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Unit Recruitment Issue


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Hello. Recently, I decided that I wanted to create a playthrough using units that represented my friends, but I've run into a problem. I'm only using two friends to make the units and after battling them to recruit the unit, the units appear grey and unable to be recruited. Going into the unit logbook does not list the units either. I'm wondering if I screwed up my logbook or if one file can only host so many units. Thanks in advance!

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Are you referring to Bond Units? In that case yes, there is a limit to how many can be recruited, It's pretty high though, like 20 or something. Granted, I've reached it before.

If you're meaning that you recruit them from their castle there's probably a limit to that too.

You could also have too many in the logbook itself.

Edited by TrueEm
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You can only have up to 99 units in the logbook between all subcategories, and you can only have up to 20 "bonus" (captured, amiibo, guest, bond) units in your party at any one time. You also cannot recruit any unit with a green shield from another character's team, which is annoying, but that's just how it goes.

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Are you referring to Bond Units? In that case yes, there is a limit to how many can be recruited, It's pretty high though, like 20 or something. Granted, I've reached it before.

If you're meaning that you recruit them from their castle there's probably a limit to that too.

You could also have too many in the logbook itself.

No, I'm referring to actual units from someone's MyCastle, like their unit from their game. The unit logbook only shows 71 entries. Is it possible that you can only recruit so many units from a castle address? (I've recruited two from person with no problem [different saves, obviously] with no problem, but the third is where it does this.)

Thanks for responding!

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Does the unit you're trying to recruit have a green shield icon? You cannot recruit units with green shield icons from other castles, even if they're a main story character.

You can also only have 99 units in your logbook at a time between all four sections, which I think you're probably already aware of.

Your team already having 20 "extra" units would not prevent you from recruiting another because, in that circumstance, you're prompted to select an "extra" unit to replace with the new unit rather than simply told that you cannot recruit the new unit at all.

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No, it is the MU from the person's game, which is the truly oddest part about it. The unit is just grey when I select the recruit option and the unit is not registered in the logbook either. I can employ the other units from the castle, just not the person's MU.

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