.

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