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Fates Difficulty Changes JP/EU/US?


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Does anyone know if changes were made to the difficulty of Fates as it was localized? Is one localization harder/easier than the others?

For example, Blazing Sword had tweaks in the US release such as switching from a Rune Sword to a Light Brand for the Cog of Destiny boss. Also, bosses often received stat decreases in the US version.

Path of Radiance had Mania difficulty removed and gave Swordmasters, Berserkers and Snipers their typical critical hit bonuses in the US version.

For those who have played multiple versions of the older games, do the difficulty tweaks make much of a difference? I'm sure FE9's Mainia difficulty is significantly more challenging, but do tweaks like the one's mentioned in FE7 make a noticeable difference in the difficulty?

For example, would you play the Japanese version of FE7 over the US version for the extra challenge?

I'm mainly referring to this link:


Edited by quasimopho13
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Hmm, I'm interested to know as well. My gut feeling is that there weren't any notably changes.

Previously, Awakening simply added the option to switch between English and Japanese voice tracks, while removing the muted Avatar voice.

I think Fates just removed the face-petting mini-game in the Private Quarters and a bunch of swimsuits.

Otherwise, I haven't heard of any changes that directly affected the gameplay of either game.

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All the game play elements feel largely the same on my JP and EN copies.

Though, for obvious reasons, I wouldn't be able to tell if they had slight stat adjustments.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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To be fair, I only played JPN Birthright and Conquest and ENG Revelation, so I wouldn't know at all.

But I figure if there were changes, we would've heard of them by now.

I'm 99% sure the playable character stats and growth rates are unchanged though. That was one of the first things I checked after getting both versions. No idea about enemy stats or other fine details.

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