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List of characters that should have returned as zombies.


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Greetings, everyone.

Seeing Mikoto and Sumeragi return as Anankos's pawns was made pretty well although I think there are some characters that I certainly believe should have come back as well but also certain dialogues we should have seen.

For the Mikoto fight :

- Mikoto's other retainers since aside from Reina and Orochi she had others

- Dialogues between her previous retainers Reina, Orochi and Kagero

For the Sumeragi fight :

- Hana's dad. He used to serve King Sumeragi until his very last breath therefore he was linked to the whole Corrin incident and was killed there theoretically. With that in mind I find it stupid for him not to be back and t

- Queen Ikaruna. The real mother of the hoshido royals. I get it that they consider Mikoto as their mother now but having them surrounding Ikaruna would have been a lot more emotional. Mikoto herself should only have her moments with Corrin and simply talk to him and when they are all done crying Ikaruna they come to see Mikoto and have Mikoto say she is proud of them although they never were her biological children she loved them as such.

- Special dialogues between Ikaruna and her daughters

- Special dialogues between Sumeragi and his sons and grandsons because why not make the children canon for once + if Corrin is a male he only talks to Sumeragi but Female Corrin talk to Ikaruna

- Have Fuga be a boss fight.

Now I get it they needed to have a Revelation exclusive character but Fuga would have been fitting to die during Revelation it would at least be less predictable than Scarlet and would have given another surprise. Since there isn't any character that could have joined in his stead let's have the whole Kaze thing all over again. If you AND Hayato don't A-Rank Fuga he dies killed by Anthony and come back in the Sumeragi fight with special quotes for Hayato, Corrin and Rhajat.

- Good Garon becomes a boss chapter and Slime Garon comes in the last to fight and get swallowed by Anankos.

The reason why I am saying this is because unlike in Conquest, Garon's real form was too rushed. They never really realised he was this mad, they just noticed : " Oh, dad is saying nonsense, maybe we should side with Corrin he might have the solution to make him go good again". The emotional scene would be greater has beautiful Good Garon would come and pretend to be happy by hugging Elise then gets and Axe from his back to kill her but luckily Xander comes in. That way you can even bring Queen Katerina and fight them both to see Xander be sad alongside his brotherhood since I imagined Garon saying that he had gone mad and accepted to mate with the concubines that are the other royals' mothers however despite the fact he never intended to love them he still loves them as his children and have a compliment about those he knows {Camilla, Xander and Leo} but also comforts Elise for her to be an exemplary queen like Katarina.

I don't feel like Katarina should have dialogues with the other royals except Xander. The two divine wielders down and sad alongside the others who still feel sad about the parents they lost. I believe it is at this moment that we should see an evolution, not in Yato but in the other weapons as Corrin is what ties them together. Therefore he would call out his brother to tell them that their parents' sacrifice wasn't in vein, that Anankos should pain and that they should stay strong for their parents. Have each royal take their weapons to the sky along with Corrin in CGI cutscene and say they're taking Anankos down. At this moment all weapons upgrade and obtain their transcendent form not changing the names but have them be in their purest state. So just have in brackets "Mundi" for the western royals and " Shin" for the eastern

For the Final Battle

- The first wielder of Raijinto with quotes to his heirs

- The first wielder of Fujin Yumi with quotes to his heirs

- The first wielder of Brynhildr with quotes to his heirs

- The first wielder of Siegfried with quotes to his heirs

- Have the first king of Valla

Make the fight harder that it should since it really is easy. Make it similar to Conquest

To be honest having those would make the game a lot tougher and enjoyable.

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- Mikoto's other retainers since aside from Reina and Orochi she had others

- Dialogues between her previous retainers Reina, Orochi and Kagero

- Queen Ikaruna. The real mother of the hoshido royals. I get it that they consider Mikoto as their mother now but having them surrounding Ikaruna would have been a lot more emotional. Mikoto herself should only have her moments with Corrin and simply talk to him and when they are all done crying Ikaruna they come to see Mikoto and have Mikoto say she is proud of them although they never were her biological children she loved them as such.

- Special dialogues between Ikaruna and her daughters

- Special dialogues between Sumeragi and his sons and grandsons because why not make the children canon for once + if Corrin is a male he only talks to Sumeragi but Female Corrin talk to Ikaruna

- Good Garon becomes a boss chapter and Slime Garon comes in the last to fight and get swallowed by Anankos.

I definitely agree with these. And even if the children aren't canon/not all these character are recruited, they could be special bonus dialog. I was disappointed to not see this at the end of Birthright and Conquest as well for Azura, Ryoma, and Xander. Awakening's ending was similar in that aspect and to see it not improved from that is just sad.

Considering Arete and Katerina were both mentioned in Birthright and only the former got to be a Revelation boss, the latter definitely makes sense as well. And Ikakura/Ikona being Sumeragi's first wife got too little credit for it. I want to know more about her: How she died; did she know Corrin and Mikoto? Why do the Hoshidan siblings seem to forget about her unless they wanna marry Corrin? Arete could've used more development as well, despite being a boss in three chapters.

My ideas for who I would've liked to see:

Hans and Iago - Maybe not fighting them again, but finding out why they were such assholes when they were alive.

Izana - His death was just so unbelievable, I need proof he didn't just fake it. We could've found out how exactly he died and what his dying words meant.

Zola - Same as Hans and Iago.

Kotaro - Same as Hans and Iago. He could've had special dialog with not only Saizo and Shura, but also maybe Kaze and Kagero as well.

Human!Anankos - Why can't Corrin ever find out who their biological father is???

Rainbow Sage - Apparently another legendary dragon. One of twelve. Who are the other eleven? And should we care?

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Or maybe not pull a Naruto and let dead characters stay dead? If Sumeragi, Mikoto and Arete being revived couldn't make people more interested in their characters, I don't know why you'd want more.

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Or maybe not pull a Naruto and let dead characters stay dead? If Sumeragi, Mikoto and Arete being revived couldn't make people more interested in their characters, I don't know why you'd want more.

You really have a point there. I actually normally hate stories where dead people come back to life, and although ghosts and zombies are usually excusable, it kind of did nothing for the Fates parents for me except let me know that Azura is my cousin.

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You really have a point there. I actually normally hate stories where dead people come back to life, and although ghosts and zombies are usually excusable, it kind of did nothing for the Fates parents for me except let me know that Azura is my cousin.

Don't get me wrong, revivals can be used dramatically, and I thought the "master of the dead" thing for Anankos had great story potential, but like most things in Fates, it's wasn't done very well. I think it would have been more interesting if we could learn about Anankos through his puppets instead of cheap "well done son" moments.

Who would ship Kamui x Azura if it wasn't revealed they were cousins? Weirdos!

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Number of characters that should've returned as zombies: 0

I think NekoKnight summed it up nicely: three characters returned and no one cares about them. They were used as quick attempts at trying to get an emotional response out of the player, but it falls flat because there's no build-up to it aside from Arete (and she's devoid of personality) and there's no real payoff that has an effect on the story or the characters afterwards.

However, even it if were competently executed I doubt I'd want the dead to return; the game focuses far too little even on the main characters and all of the antagonists already, so throwing more characters at us would do the entire story a disservice.

Edited by Thane
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Had it been done better those revivals would actually have been great like you all said but to be honest I mainly talk about them because we haven't got anything about those characters. We know so little of them, I mean what about Saizo the 4th what about the whole reincarnation thingy ? We never got confirmation but we assumed the Awakening parents were reincarnated as children. How did this all begin to begin with ?

Why not bring it all as DLC ? but you could never be too nice when you're name is Nintendo/IntSys

I would have better have it name "Which character should have returned though but that still gets around this point.

I can't believe this game had such potential yet it was heavily wasted. If the game had received a lot more promotion, this would be the Nintendo Version of No Man's Sky

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Had it been done better those revivals would actually have been great like you all said

I said the opposite. Even if it were done well, it would've done the story a disservice in the long run, as not enough attention is given even to the main characters or the antagonists. Out of all the sisters, Elise has the most plot relevance and that's only for a few chapters in Birthright (which is also arguably more than Ryouma) - four of the supposed most important characters are completely overshadowed by Flora. Why would they focus even more on other characters when they can't even handle the ones that are heavily advertised and are supposed to be central to the plot?

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