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Advice on endgame chapter Conquest (Hard Classic)


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So because I've been resetting for even my weakest, most useless units dying throughout my playthrough, I haven't been letting myself let anyone die on this endgame chapter and it's frustrating the hell out of me, because man is it annoying to have to play through the whole Chapter 27 again, even if the first part is a breeze. Even though it wouldn't save/matter if I did lose anyone at this point, it just feels like giving up to make it this far only to let a few units go at the very end. All the LPs and video walkthroughs I've seen of this chapter either use rescue shenanigans or let a bloody massacre ensure where most of the army dies, but I wanna make it through without having to catapult my strongest unit across the map and hope they can one-shot the boss.

My main hang up is that point towards the end with the 2 paired up malig knights and dark knights that just decimate my team, since by the time they start their advance they can surround pretty much any of my units. Anyone have any strategy for getting past that without any casualties or is it pretty much impossible without doing first turn rescue catapulting?

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Got Freeze charges? They're very useful for fighting through CQ endgame, especially towards the end when the paired cavalry charge comes.

Play as aggressively as possible if you aren't already; on a non-cheese attempt on Hard, you should be shooting for 7 turns to outrun all of the faceless spawns. Dual Strikes are your friend here. Taking too long causes paired units to start spawning with extremely rude skill combos and you don't wanna deal with that.

Also this should be obvious but try to focus on Takumi once you get near the bottom, once you kill him all of the other enemies stop mattering.

Edited by DoesntKnowHowToPlay
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Got Freeze charges? They're very useful for fighting through CQ endgame, especially towards the end when the paired cavalry charge comes.

Play as aggressively as possible if you aren't already; on a non-cheese attempt on Hard, you should be shooting for 7 turns to outrun all of the faceless spawns. Dual Strikes are your friend here. Taking too long causes paired units to start spawning with extremely rude skill combos and you don't wanna deal with that.

Also this should be obvious but try to focus on Takumi once you get near the bottom, once you kill him all of the other enemies stop mattering.

I must admit I think playing cautiously is what's been costing me this chapter, using too many defense pairs and whatnot. thanks for the tips on the freeze staves though, I'll have to try that!

Rude is exactly the choice of words I would use describe the skill combos on late game enemies in CQ hard, even more disgusting on lunatic though.

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