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Do you think Fire Emblem should have more game modes?

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I would love to see some alternate game modes for Fire Emblem. I think a mixture of new game modes for end game (once you beat the game, there are bonus things you can do. Maybe with rewards that carry over to new starts.) and some for starting over would be fun.

For End Game I think a Horde mode/survival mode would be fun. No characters actually die, but you go in with no access to the convoy, and allows about 15-20 units. The "objective" is to see how long you last, with each round getting progressively harder. It has no end, and each consecutive round beaten offers a reward both on the map and outside.

Every 10 rounds heals one unit back to max.

Every 15 rounds you get a timed access to Convoy

Every 20 rounds you can bring a unit back to life at 1 hp per kill they made. So if they got 10 kills, they get raised at 10 hp.

Outside of the map I think there could be some interesting rewards. At 20 rounds beaten, vulneraries get a permenant +2 to restored hp.At round 30 Heal staves get a permenant +5 to durability. All of these bonuses would carry over to new games too. I think something like that could be a lot of fun.

Along side end-game I could see a boss rush mode (beat end bosses of each FE with the least amount of losses. Again, death is not perma.), a defend map that is endless, etc. Fun things for end game characters essentially.

Outside of end game I could see something in options menu unlocking that set "perameters" for the game. Something like HP not allowed to go above a certain point, certain weapons locked out, etc. Could be a lot of fun.

Edited by Tolvir
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FE9 is doable in 0% if I remember from this thread.. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=37382&page=1

Running away from the black knight is obviously mandatory, and not being allowed to abuse resolve for the major chapters because of needing it for ena's endgame setup is annoying, but doable.

As for FE8 I think I killed the demonking with a near-base dozla in my casual playthough. he has something like a 40% hit with garm equipped though, but I don't think that burning rns for crit abuse is strictly neccesary. I think Audhaumla gerik, Eirika route Duessal (could hurt it at base, although it would take several turns and lots of healing / rescue support. Also Tower of Valni's very feasible with some of the later base charathers, so I guess you could make money and load up energy drops if you didn't want to also LTC with your 0%...

I heard someone say that every game was possible in 0% on its highest difficulty except awakening. This was before fates was released though.

Edited by Reality
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FE9 is doable in 0% if I remember from this thread.. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=37382&page=1

Running away from the black knight is obviously mandatory, and not being allowed to abuse resolve for the major chapters because of needing it for ena's endgame setup is annoying, but doable.

That particular person hasn't posted anything past chapter 24. But I completely forgot about resolve
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Belf claimed to have completed FE9 JP Maniac on 0% growths (without the 255 crit exploit), so HM is definitely doable.

I'd say purposefully including a 0% growths mode on the developers' part would put pressure on them to design the game around that. Obviously most difficulties are doable anyhow (which is preferable), but I get the feeling many of them would've been much less imposing if 0% growths was an endorsed playstyle from the get-go.

But yeah, final bosses are never the primary issue.

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With... base stats on Difficult? Well, maybe I believe that.

Actually I do believe that since I've already seen a damn 0 exp playthrough of the game. Totally forgot I did.

The main thing Seth struggles with, is sometimes not being fast enough, and the Gorgons, I mean I think he. Might need a speed wing or two to handle the demon king but I'm fairly sure he can handle it, and if not other people can for sure pitch in.

Sorry if I sounded so matter of fact, bad habit of mine.

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I forgot if I mentioned it already, but I'd be all for Fixed Growth Mode a la FE9.

Only if it gave everyone a fair shake - there's always going to be better and worse characters, but fixed growths really put worse off characters in the toilet.

But yeah, I've had some characters I love get absolutely RNG screwed and it blows.

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