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Should characters with similar personalities have support conversations ?


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To me it's sound extremly weird for characters with similar personalities to not become friends.

For example:

Odin and Arthur

Although Odin considers himself a hero, so does Arthur, but why can't they be friends already !

Oboro and Forrest

I get that Second gen and First gen characters don't interact with each other if they're not bloodrelated but it is such a shame to not be able to see the two talk about fashion together, I get that he is nohrian but if Oboro can marry Silas and give me that powerful Sophie then anything can happen.

Uncles/Aunts and Nephews/Neices

It is by far one of the weirdest things I have ever seen, why is it that for some reason Xander and Elise can't interact with Forrest. It's just sounds dumb. I know they never did put those type of relationship but it would look terribly stupid for a person to not be friend with an uncle or an aunt. It also feels weird especially in CQ when they technically are supposed to consider you like their uncle/aunt but they talk to you as if you were childhood friends.


Would you have liked it if those supports were available

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Odin and Arthur not having a Support is a missed opportunity. They do have a convo in the Festival DLC actually.

1st Gen and 2nd Gen having support would be interesting, but not something I see happening.

Although you have a point with Xander/Elise/Leo/Camilla with Siegbert/Forrest and Ryoma/Sakura/Takumi/Hinoka with Shiro/Kiragi. Especially after Elise interacting with Forrest in his paralogue.

HOWEVER Mothers and their children, if not just 1st Gen and 2nd Gen, have unique convos in the Festival DLC I believe, so it may have already happened.

Edited by TrueEm
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I will always be salty for not having Oboro and Forrest supports (only C to A of course, not wanting to create weird pairing here)

Edited by SniperGYS
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