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GG lunatic CQ, I quit. Edit: beat it finally, never again!


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or when the only defense against something is pure dumb luck.

Chapter 26 on conquest lunatic is just dumb luck on If in the first room Iago Hexing rods everyone or not. If he land a single hit, you lose and he just always seems to have above 40% hit. That entire chapter is dumb luck on how many of the maids and Iago hit you with the staves. And once again to show the Imbalance, 27 is barely harder, I barely noticed any difficult with that chapter.

And end game with the 5 Enfeebles + Inevitable end, means that if 2 hit you because RNG then your dead -8 to everything is killer on that chapter. If one and a Ninja hit you your dead. Skill starts to go out the window and luck is your only hope at that point. If inevitable end only gave halve the stat reductions at the price of them stacking then it would be fair. but if your really unlucky you can get -20+ to all stats just because RNG hates you (And I did once despite having a 25% hit I died that same turn.) It's not as bad as lunatic + in awakening where you can actually just get impossible chapters, But this artificial difficulty over actual difficulty. Your relying more on luck than you are your actual skill to win.

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Congrats, I can't believe DF still didn't proc. For instance, with a 40% chance for it to proc during a battle you would have a ~99% chance to win during the first 8 resets.

Chapter 26 on conquest lunatic is just dumb luck on If in the first room Iago Hexing rods everyone or not. If he land a single hit, you lose and he just always seems to have above 40% hit. That entire chapter is dumb luck on how many of the maids and Iago hit you with the staves. And once again to show the Imbalance, 27 is barely harder, I barely noticed any difficult with that chapter.

And end game with the 5 Enfeebles + Inevitable end, means that if 2 hit you because RNG then your dead -8 to everything is killer on that chapter. If one and a Ninja hit you your dead. Skill starts to go out the window and luck is your only hope at that point. If inevitable end only gave halve the stat reductions at the price of them stacking then it would be fair. but if your really unlucky you can get -20+ to all stats just because RNG hates you (And I did once despite having a 25% hit I died that same turn.) It's not as bad as lunatic + in awakening where you can actually just get impossible chapters, But this artificial difficulty over actual difficulty. Your relying more on luck than you are your actual skill to win.

Iago follows a pattern. During the first turn he'll use the first staff in his inventory, during the second the second staff and so on. Moreover, you aren't really meant to dodge staffs in Fates. They're just obstacles you have to work around. Just assume that every staff has 100% Hit and build your strategy around it. You'll see that you can find reliable strategies that way.

If you disagree and want to reply, please send a PM. Now that MrNight48 has finished his run, this discussion would probably just derail the thread.

Edited by Cyas
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Chapter 26 on conquest lunatic is just dumb luck on If in the first room Iago Hexing rods everyone or not. If he land a single hit, you lose and he just always seems to have above 40% hit. That entire chapter is dumb luck on how many of the maids and Iago hit you with the staves. And once again to show the Imbalance, 27 is barely harder, I barely noticed any difficult with that chapter.

And end game with the 5 Enfeebles + Inevitable end, means that if 2 hit you because RNG then your dead -8 to everything is killer on that chapter. If one and a Ninja hit you your dead. Skill starts to go out the window and luck is your only hope at that point. If inevitable end only gave halve the stat reductions at the price of them stacking then it would be fair. but if your really unlucky you can get -20+ to all stats just because RNG hates you (And I did once despite having a 25% hit I died that same turn.) It's not as bad as lunatic + in awakening where you can actually just get impossible chapters, But this artificial difficulty over actual difficulty. Your relying more on luck than you are your actual skill to win.

Actually, I can't believe I'm saying this, I found 26 to be fun once I tried it and DF! odin could actually hold his own well against that many sages. The only real dumb luck part is the hero room because you really do have to rush the maid once you get the door open. my strat was let the backpack jakob open it from range the first turn and char eats the rod, then corrin breaks the door the second turn while xander 1 rounds the maid. he should then get wrapped to the maid and murder the sages while corrin baits the heroes back to your squad and its downhill from there. also entrap hans.

inevitable end really is bullshit, I would most likely never touch lunatic CQ again because of those fucking skills. which is a shame because up to 25, the game was giving a really damn good challenge. like 24 was hard but man was it the good kind of hard. The gimmick really made that map shine.

Congrats, I can't believe DF still didn't proc. For instance, with a 40% chance for it to proc during a battle you would have a ~99% chance to win during the first 8 resets.

Iago follows a pattern. During the first turn he'll use the first staff in his inventory, during the second the second staff and so on. Moreover, you aren't really meant to dodge staffs in Fates. They're just obstacles you have to work around. Just assume that every staff has 100% Hit and build your strategy around it. You'll see that you can find reliable strategies that way.

If you disagree and want to reply, please send a PM. Now that MrNight48 has finished his run, this discussion would probably just derail the thread.

I can't either, DF has never failed me this hard before. I am honestly starting to think it is possible to manipulate RNs in this game because I kept doing things in the exact same way and kept getting the exact same results.

I also don't mind the derailing, in fact if its fine with the mods I open this thread up to being a CQ venting thread. because some chapters just piss you off and you need to let that anger go somewhere.

Edited by MrNight48
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I can't either, DF has never failed me this hard before. I am honestly starting to think it is possible to manipulate RNs in this game because I kept doing things in the exact same way and kept getting the exact same results.

A while ago, I tested the credibility of Miraculous Save's description. Odin with backpack Kaze just moved south by 8 tiles 30 times in a row but I got different results (survived 8 times, died 22 times). Granted, that was a Rev file and it isn't impossible that different paths have different RNG mechanics but is does seem far-fetched.

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Yikes. I understand CQ Lunatic is frustrating at times, but swearing off the series for that alone is a bit harsh, don't you think? Good to see you finally managed it, though. I did too, though...I lost the majority of my units at Endgame. I love the game but at that point I just wanted it over and I went a bit too ham.

Luckily I knew what was coming in 25 beforehand. I prepared multiple units just to handle that map (Niles, Laslow, Nina, and Soleil all with Shurikenbreaker) and it was still a pain. It's a shame, too, as that's probably the only place in CQ lunatic that might actually completely wall you if you aren't ready for it.

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