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What Would You Do If You Woke Up With The Above Avatar In Your Bed?

Moblin Major General

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5 minutes ago, TheKingOfTheDragovians said:

I'd rather fight for my life than live it, at leasts that's what I though a long time ago, but did I realy even think, rather I could carried out mindless orders.

I've come this for because I was able to let go of obsession, I fight for Casca.

I fight to free my home from the relentless force known as the Mechon. I will not let my sisters death be in vain.

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I fight to wonder how this became an RP thread.

Also, I ask who it is and determine if I remember who I am. From there, determine where I am.

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Inquire if that prosthetic is reliable as an arm.

Also if I am about to see a metric sea of troubles.

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