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What counts as good and bad growths?


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If a Mage was to say have 50% in all their growths, would that be good or bad? If another Mage was to have say 20% to 30% in most stats, but 60% in MAG and RES, is that good?

The poor speed would hurt them greatly, unless the game's enemies really sucked. Edited by Glaceon Mage
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depends on the stat/game. 40% strength is decent enough in gba games, but is pretty poor in some of the newer games.

Likewise, there's a big difference in usefulness of a 50% skill growth compared to a 50% defence growth.

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It really depends how your character fares against the enemies in the corresponding game. For example, Marcus in FE7 has only a 25% speed growth. But with a base speed of 11 and the fact that you need only about 13-15 speed to double most enemies until the endgame makes this "low" growth not really a factor. On the other hand, Bartre in the same game has a 40% speed growth, which is pretty respectable for a fighter, but his 3 base speed means it will take a long time before he can double enemies.

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First of all -- Base stats are more important than growths. If unit A has 3 more base speed than unit B, then unit B needs to have 30% more speed growth than unit A in order to simply catch up to them in 10 level ups (which in most games, is quite a lot and usually 30-35% of the game as a whole).

It's also entirely relative to the other units and enemies. If someone with a 'bad' speed growth is up against enemies who are difficult to double by default, then having even a 50% growth might not even be enough to consistently double, based on the base stat. In that case, the difference between a 20% or 50% growth is very minimal with the exception of the former being at risk of being doubled. But again, if the base stat is decent then that might not be true, and there's also EXP speed, base levels and promo gains to take into account as well.

Also RES is about as useful for a magic user then it is a physical unit, if not less so. Just throwing that out there. And the difference between a 60% and 50% growth for something like MAG is 1 point of damage every 10 level ups (for a unit that isn't doubling.

Rule of thumb (IMO) with balancing stats/growths is:

A) If the unit has great SPD, they should probably have average/low STR/MAG.

B) If the unit has great STR/MAG, they should probably have average/low SPD

C) If the unit has great SPD and STR/MAG (which is fine for some units to have), they should probably have either poor accuracy and/or durability.

D) If a unit has neither (or are both just average), then their bases in all other areas (especially durability) need to be great and actually be useful with the context of the game.

Units that are outside of those rulesets are generally either too strong or UP.

So to answer the question. 'Good growths' depends on not necessarily total growth %, since each stat weights differently. Generally speaking SPD > STR/MAG > DEF > HP/RES > SKL > LCK in terms of importance. 50% in all growths is great for most games standards. 20-30% in all stats except MAG/RES would be bad if their bases aren't anything special. But if it were MAG/SPD/DEF? That could be really good.

Thing is, look at a unit like Nyx (Conquest). She actually has good growths in the important areas (MAG/SPD) but her total % is low relative to others. I'd go as far to say that her growths are actually good overall as a result and would carry her well if her base stats were also good. But that's not the case.

Edited by DLuna
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Its a rather vague question, because the answer varies on the game and the stat caps in general, as well as the options you're given to alter them.

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Its a rather vague question, because the answer varies on the game and the stat caps in general, as well as the options you're given to alter them.

Pretty much this, good growths and good bases completely depend on the game
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depends on the stat/game. 40% strength is decent enough in gba games, but is pretty poor in some of the newer games.

Likewise, there's a big difference in usefulness of a 50% skill growth compared to a 50% defence growth.

This. 40% anything growth (except HP) is godly in FE2.

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Its a rather vague question, because the answer varies on the game and the stat caps in general, as well as the options you're given to alter them.


In FE4, except for HP, for example, 40-50% is really good, since you only needs to gain up to 15 stats in 3 levels. (Ec

ve if growths aren't the most important, since Divine weapons, move, and Skills are all far more important anyway.)

And , it also depends of hwo it fare compared to the other characters. In FE2, anything at 30%and above is great, since no one have growth above 50% And Res doesn't have growths, so base stats here is even more important.

​Stats at 45-55% are unreliable anyway, since there's as much chance of them becomming awesome, than becoming useless (See : Eliwood and Canas.)

Edited by Tamanoir
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