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Yes Another Boring 'Rate my Conquest Pairings' Topic

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Working currently on a Conquest/Hard play-through, and I'm curious how these pairing are looking right now...

My goal is to try and marry/buddy everyone in such a way as to avoid duplicating classes as much as possible. (granted, it's completely impossible to avoid duplication in non-Rev runs, due to how limited the buddy pools are... *grumble, grumble*)

Anyways, here's how my pairing are currently stacking up;

FeMU (+str/-luk) + Leo

- I'll either run Kana as a Dragon, or else as a Dark Knight/Malig Knight as I love both those classes!

- Forrest I'm aiming for an Adventurer (will marry him to Nina)

Azura + Niles

- Shigure I guess will just go Falcon Knight... he'll marry Midori to pass her Kinshi Knight access + buddy Forrest for more support skills?

- I want to go either Strategist or Falcon Knight w/Nina.

Jakob + Nyx (aiming for Malig Knight Dwyer)

Kaze + Selena (super annoying, Kinshi Knight Midori, who will marry Shigure + buddy Ophelia!)

Silas + Peri

Arthur + Beruka

Odin + Elise

Laslow + Charlotte (Soliel can marry either Ignatius or Siegbert for access to Great Knight and play wrecking ball w/Pavise)

Benny + Camilla

Keaton + Effie (stupid strong 'Zerker Valouria sounds like fun?!)

Xander + Mozu (really not too sure what to do with Siegbert...)

Now as for buddying wise, I've got;

Gunter + Jakob

Kaze + Silas

Arthur + Niles

Odin + Leo

Laslow + Xander

Benny + Keaton

Felicia + Flora

Azura + Elise

Effie + Mozu

Selena + Beruka

Peri + Charlotte

I guess I could swap out Effie for Nyx on Mozu, as that would give me the ability to go Master-at-Arms w/2 seal skills for a tanky debuffer?

Any thoughts/suggestions or major screw-ups I've made?

Thanks in advance!

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No objections, but I would make Velouria General, since she is ridiculously good as that. Also, You SHOULD keep Mozu and Efiie, since she is a monster as a Sniper

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@Michelaar: Will keep that in mind about Velouria, though iirc, doesn't 'Zerker get a slightly higher str cap?

Also, I've currently been using replicating Archer!Mozu, and well, I've always found pure bow users to be boring as feth... (at least Adventurer adds staff utility to the mix)

Plus, I've got a tone of ranged units already, and as I went Kinshi Knight!Mozu on my Rev file, I want to give Master-at-Arms a try... Nyx also brings a second 'seal' skill to the mix, as Conquest has fewer good dagger/shuriken users it seems.

@MeddlingMage: Yeah, poor, poor lonely Felicia it seems! Apparently I should have gone with a maleMU in Conquest as there's an extra girl otherwise... (or just marry feMU to a kid, but I'm too impatient for that!)

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@Michelaar: Will keep that in mind about Velouria, though iirc, doesn't 'Zerker get a slightly higher str cap?

Also, I've currently been using replicating Archer!Mozu, and well, I've always found pure bow users to be boring as feth... (at least Adventurer adds staff utility to the mix)

Plus, I've got a tone of ranged units already, and as I went Kinshi Knight!Mozu on my Rev file, I want to give Master-at-Arms a try... Nyx also brings a second 'seal' skill to the mix, as Conquest has fewer good dagger/shuriken users it seems.

@MeddlingMage: Yeah, poor, poor lonely Felicia it seems! Apparently I should have gone with a maleMU in Conquest as there's an extra girl otherwise... (or just marry feMU to a kid, but I'm too impatient for that!)

after a while, no one can evenm touch Velouria

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If you want a super-silly build on Velouria, have Effie A+ Mozu for the Archer line. You can pass down one of Quick Draw or Certain Blow. The former turns Velouria into a one-woman wrecking ball, and the latter fixes her accuracy issues on PP.

I guess Dwyer needs to A+ Percy? IIRC Nyx passes Dark Mage. However, Grandmaster/Dark Knight Dwyer is really amusing.

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@joshcja: Thanks for the heads up! I guess Niles & Benny can go buddy-less, since they don't really have any decent options anyways on the Nohr only path.

@eclipse: Yep, I plan to have Dwyer A+ Percy (especially since it's his only actual option!), for access to the Wyvern class line.

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@joshcja: Thanks for the heads up! I guess Niles & Benny can go buddy-less, since they don't really have any decent options anyways on the Nohr only path.

@eclipse: Yep, I plan to have Dwyer A+ Percy (especially since it's his only actual option!), for access to the Wyvern class line.

A+ isnt S, example- Niles can A+ arthur while arthur A+'s keaton

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Not quite.

Once a compatible pair hits A, the A+ option opens up. However, the A+ isn't two-way. Thus, if Effie and Mozu hit A, Effie can go A+ for Archer, while Mozu can keep her options open.

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