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Calculations question


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I have a very noobish question for y'all:

How often and exactly in what scenarios do you guys actually calculate how much damage your unit can take? (Like enemy's ATK + 1 weapon triangle advantage if enemy has it - your DEF/RES - other variables) I understand how it works but I don't really want to calculate every time I'm about to bait/tank, so what's a good indicator that you should be wary of the enemies and make some calcs? Is it when multiple foes are going to come for you on enemy phase? Do you do calculations every time this happens?

Sorry for the extremely specific question, but it's been bothering me.

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If I'm doing something risky, yes.

I guess what I'm asking is, how do you determine if something is risky or not? Like I know that a character like Effie can take physical hitters on better than most other units because of her high def, but what if I want to advance and there's like two or three enemies I can get in range of, and only <insert character with average def> is capable of being used. What's a good way to know if a move is risky or not? Maybe this is a ridiculous question but please bear with me.

Edited by TheNav93
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You should learn to execute the basic calculations until it's a habit.

"Can I survive enemy phase?" and "Can I double those enemies?" are probably the two calculations that you should be able to spit accurate answers out by a quick look at the stat pages.

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always have at least some idea of the dmg you'll take. you should always do a rough estimate anyways. eg. you're in range of 3 attackers with Atk of 20 and your Def is 10. so you'll take about 30 before mods

that part is extremely easy. just don't forget about Dual Attacks. if the rough dmg is anywhere near your current HP, factor mods. in higher difficulties, you must do these calculations a lot since you're more likely to run into the situation where the rough check is close to your HP

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Ah. I look at the Attack stat on their stat screen (Plus adding the effect of WTA/WTD), compare it to my defense, and then proceed with my plan or change it in some way that it works. If it's a lot in one spot, I only look at one or two and lure them in before swarming.

Basically, it kinda depends on your play style. If you like to lure and swarm, you don't really need to do much calculating. But if you're sending one person to tank 7-8 enemies, you really need to double check and make sure they'll live.

Edited by TrueEm
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