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FE8 Custom Battle Animations Nightmare Module, and Class Editor Module Problem


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Hello, I was having an issue with the Custom Battle Animation Nightmare Module for FE8. I inserted custom animations over the default Ephraim and Eirika animations (they were for magic classes if that matters), and when I tested them in game, the default map animation played for the attack instead of the custom one. I assumed this was because the animation was still set to play for their actual weapon type rather than magic so I checked out my nightmare modules and found the Custom Battle Animations module. Everything was perfectly fine at first when I was using the drop down menus to select the weapon types and the animation used, however the issue arose when I went to go put the hex for the custom animations in the class editor. Rather than a box I could enter the hex into, there was a drop down menu where I could select all the default animations. I tried adding the hex values into the associated text document, and increasing the number at the top of the doc to account for that, yet the hexs didn't appear in the list. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Open the class editor and change the part that says "Battle Animations Pointer" to NEHU instead of NDHU. This will let you put in any hex value instead of choosing from a drop-down menu, although you'll have to keep a reference somewhere as to which pointer leads to which animation. I kind of suspect that isn't the main problem though; you said you essentially replaced the Twins' animations correct? I would definitely recommend adding the animations to any unused slot in the future, just to avoid potential issues. Also, it's worth noting that you shouldn't edit in both Nightmare and FEditor at the same time. Since they basically take a snapshot of the ROM, it's very easy to overwrite changes made in one with the other if you aren't taking special care, leading to a lot of situations where a change "doesn't work."

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Thank you, that seemed to have worked. I've been making sure that anytime I swap editors that I'm saving and completely exiting them out to (hopefully) ensure that nothing goes wrong.

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