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Season3? Question Harder! #65. Would you rather? "...wield fire or ice powers?"

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corrin FOR SURE

1. shes cuter

2. she

potentially gets to become a queen

3. shes around better looking people

Edited by Hiyori
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I don't want to say Robin cause he's my mortal enemy but that's in another universe, right Errant lol. But I'm going to have to agree with Thor, Robin over Corrin.

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I quite prefer Robin to Corrin as well. For game play, plot and even basic design reasons. I would much rather be a Lord's ally and tactician for the army rather than the "Chosen One." DX

Q9. Would you rather, follow an elitist or a populist?

Edited by ErrantBlackSheep
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who excluding a minority wants to follow an elitist?

It's a good question... But it seems to be one that constantly pops up in any kind of politics.

The usual thing is for the elitist to promise to raise a prominent minority to the new elite, or to shun a minority for the sake of an elite majority(that likely is some kind of minority in population, but holds the power socially)

It's really a question for people though, of if they want to be something special and shiny and elite at the expense of others, or willing to let everyone try to get something close to that.

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didnt eveknow wht a populist was til i read this thread i had an idea but wasnt sure but anyway ill pick populist cuz while i would prefer benefits for myself..im not THAT huge of a ibtch ://

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Id follow the Populist, you know the one who actually cares about people? The collective is greater than the mighty few.

Populists don't necessarily care about people. It's about blaming a minority for the problems of a majority. Trump is by definition a populist, as were Hitler and Mussolini, as well as most of the current far right (and far left) parties in Europe and the rest of the world. They also tend to avoid the solutions of the actual problems, which is a consequence of blaming a minority that most likely than not isn't the responsible for them Edited by Nooooooooooooooooooooobody
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Populists don't necessarily care about people. It's about blaming a minority for the problems of a majority. Trump is by definition a populist, as were Hitler and Mussolini, as well as most of the current far right (and far left) parties in Europe and the rest of the world. They also tend to avoid the solutions of the actual problems, which is a consequence of blaming a minority that most likely than not isn't the responsible for them

I disagree, but then I may be using the term under my own understanding rather than the popular definition.

Trump, Hitler, and Mussolini are/were not Populist. The Republicans, Nazis, and Fascists were and never have been the majority. They were and are always an exclusionary very vocal minorty force trying to control the majority. Not the actual majority.

That is elitism, not populism. That is actually part of the definition of Republicanism, a Republic has elites/senators who make the decisions for the majority.

Fascism has never been a populist movement... it has always been a select, very vocal minority trying to enforce/bully their views onto the populace.

The actual majority is typically a silent majority and can go with whichever group seizes power, whether an elitist or populist one.

But persecuting a minority does not make one the majority. While the majority may do that, it is imo always due to the work of an extremist minority group holding the reins of power. That is not populism, that is extreme elitism.

Not to go all political... but Trump is by no means a populist. The majority of voters and the world are against him, and his exclusionary, isolationist tactics. He is not an average Joe but a billionaire , he is not proposing changes that will help the world... but will only help America, which reeks of cronyism, deals that help his elites play more "fairly."

You cannot claim to "play fair" when you are actively seeking to block other people from "playing."

So I am sorry, but your definition in my opinion is completely wrong. That may be just me. But I do not believe it is. Populism like Elitism has its benefits. But the benefits of Populism outweigh the Elitist ones imo as they benefit the whole populace over a select few... honestly the only people that do not benefit under a populist leadership are the elites... as everything is no longer solely theirs.

But yeah. Ima disagree hard with any portrayal of Trump or Fascists as populist... because straight up, they were and always have been about an extremist minority, not the actual majority. Hence Elitism. Not Populism.


So in case you could not tell, I am pretty hard on the populist side... as in my opinion that is the most fair and balanced.

Q10. Would you rather, do your duty or play?

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I disagree, but then I may be using the term under my own understanding rather than the popular definition.

uhh, the political definition of populism is not related to yours. Like, what do you base your definition on?

If you read the definition of it on wikipedia, you will see that it lines up with what I said: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Populism

Like, seriously, I've never seen anyone describing populism the way you do, do you have any academic study or article or whatever that agrees with you that you could show me?

in fact, if you google "populism", you see a bunch of results calling trump a populist literally in the first page. Your definition is in the minority

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uhh, the political definition of populism is not related to yours. Like, what do you base your definition on?

If you read the definition of it on wikipedia, you will see that it lines up with what I said: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Populism

Like, seriously, I've never seen anyone describing populism the way you do, do you have any academic study or article or whatever that agrees with you that you could show me?

in fact, if you google "populism", you see a bunch of results calling trump a populist literally in the first page. Your definition is in the minority

I have no issue with my personal definition being in the minority.

So I am sorry, but your definition in my opinion is completely wrong. That may be just me.

I am very used to thinking outside the box, having an uncommon definition tends to be my norm. I am a history major working towards my teaching degree, so this is fascinating for me. :)

I read the Wikipedia article as well, and while it may be cognitive bias, I do believe what I said still is accurate. The German quote established that the fascists and nazis utilized Populist sentiments. They portrayed themselves as populist, even as socialist, but an examination of their historical practices would show them to be in fact an extremist minority. That is why I typify them as Elitist.

Trump as well, likes to utilize populist ideologies, or phrasing. But his background, and his political ideology of isolationism represent elitism. Not populism in my opinion.

His America First ideology is placing America as the new elites within the world. His approach actually reminds me a lot of Russian politics and the cronyism that was present in the post USSR environment... Putin is a product of that so it is no surprise he was a big fan of his.

I will point to this as to why I believe my definition of populism is still valid.

Academic definitions of populism are historically varied and the term has often been employed in loose and inconsistent ways to reference appeals to "the people," demagogy, and "catch-all" politics.

Populism is a political ideology which holds that the virtuous citizens are being mistreated by a small circle of elites, who can be overthrown if the people recognize the danger and work together. The elites are depicted as trampling in illegitimate fashion upon the rights, values, and voice of the legitimate people.

I can see why people believe Trump to be a Populist. He uses the terms, and portrays himself as one. The issue though, is Trump is an ELITE. He is a billionaire businessman. Used to bullying his way. Used to pitting people against others so that he comes out on top. He uses the language. But his economic proposals are in complete opposition to his populist persona.

That is why Trump, is not an actual populist. He is the Elite. Proposing more of the same isolationist BS, "free market" BS that sent the country into a spiral eight years ago. Blaming not just the "elite" who are really his buddies... but blaming convenient minorities. This is what separates him from that definition. That is why he is not actually a populist imo, but scarily much more in common with those fascists.

But yeah... I am willing to be proven wrong. I just feel strongly I have a valid definition here. I am liking this dialogue... but I dunno, maybe it should be moved to serious discussion?

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That is why Trump, is not an actual populist. He is the Elite. Proposing more of the same isolationist BS, "free market" BS that sent the country into a spiral eight years ago. Blaming not just the "elite" who are really his buddies... but blaming convenient minorities. This is what separates him from that definition. That is why he is not actually a populist imo, but scarily much more in common with those fascists.

trump wants to tax imports and end trade deals. That's not free market.

Also, he's always complaining about the "establishment" and the "liberal media" i.e. the elites. The "majority" would be the white american folks, who, according to him lose with the arrival of immigrants, the "minority to blame", which is supported by the "liberal media", "wall street" and "the establishment". That qualifies as populism to me.

I'm not willing to talk more, so I guess we will have to agree to disagree, but I think it's weird to call someone out telling them they're wrong when they used the mainstream definition of something.

Edited by Nooooooooooooooooooooobody
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trump wants to tax imports and end trade deals. That's not free market.

I do not think it is either. But I believe he portrays himself as "free market" despite his actual policies.

Also, he's always complaining about the "establishment" and the "liberal media" i.e. the elites. The "majority" would be the white american folks, who, according to him lose with the arrival of immigrants, the "minority to blame", which is supported by the "liberal media", "wall street" and "the establishment". That qualifies as populism to me.

But white America is actually a minority... with majority powers... and Trump is very much a party to and part of literally every Elite group there is, as far as I am aware. He is using the language of majority for what is actually an elite minority group. That is why imo, he is not truly populist. But rather an elitist.

I'm not willing to talk more, so I guess we will have to agree to disagree, but I think it's weird to call someone out telling them they're wrong when they used the mainstream definition of something.

Eh, I am weird like that. Thanks for the info and discussion though. I found it very interesting. :D Edited by ErrantBlackSheep
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Q10. Would you rather, do your duty or play?

Eh...I dunno....if the duty is something that I actually enjoy doing, then I rather do it. Otherwise I would prefer playing(more like relaxing tho), either outside or inside.

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