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Female Corrin/Kamui popularity?


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Okay, this is something that's always gotten me wondering since Fire Emblem: Fates was released in the states. What is with the popularity of Female Corrin? Everywhere Smash or FE related I go on, just about everyone seems to prefer Fem Corrin over Male. So, I ask, is there a particular reason as to why the female version of Corrin is more popular despite the fact that male is the default one? I'd really like to know and see what people in this forum have to say.

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Most Fire Emblem fans are male and would make male avatars, so I suppose that M!Corrin is more associated with the awfulness of Fates than F!Corrin.

There's also the fact that F!Corrin is considered attractive, so she has the whole waifu thing going on.

To be honest, I don't think the avatars should've been included in the poll. Something about being able to vote for the player avatar feels wrong. It also would've put Azura in the top 4 if you couldn't. Not that I'm bitter about that. Just saying.

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She's popular with the guys simply because she's good-looking. And with the female players tend to play as female Corrin.

You know why F!CorrinxLeo is a popular pairing? It's not because they think it's a good pairing (it's a pretty bad one actually) or because they F!Corrin and Leo have good chemistry (they don't), the reason why it's popular it's because the female players ship themselves with Leo, not F!Corrin.

It's the same thing with F!RobinxChrom.

Edited by Water Mage
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She's popular with the guys simply because she's good-looking. And with the female players tend to play as female Corrin.

You know why F!CorrinxLeo is a popular pairing? It's not because they think it's a good pairing (it's a pretty bad one actually) or because they F!Corrin and Leo have good chemistry (they don't), the reason why it's popular it's because the female players ship themselves with Leo, not F!Corrin.

It's the same thing with F!RobinxChrom.

I know it isn't an uncommon opinion, but it makes me so happy to see that other people think the same about that pairing. F!CorrinxTakumi as well.

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I know it isn't an uncommon opinion, but it makes me so happy to see that other people think the same about that pairing. F!CorrinxTakumi as well.

I was going to mention Takumi, but yeah, it's the same thing.

Makes me wonder if they would be popular in real life, considering both Leo and Takumi are difficult people to deal with, and a relationship with them is going to stressful.

They need people are who help them with their problems.

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I was going to mention Takumi, but yeah, it's the same thing.

Makes me wonder if they would be popular in real life, considering both Leo and Takumi are difficult people to deal with, and a relationship with them is going to stressful.

They need people are who help them with their problems.

It's come up before, but it's pure wish-fulfillment; wanting to have a 'relationship' with the angsty, sensitive and troubled guy without going through all the things that in real-life would make such a relationship difficult to handle. Notice how in many fanfics, Takumi and Leo's complex issues, faults and insecurities are reduced to generic anime-angst so that F!Corrin can heal them with the power of her 'inspirational' words and/or sexy times?

Edited by Phillius
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I don't know about any of you, but I like playing as female characters in games because I get tired of playing males at times. And it's fun imo.

But I think a lot of people play as female Corrin because they just think she's hot.

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Ordinarily the issue would be as simple as dudes picking Male Corn and girls F Corn but as was explained before, these dudes see them more as waifus and the dude version as generics even though they're practically the same person. Honestly I don't mind if you're a dude and pick the other gender character or vice versa but what annoys me to no end at least in Smash is when I hear MRobin and Corn being called she and her.

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Honestly I don't mind if you're a dude and pick the other gender character or vice versa but what annoys me to no end at least in Smash is when I hear MRobin and Corn being called she and her.

This. Makes me look bad, as a Corrin main (like, an actual, dedicated main that's actually good with the character). I literally only started using male Corrin because of that I call them ("him" or just "Corrin").

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Honestly I don't mind if you're a dude and pick the other gender character or vice versa but what annoys me to no end at least in Smash is when I hear MRobin and Corn being called she and her.

This! This irks me to no end as well!

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Most Fire Emblem fans are male and would make male avatars, so I suppose that M!Corrin is more associated with the awfulness of Fates than F!Corrin.

There's also the fact that F!Corrin is considered attractive, so she has the whole waifu thing going on.

To be honest, I don't think the avatars should've been included in the poll. Something about being able to vote for the player avatar feels wrong. It also would've put Azura in the top 4 if you couldn't. Not that I'm bitter about that. Just saying.

She's popular with the guys simply because she's good-looking. And with the female players tend to play as female Corrin.

You know why F!CorrinxLeo is a popular pairing? It's not because they think it's a good pairing (it's a pretty bad one actually) or because they F!Corrin and Leo have good chemistry (they don't), the reason why it's popular it's because the female players ship themselves with Leo, not F!Corrin.

It's the same thing with F!RobinxChrom.

To add onto these reasons, I suspect that Mamui is seen as a generic shonen hero and Femui seems a bit more exotic for being female.

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To add onto these reasons, I suspect that Mamui is seen as a generic shonen hero and Femui seems a bit more exotic for being female.

Which is ironic, since it's actually F!Corrin that comes off as generic hero.

Just compare the times M!Corrin and F!Corrin have different quotes.

M!Corrin comes off as shy and awkward, where F!Corrin comes off as pushy and headstrong.

Edited by Water Mage
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Which is ironic, since it's actually F!Corrin that comes off as generic hero.

Just compare the times M!Corrin and F!Corrin have different quotes.

M!Corrin comes off as shy and awkward, where F!Corrin comes off as pushy and headstrong.

Unless you're reading fanfiction, in which case F!Corrin is either a generic moe-blob or a one-note character who exists solely to help Leo or Takumi get over their angst.

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To be honest, from the bottom of my soul, sexuality aside, I really do think female Corrin is a pretty good example of a female hero/knight. Like, she's not particularly sexualised, her design is cool, it makes sense (aka, no fucking panty shots coughFatesCOUGH), her voice is really, really good and gives a lot of emotion. I asked a friend what's up with the whole weeb thing about this whole thing, and he told me he finds male Corrin to be rather "bland". It makes sense, if you put it that way. at the very least, I find that Cam Clarke (English male voice actor) gives it a bit of an extra cool touch.

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I like F!Kamui more than the M!Kamui, but I still always use M!Kamui despite that, mainly because I'm a weeb that's on board the waifu train more than the husbando train.

I think the only time I did do F!Kamui was when I S-Ranked Rhajat. So I still had an out to play as the female. But it wasn't as fun, as I neither find Rhajat or the men of the game more attractive then the women. So I stuck to my gender mainly because it was natural for me to do so. Its simple biology, but not just to me, but with a lot of people. It even works vice-versa with the female players and how they see men and women.

I will state something which people may agree or disagree, if I could in this game, I'd S-Rank M!Kamui with F!Kamui. Unfortunately I can't and neither can you.

Therefore, considering if you're M!Kamui, you miss out on the F!Kamui.

If you're F!Kamui, you miss out on M!Kamui.

And since most FE players are men, guess who is going to be more popular? Bingo, F!Kamui.

Who will they choose to play as? I don't know, its up to them alone, same as it is for female players.

I do know, that most people will pick the natural way in Fire Emblem games. Anywhere else like Smash, is a completely different concept because its a different game. So really, you shouldn't judge any person outside of the FE franchise. Especially if you're trying to judge and compare between a regular FE game and something as big as Smash considering they are the bigger Nintendo franchise.

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I asked a friend what's up with the whole weeb thing about this whole thing, and he told me he finds male Corrin to be rather "bland".

With all due respect to your friend, but did he find M!Corrin bland as a character, or did he find M!Corrin bland becuase he lacked boobs?

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Thigh hole eye candy.

Also she's just straight up better for gameplay.


On the other hand M!Corin can uuuuh, marry one waifu and... looks fucking terrible.

Edited by joshcja
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To be honest, from the bottom of my soul, sexuality aside, I really do think female Corrin is a pretty good example of a female hero/knight. Like, she's not particularly sexualised, her design is cool, it makes sense (aka, no fucking panty shots coughFatesCOUGH), her voice is really, really good and gives a lot of emotion. I asked a friend what's up with the whole weeb thing about this whole thing, and he told me he finds male Corrin to be rather "bland". It makes sense, if you put it that way. at the very least, I find that Cam Clarke (English male voice actor) gives it a bit of an extra cool touch.

Umm, I hate to burst your bubble, but...


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With all due respect to your friend, but did he find M!Corrin bland as a character, or did he find M!Corrin bland becuase he lacked boobs?

If you're looking at Corrin for boobs, I got bad news for you. On the other hand, no. He actually likes Marth and Cloud as characters. He was talking about the impression he gets when he sees them, as to what they reflect. Like, he likes how Cloud reflects his attitude as a character by just looking at his face.

Umm, I hate to burst your bubble, but...


Um, not-Smash?

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Um, not-Smash?

I guess, but I don't see why Smash should count to the same degree as a character's home series.

I'm not surprised your friend prefers F!Corrin in this case then. F!Corrin's personality, having more moxie out of the two, is a lot easier to convey in a game like Smash.

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The way I see it, Lucina's """"excusable"""", literally, only because she's a chick. You know, shitty society "gender roles" in which a male such as Corrin is seen as "weak" and "beta". urgh, fuck this.

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The way I see it, Lucina's """"excusable"""", literally, only because she's a chick. You know, shitty society "gender roles" in which a male such as Corrin is seen as "weak" and "beta". urgh, fuck this.

I dunno, I like M!Corrin's personality more than F!Corrin's, if only because F!Corrin feels so generic.

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