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Paladin or Great Knight Jakob?


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Jakob has 15% magic growth and 2 base magic as a Paladin, Bolt Naginata isn't really happening. GK gives Sakura marginally better stats with pairup and the skills from classes are pretty interchangeable, but Paladin has one more movement.

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Jakob has 15% magic growth and 2 base magic as a Paladin, Bolt Naginata isn't really happening. GK gives Sakura marginally better stats with pairup and the skills from classes are pretty interchangeable, but Paladin has one more movement.

By "effectively" I do mean one-rounding the most primitive unpromoted mooks at 1-2 range, something reddit likes to praise Subaki for.

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Subaki with Onmyoji!Orochi has +5 magic from pairup and class alone, and probably a better lance rank too, which is a pretty big difference. too lazy to look up his magic growth but it's probably better than Jacob's. I just think he'd be more effective as a physical unit, and some other unit like HInoka can probably use the Bolt Naginata better anyway.

Reddit thinks a lot of things are better than they are anyway.

Edited by General Horace
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It's ironic that Bolt Naginata!Subaki is recommended for LTC runs, whereas the present Birthright record playthrough doesn't invest anything into Subaki at all. As usual, the main problem with LTC being forced into discussions and tiering is that too many of its advocates don't actually play LTC themselves.

Jakob is roughly as effective as Subaki as a BN user I guess. I wouldn't say Subaki gets the lance rank up easier than Jakob when Jakob's promoted bases make it easy to have him enter combat early on.

I checked stats again, and I guess Paladin's 1 base mag (GK and Pally have the same 0 growth) isn't a good enough reason in favour of Paladin? I always go for GK on runs with rules or themes that couldn't make a run 'efficient' even if I tried to.

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What I like doing is marrying those two so that Sakura can become a strategist, which she rocks at. I also make Jakob a strategist from levels 13-15 so that he can learn Inspiration, have Sakura pass down demoiselle, and then they make a Dwyer with all of the strategist line auras simultaneously.

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