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So I am having problems in Oracle of Ages


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I finally started playing the Oracle Zelda games and I beat Seasons and am doing a linked game, the problem I am having is that when I get to the point I get my animal friend (I had Ricky in seasons) I find the place where he should be but instead of Ricky I find a copy of Link which if I touch freezes the game. I have not been able to find any info on this glitch at all, the only odd thing is that when I met Ricky in Ages for the first time he did not know me at all which everything said he would remember me but he did not. Has anyone had this happen to them and how should I fix this? Do I need to start a whole new file? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I finally started playing the Oracle Zelda games and I beat Seasons and am doing a linked game, the problem I am having is that when I get to the point I get my animal friend (I had Ricky in seasons) I find the place where he should be but instead of Ricky I find a copy of Link which if I touch freezes the game. I have not been able to find any info on this glitch at all, the only odd thing is that when I met Ricky in Ages for the first time he did not know me at all which everything said he would remember me but he did not. Has anyone had this happen to them and how should I fix this? Do I need to start a whole new file? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have played the oracle games many times and this has never happened to me, and i have never heard of this. THe game probably mishandled your animal companin information. Try resetting your ages file. (i doubt its a password issue.)

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Yeah I am going to try that now, I will update after I try again.


I am to the point where I meet Ricky for the first time in game and he still is not remembering. The other thing I noticed is that my name changed, in seasons it was Link and in Ages the name is Lknk instead I don't know if this has something to do with Ricky not remembering and if this means that my "secret" is corrupted. I will go on to the companion recruitment tomorrow because I am tiered of replaying what I just played.

Second update

It is still doing it and I have re started the game to that point 3 times now and I am really sick of this, The only thing I can think to do is start a new file without it being a linked game and start fresh with oracle of ages then do a linked seasons game. I will probably take a brake from ages though because I have spent a good bit of time replaying the first 3 dungeons and I am pretty mad.

Edited by EricaofRenais
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I don't know if this would help you or not, but I would at least consider trying a different password for an ages linked game. If you're OK with using a password obtained from someone else. You should be able to find one online on gamefaqs, if you're interested in doing this and are having trouble finding passwords, I can see if I can find something for you. Of course, you probably wouldn't be able to use the passwords for various bonus content (master's sword, biggoron's sword, etc.) in both games, though the person providing the passwords might have the passwords to unlock the content in the game you're playing second.

I don't know whether you're playing carts or downloadables (the games are apparently on 3ds) but you might also seek help on the nintendo support forums. I know the games are old, but if they've been rereleased recently, maybe they can supply some kind of assistance. Maybe they can't help but think it's worth a shot if you haven't, vs replaying an entire game without checking with them. I know capcom made the game, so nintendo may be of no help.

Anyway, sorry to hear this is happening, I think Seasons and Ages are great games and it's too bad your experience is screwed up because of this. I played these games too many times - I played seasons->ages and ages->seasons twice each, and didn't have any glitches that I can remember.

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I just tried using a different password from gamefaqs and that works great and I like the games the problem was having the glitch with my password. I am using the 3DS download versions because I never had the carts. now that everything is working I am really liking Ages. I could tell the last time I tried my password something was wrong because there were black parts in the part with the bridge builder and the companion problem, plus the name change and there were also parts of text missing.

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