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Level up skill bug?


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Well, i was grinding supports with Laslow, then he level up as a hero, but when this happens, i receive a weird prompt, it seems that, somehow, Laslow got the skill "HP +5" , even if his class tree is from mercenary, not fighter. Is this some kind of bug?



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Well, thanks a lot, then, it makes sense, his buddy is Keaton, but i have never heard about that... It just applies if your buddy/spouse is from the "alternative" of your base class?

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Keaton's spouse/buddy can't inherit Wolfskin. Instead, he passes on his secondary class: Fighter. The same happens with Kaden and Diviner. Inheritance can be a little odd in this game.

Edited by Avalanche
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Yeah, same applies to Mozu with archer, isn't it? Again, thanks a lot, and i am surprised that (that i know) no one ever talks about this "mechanic", first time that i hear about this.

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It's how they are able to learn skills when you reclass. I had the same happen with Skura!Rhajat when I made her an Onmiyoji on one playthrough. Since Onmiyoji is a promote from both Diviner and Shrine Maiden, the first two levels of Onmiyoji gave her the Miracle and Rally Luck skills.

Essentially, if you would have had access to any of the base classes of a promoted class and haven't yet learned those skills (either because you reclassed or have gained S/A+ support for a shared class) you will learn each of the previous class's skills as you level up.

This can get annoying if you're trying to learn a skill from a promoted class but are already lv. 18, since you'll have to use an Eternal Seal to be able to level more than twice if you don't already have the pre-promote skills.

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