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Do Niles + Camilla make a horrible Nina?


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With Camila as the mother and Outlaw as her class, you get this as her growths:

35   65    40    60    70     40    35    70

so basically "fuck yo mages". She's going to outspeed a lot of things later on, as well as being a more than acceptable Shining Bow user, and all with pretty good hit-rates. Needs to be kept out of the fight though, with her piss-poor defense and HP.

As for Skills, Camila can pass down (from base class): Trample, Savage Blow, Lunge, and Strength +2. Strength +2 can be throughly ignored unless your planning on reclassing to Bow Knight but Savage Blow is a pretty good skill for a Two-range character with such high STR. Lunge is always hilarious for 2-range classes as it lets you create a pain-train for opponents you can't kill and feed EXP easier but since you say these are the last two you paired up, I'm assuming this is late game and Nina will be pretty good at killing things so you probably don't have use for Lunge at this point. Trample is pretty good for getting chip damage on tougher enemies or letting you kill enemies you wouldn't be able to normally.

if you need to find out what her growths are in a different class find the class growths (there on either this site or the FE Wiki) and then add them on to the growths below:


35 55  35  50  50  40  35  50

If you need to find growths for any of the other children, use this formula from the site:

 (Variable parent’s growth rates + Child’s growth rates) / 2 + Class growth rates

Hope this helps.

Edited by Soapbar
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What?? Trample is a fantastic skill, especially in Conquest. If you're willing to wait until Cam gets to Lv. 15, Nina will effectively have Bowfaire because nearly all of the enemies you face in Conquest are infantry, and those that are mounted are usually fliers. Additionally, if you wait and pass Lv. 15 skills to Nina the story will have progressed to the point that Nina joins with a Child Seal and you can skip to a high level Adventurer right off the bat.

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With Camila as the mother and Outlaw as her class, you get this as her growths:

35   65    40    60    70     40    35    70

so basically "fuck yo mages". She's going to outspeed a lot of things later on, as well as being a more than acceptable Shining Bow user, and all with pretty good hit-rates. Needs to be kept out of the fight though, with her piss-poor defense and HP.

As for Skills, Camila can pass down (from base class): Trample, Savage Blow, Lunge, and Strength +2. Trample and Strength +2 can be throughly ignored unless your planning on reclassing to Bow Knight but Savage Blow is a pretty good skill for a Two-range character with such high STR. Lunge is always hilarious for 2-range classes as it lets you create a pain-train for opponents you can't kill and feed EXP easier but since you say these are the last two you paired up, I'm assuming this is late game and Nina will be pretty good at killing things so you probably don't have use for Lunge at this point.

if you need to find out what her growths are in a different class find the class growths (there on either this site or the FE Wiki) and then add them on to the growths below:


35 55  35  50  50  40  35  50

If you need to find growths for any of the other children, use this formula from the site:

 (Variable parent’s growth rates + Child’s growth rates) / 2 + Class growth rates

Hope this helps.

Alternatively, you can test all parents here: https://inheritance-planner.herokuapp.com/

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What?? Trample is a fantastic skill, especially in Conquest. If you're willing to wait until Cam gets to Lv. 15, Nina will effectively have Bowfaire because nearly all of the enemies you face in Conquest are infantry, and those that are mounted are usually fliers. Additionally, if you wait and pass Lv. 15 skills to Nina the story will have progressed to the point that Nina joins with a Child Seal and you can skip to a high level Adventurer right off the bat.

For some reason, I thought you had to be a mounted unit to use Trample, so I'll edit my post.

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She makes a decent Nina. A magic mom like Felicia or Nyx would've been better, but Camilla definitely isn't a horrible mom for Nina.

Felicia only has 10% Magic and 30% Luck over Camilla. Every other stat is equal or better, so unless you're going for a pure magic Nina, Camilla is just as good or better.

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To answer in general. Nina can't really be screwed by any mom she has. If she's more physical, she can just use the bow which has incredible might in this game and if she's more magical, the Shining Bow has her covered.

Also Camilla can't screw any kids, she's that good. She's like Nohrian Oboro, Hinoka and possibly Sakura when it comes to passing down the genes.

Edited by Raguna
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To answer in general. Nina can't really be screwed by any mom she has. If she's more physical, she can just use the bow which has incredible might in this game and if she's more magical, the Shining Bow has her covered.

Also Camilla can't screw any kids, she's that good. She's like Nohrian Oboro, Hinoka and possibly Sakura when it comes to passing down the genes.

Camilla's babies will never go hungry, I can tell you that.

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

But yeah, Camilla is one of the best mothers. I can think of nobody that doesn't benefit from her.

Looking at her growths, I think she's the best mother overall. Her only really low growth is Luck at 25%. Even her Magic growth is high enough that magic kids can use her, since they usually have a pretty high base Magicgrowths. Actually, Ophelia is the only magic kid she can mother, and her Ophelia has a 60% Magic growth as a Sorcerer, 70% with Aptitude, which is more than enough.

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